Чи Ю MTX /32
Дух Чи Ю
В вашего персонажа вселяется призрак Чи Ю.
Шлем Чи Ю
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Chiyou Helmet.
Сапоги Чи Ю
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Chiyou Boots.
Перчатки Чи Ю
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Chiyou Gloves.
Нательный доспех Чи Ю
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Chiyou Body Armour.
Заплечное украшение Чи Ю
Adds the Chiyou Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Плащ Чи Ю
Adds the Chiyou Cloak back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Оружие Чи Ю
Changes the appearance of any equipped Claw, Dagger, Rune Dagger, Wand, One Hand Sword, Thrusting One Hand Sword, One Hand Axe, One Hand Mace, Bow, Staff, Warstaff, Two Hand Sword, Two Hand Axe, Two Hand Mace or Sceptre to the Chiyou Weapon Skin.
Эффект оружия Чи Ю
Adds the Chiyou Weapon Effect to any equipped weapon.
Следы Чи Ю
Adds Chiyou Footprints to any equipped pair of boots.
Эффект Чи Ю для персонажа
Attaches the Chiyou Character Effect to your belt.
Портал Чи Ю
This character's portals use the Chiyou Portal Effect.
Портретная рамка Чи Ю
Adds the Chiyou Portrait Frame to this character.
Golden Chiyou Portrait Frame
Adds the Golden Chiyou Portrait Frame to this character.
Golden Chiyou Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Golden Chiyou Helmet.
Golden Chiyou Boots
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Golden Chiyou Boots.
Golden Chiyou Gloves
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Golden Chiyou Gloves.
Golden Chiyou Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Golden Chiyou Body Armour.
Golden Chiyou Cloak
Adds the Golden Chiyou Cloak back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Golden Chiyou Wings
Adds the Golden Chiyou Wings back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Golden Chiyou Apparition Effect
The Golden Chiyou Apparition possesses your amulet.
Golden Chiyou Weapon Skin
Changes the appearance of any equipped to the Golden Chiyou Weapon Skin.
Golden Chiyou Weapon Effect
Adds the Golden Chiyou Weapon Effect to any equipped weapon.
Golden Chiyou Footprints Effect
Adds Golden Chiyou Footprints to any equipped pair of boots.
Golden Chiyou Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Golden Chiyou Portal Effect.
Golden Chiyou Character Effect
Attaches the Golden Chiyou Character Effect to your belt.
Питомец Чи Ю
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Премиальный питомец Чи Ю
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Golden Chiyou Pet
Призывает вашего питомца
Golden Chiyou Premium Pet
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Golden Chiyou Premium Expired Pet
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