Нашествие - Эффектные смертельные сражения /5
Завершите три из пяти перечисленных сражений указанным образом.
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Ол, Кристальный царь без попадания под удар кристаллических разломов
Убер-Древний без попадания под удар небесных сфер или удара щупальцамиKillUberElderWithoutBeingHitByBeamOrTentacles
Атзири, Царица ваал в Манящей бездне без попадания под удар Призыва бури
Сирус, Пробудитель миров на 8 уровне Пробуждения или выше без попадания под удар крутящихся изничтожающих лучейKillSirus8WithoutBeingHitByEndlessFire
Мейвен без попадания под удар Каскада болиKillMavenWithoutBeingHitByCascade
Каландра - Эффектные смертельные сражения /5
Победите в трёх из перечисленных схваток с боссами следующими способами.
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Атзири в Манящей бездне, не попав под удар Пламенного взрываKillUberAtziriWithoutBeingHitByFlameblast
Ол, Кристальный царь в области 81 уровня или выше без попадания под удар кристаллических разломовKillAulWithoutBeingHitByAbyssSlam81plus
Организатор Синдиката в области 83 уровня, не позволив ни одному из нестабильных скелетов подняться из землиKillCatarinaWithoutAnyVolatileSkeletons
Всезодчий ваал в области 83 уровня, не получив урон от огненных турелей, после того, как Всезодчий закончит использование огненных турелей хотя бы один разKill83IncursionOmnitect
Чаюла, Приходящий во снах в области 81 уровня или выше, не попав под удар ни одного из снарядов Вихря хаоса и после того, как он применит Вихрь хаоса минимум триждыKillChayulaWithoutBeingHitByChaosCycloneProjectilesAndAfter3Cyclones

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Hard

Defeat three of the following five encounters in the specified ways:

  • Atziri, Queen of the Vaal in the Alluring Abyss without being hit by Storm Call

    This boss is normally known as Uber Atziri, you gain access to the Alluring Abyss by collecting all 4 mortal fragments which can be obtained from past league mechanics, divination cards or by defeating normal Atziri (which you get access in a similar fashion to Uber Atziri but by completing Vaal Side areas as well). Storm Call is a skill that the boss casts which looks like a multiple-circular-gold color, not the red one(flameblast).

  • Aul, the Crystal King without being hit by Crystalline Fissures

    This boss can only be found in delve mechanics with a minimum depth requirement 130+, in primeval ruins biome delve nodes. Crystalline fissures is a skill that the boss will thrust his sword forward, creating two snake-like Sunders that explode into crystals at the end of their destination.
    TIP: If you fail the challenge, you can exit the delve by logging out so you only have to fight the boss again as long as you have enough sulphite to reach him, instead of having to find the boss again to attempt the challenge.

  • Sirus, Awakener of Worlds at an Awakening Level of 8 or more without being hit by any Spinning Negation Beams

    After you collect the 8th watchstone while progressing through endgame maps, Zana will let you access the area where you can fight Sirus. This challenge needs to be at awakening level 8 which means you need all 16 watchstones socketed in your atlas for the fight to count towards the challenge. If you haven’t gotten all the watchstones to get Awakening level 8 normally you can use unique or craftable watchstones to increase your atlas Awakening level to level 8 by trading for them. Spinning Negation Beams is the cross-laser that spawns in the 3rd phase fight, just start running counter-clockwise when you saw 4 of the dark-version-sirius-clone spawn in then start shooting thick-lasers in one place.

  • The Maven without being hit by Cascade of Pain

    You can fight the Maven by activating The Maven's Writ item on your map device, which can be obtained by combining 10 Crescent Splinter that only drop from doing Maven's Invitation. This encounter can take a while to get to with most normal map boss invitations giving only 1 Crescent Splinter and end game invitations giving 3-4 splinters. Note that you must do at least once 10-bosses maven invitations first in your atlas before being able to use the Marven's Writ item on your map device. Cascade of Pain is a skill in which the boss will shoot 5 white-projectiles consecutively towards player with a Catchphrase: A Cascade of Pain!

  • Uber Elder without being hit by Celestial Spheres or Tentacle Lash

    You can access this boss’ domain by combining the 2 shaper map fragments(Shape & Knowledge) and the 2 elder map fragments(Emptiness & Terror). You get these fragments by defeating the Shaper and the Elder respectively. It is practically a fight against the Shaper and the Elder simultaneously and is considered one of the hardest boss battles in the game, and thus, requires a strong bossing build to beat. Celestial Spheres are the golden balls that the Shaper Boss consecutively shoots out 3 of them to players, while the Tentacle Lash is the one of the Elder Boss skill where when it’s life drop to 25%(Phase8) it will move up to the air and then summon 5 sets of tentacles around the player that slam the ground to deal AOE physical damage. Highly advised not to do this one because of the annoying celestial spheres had to dodge at all times during the whole fights.
    #BUG: Sirius currently have some weird bug will cause you to fail challenge, have to do it at 0 awaken level.
    #BUG2: You still get challenge complete even though it says you failed for SIRUS and MAVEN.

These bosses are hard to fight, let alone not being hit by their skills. Only need to do 3 out of 5 of them, so the three that I would suggest doing would be Sirus, Atziri and Maven. These are some of the easiest skills to dodge / the weakest bosses that can be brought down fast enough to not have the bosses use those skills in the first place. Aul can be a good choice too since you can repeatedly attempt to kill the boss if you fail the challenge, just cost sulphite only to reach there again. It is recommended to skip this challenge if you are aiming for 36/40 challenges.

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