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Победите рунических монстров x100Арбалетчик Чёрной косы
Арбалетчик Чёрной косы
Арбалетчик Чёрной косы
Рыцарь Солнца
Рыцарь Солнца
Рунный рыцарь
Рунный рыцарь
Жрец Чаши
Жрец Чаши
Жрец Чаши
Друид Разомкнутого круга
Друид Разомкнутого круга
Ужасный подручный друида
Ужасный подручный друида
Наёмник Чёрной косы
Наёмник Чёрной косы
Привратник Ордена
Привратник Ордена
Привратник Ордена
Клирик Разомкнутого круга
Фанатик Разомкнутого круга
Архидруид Разомкнутого круга
Арбалетчик Чёрной косы
Наёмник Чёрной косы
Рыцарь Солнца
Рунный рыцарь
Жрец Чаши
Привратник Ордена
Друид Разомкнутого круга
Ужасный подручный друида
Завершите область из журнала
Войдите в подземелье в области из журналаCryptArchers
Победите уникального босса ЭкспедицииУтред, Алчный предатель
Ворана, Стоящая до конца
Медведь, Гроза героев
Олрот, Исток падения
Каландра - События Экспедиции /4
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Используйте валюту для обновления ассортимента торговца Экспедиции x50
Завершите экспедиции на картах 14 уровня или выше с 5 или более активными реликтами x30
Завершите Журнал экспедиции 81 уровня или выше с 15 или более активными реликтами
Победите босса ЭкспедицииKillExpeditionBoss

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Complete each of the following Expedition encounters:

  • Defeat 100 Runic Monsters

Detonating these blue-skeleton-head will turn them into runic monsters. The bigger the skeleton head you exploded, the more stronger the runic monster will be resurrected. Tips: You can press V to plant your dynamite instead of clicking the icon/picture at bottom right of your screen, also pressing Shift+V to undo your dynamite plant if you planted wrongly.

  • Complete a Logbook area

Expedition Logbooks are rare drops from Runic monsters, with different areas and rewards depending on what they are rolled with and what factions they belong to. The best way to get expedition logbooks is by choosing the remnants that increase Runic monster quantity as well as trying to explode as many Runic skulls in the preparation phase as possible. As always, you are able to buy expedition logbooks from the trade website. Expedition logbooks are pretty similar like a regular map, you can craft it into magi/rare for more drop rate in the map, except it requires Dannig NPC to open it for you, and can only pick 1 of the 2/3 area of the expedition logbook content.

  • Enter a Logbook subarea

This challenge requires you find the hidden area/room within the logbook area which will be indicated with an icon(as shown above) in your minimap so it is pretty easy to spot them when doing your logbooks, just make sure you have enough detonators to reach that hidden spot. Also most of this hidden area will contain quest/text items which are required for the 2nd part of the expedition quest named The Lost Expedition(Dannig), so try not to miss them when you enter these hidden areas. If you have really bad RNG to spawn subarea in your logbook, you can buy a logbook that contain “Area contains an additional Underground Area” modifier to force spawn a subarea in your logbook.

  • Defeat an Expedition Unique Boss

Medved, Feller of Heroes required logbook item level 68+ (Tier1+ maps) from Druids of the Broken Circle faction. Click here to buy a Medved guaranteed logbook.

Vorana, Last to Fall required logbook item level 68+ (Tier1+ maps) from Black Scythe Mercenaries faction. Click here to buy a Vorana guaranteed logbook.

Uhtred, Covetous Traitor required logbook item level 75+ (Tier8+ maps) from Order of the Chalice faction. Click here to buy an Uhtred guaranteed logbook.

Olroth, Origin of the Fall required logbook item level 81+ (Tier14+ maps) from Knights of the Sun faction. Click here to buy an Olroth guaranteed logbook.

These are the 4 main bosses of the Expedition League. These bosses can be fought by exploring logbook expeditions. During the logbook expedition in the area you will see a skull on your minimap(as shown above); place an explosive on the skull in the area and blow it up to reveal the boss encounter. Be warned as the boss will inherit all the previous mods leading up to the encounter so it’s best you aim straight for the boss and then go to other rewards and remnants if your build is not strong enough. Click their name above with their links on them to watch their fight scene. If you have really bad RNG to spawn bosses in your logbook, you can buy a logbook that contain “Area contains an Expedition Boss (#)” modifier to force spawn a boss in your logbook.

This challenge wants to inform us how they integrated the past league mechanic, Expedition into the core game. From act 6 onwards, you will begin to encounter the Kalguuran Expedition members and be able to help them excavate the chests from their heritage. There’s 3 types of reward that can be obtained from doing these expedition encounters; 1st is their artifacts which have been changed to become auto-loot(THANK GOD!) but with a downside which is untradeable. The artifacts you’ve collected can be use to trade with 4 type of Expedition NPCs:

  • Dannig, Warrior Skald which allows you to trade his artifacts, Knights of the Sun for other types of artifacts and logbooks.
  • Gwennen, the Gambler which allows you to trade her artifacts, Druids of the Broken Circle for equipment with random rarity.
  • Tujen, the Haggler which allows you to trade her artifacts, Black Scythe Mercenaries for various items but most currencies.
  • Rog, the Dealer which allows you to trade her artifacts, Order of the Chalice for equipment upgrades.

2nd type of reward is reroll currencies;Astragali,Burial Medallion,Exotic Coinage, and Scrap Metal which remains unchanged, has to pick them up manually and still tradable. These currencies are used to reset the Expedition’s NPC vendors. The 3rd type of reward is the logbook which is like their end game content of expedition mechanics.

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