Благословение Муши
Преображенный камень 21 уровня
Хотя ловушки Лабиринта забрали бессчётное множество смельчаков, на кошачьих они рассчитаны не были.
Благословение Муши DivinationCardTheBlessingOfMoosh /10
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DropLevel 72
BaseType The Blessing of Moosh
BaseType Благословение Муши
Class Гадальные карты
Tagsarmour_divination, unique_divination, divination_card
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki

Community Wiki


The Blessing of Moosh

The Blessing of Moosh is a divination card. A set of four can be exchanged for a random unique item with a random Labyrinth enchantment. The result of the exchange will be either a unique helmet, unique gloves or unique boots, since Labyrinth enchantments do not exist for any item classes other than helmets, gloves and boots.

Labyrinth Enchantment Item

Labyrinth enchantments are a type of enchantment that can be obtained from the Labyrinth. Completing the Labyrinth will allow embuing one piece of equipment with a random enchantment. In the normal Labyrinth, only gloves can be enchanted. In the Cruel Labyrinth, both gloves and boots can be enchanted and in Merciless and Eternal Labyrinths, helmets, gloves and boots can be enchanted. In the Eternal Labyrinth using a Dedication to the Goddess , helmets, gloves, boots, and belts can be enchanted. In each successive Labyrinth, higher-tier versions of the enchantments from the previous Labyrinth become available.

Enchantments are added by using the Enchant currency item found in the divine font at the end of the Labyrinth and applying it to an item.

The most efficient way to obtain a specific enchantment is using the Gift to the Goddess item along with Twice Enchanted prophecy and the Twice Blessed shrine to obtain a total of 9 enchantments per run of the Eternal Labyrinth.

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