Трибун каменитов
30% повышение скорости передвижения
Gemling Captain
AreaЗерновые ворота
TagsЧародейский, cold_affinity, demon, fire_affinity, has_dual_wield_melee, has_one_hand_mace, has_one_handed_melee, humanoid, large_height, medium_movement, melee, not_dex, not_int, physical_affinity, plate_armour, ranged, red_blood, slashing_weapon, undying
Ailment Threshold
37 37 37 0
Шанс критического удара
Множитель критического удара
Attack Distance
6 ~ 9
Attack Time
1.305 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
Энергетический щит
Урон от чар
Attack Time
Ailment Threshold
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Base Damage: 92–138
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
Герой наносит обычный удар.
skill can fire arrows [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
Spell, Triggerable
Время применения: 1 сек.
Базовая длительность - 5 секунд(-ы)
restore skill life regeneration rate per minute % [1200]
Attack, Area, Melee, Multistrikeable, Duration, Slam, Triggerable, Totemable
Base Damage: 92–138
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
Перезарядка: 4 сек.
Герой сотрясает землю, нанося урон в области и оставляя разлом в земле. После короткого промежутка времени разлом взрывается, выпуская мощную ударную волну. Разломы, созданные до взрыва первоначального разлома, не смогут выпускать ударных волн. Можно использовать с топорами, булавами, скипетрами, посохами или без оружия.
Базовая длительность - 1.75 секунд(-ы)
Ударная волна наносит на +50% больше урона от ударов и состояний
is area damage [1]
Attack, Area, Melee, Multistrikeable, Duration, Slam, Triggerable, Totemable
Base Damage: 92–138
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
Перезарядка: 8 сек.
Герой сотрясает землю, нанося урон в области и оставляя разлом в земле. После короткого промежутка времени разлом взрывается, выпуская мощную ударную волну. Разломы, созданные до взрыва первоначального разлома, не смогут выпускать ударных волн. Можно использовать с топорами, булавами, скипетрами, посохами или без оружия.
Базовая длительность - 6 секунд(-ы)
Длительность вторичного эффекта: 2.05 секунд
Ударная волна наносит на +50% больше урона от ударов и состояний
active skill area of effect radius +% final [-25]
is area damage [1]
Attack, Area, Melee, Damage, Multistrikeable, Duration
Base Damage: 92–138
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
Перезарядка: 4 сек.
Наносит на 40% меньше урона
Базовая длительность - 1.75 секунд(-ы)
Длительность вторичного эффекта: 0.25 секунд
Ударная волна наносит на +20% больше урона от ударов и состояний
Вызывает +3 взрыва(-ов)
active skill area of effect radius +% final [-60]
is area damage [1]
Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
Огненный шар
Шанс критического удара: 6%
Время применения: 0.85 сек.
Герой бросает в указанную точку огненный шар, который взрывается и наносит урон врагам поблизости.
Наносит от 299.8 до 449.7 урона от огня
Базовый радиус - 0.9 м
base is projectile [1]
Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
Огненный шар
Шанс критического удара: 6%
Время применения: 0.85 сек.
Перезарядка: 4 сек.
Герой бросает в указанную точку огненный шар, который взрывается и наносит урон врагам поблизости.
Наносит от 299.8 до 449.7 урона от огня
На 20% больше скорости сотворения чар
Выпускает дополнительных снарядов: 2
Базовый радиус - 0.9 м
Также выпускает снаряды из 20 точек по обе стороны от вас
additional projectiles fire parallel y dist [-100]
base is projectile [1]
skill visual scale +% [-35]
volley additional projectiles fire parallel x dist [100]
Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
Огненный шар
Шанс критического удара: 6%
Время применения: 3 сек.
Герой бросает в указанную точку огненный шар, который взрывается и наносит урон врагам поблизости.
Наносит от 199.2 до 298.8 урона от огня
Базовый радиус - 0.9 м
base is projectile [1]
skill visual scale +% [-35]
Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Cold, Physical, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
Ледяной каскад
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Время применения: 0.8 сек.
Герой создаёт череду взрывов, каждый из которых поражает врагов в области ледяными шипами.
Наносит от 159.9 до 239.8 физического урона
100% физического урона становится уроном от холода
+0.3 м к радиусу
Вызывает +5 взрыва(-ов)
active skill area of effect radius +% final [-40]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Cold, Physical, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
Ледяной каскад
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Время применения: 0.8 сек.
Перезарядка: 4 сек.
Герой создаёт череду взрывов, каждый из которых поражает врагов в области ледяными шипами.
Наносит от 199 до 298.5 физического урона
100% физического урона становится уроном от холода
+0.3 м к радиусу
Вызывает +6 взрыва(-ов)
active skill area of effect radius +% final [-25]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Cold, Physical, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
Ледяной каскад
Шанс критического удара: 5%
Время применения: 0.8 сек.
Перезарядка: 4 сек.
Герой создаёт череду взрывов, каждый из которых поражает врагов в области ледяными шипами.
Наносит от 159.9 до 239.8 физического урона
100% физического урона становится уроном от холода
+0.3 м к радиусу
Вызывает +6 взрыва(-ов)
active skill area of effect radius +% final [-30]
is area damage [1]
Spell, Duration, Buff
Время применения: 1 сек.
Перезарядка: 10 сек.
100% увеличение длительности провокации
Спровоцированные вами враги наносят на 40% меньше урона от ударов и состояний по другим целям

Object Type

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/GemlingLegionnaire/GemlingLegionnaire"

	num_states = 8


Object Type Codes

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/GemlingLegionnaire/GemlingLegionnaire"
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua
minions["Metadata/Monsters/GemlingLegionnaire/GemlingLegionnaireCaptain"] = {
    name = "Gemling Captain",
    life = 1.02,
    fireResist = 37,
    coldResist = 37,
    lightningResist = 37,
    chaosResist = 0,
    damage = 0.54,
    damageSpread = 0.2,
    attackTime = 1.305,
    attackRange = 9,
    accuracy = 1,
    weaponType1 = "One Hand Mace",
    weaponType2 = "One Hand Mace",
    skillList = {
    modList = {
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingFireball1"] = {
    name = "Fireball",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Fire] = true,
        [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 0.85,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 9, critChance = 6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingFireball2"] = {
    name = "Fireball",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Fire] = true,
        [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 0.85,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2, 100, -100, 20, -35, 20, 9, critChance = 6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingFireball3"] = {
    name = "Fireball",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Fire] = true,
        [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 3,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, -35, 9, critChance = 6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["Melee"] = {
    name = "Default Attack",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
        [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true,
        [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true,
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true,
        [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
        [SkillType.Melee] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        melee = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingCascade1"] = {
    name = "Glacial Cascade",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Cold] = true,
        [SkillType.Physical] = true,
        [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 0.8,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 5, 100, 3, -40, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingCascade2"] = {
    name = "Glacial Cascade",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Cold] = true,
        [SkillType.Physical] = true,
        [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 0.8,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6, 100, 3, -25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingCascade3"] = {
    name = "Glacial Cascade",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
        [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Cold] = true,
        [SkillType.Physical] = true,
        [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 0.8,
    baseFlags = {
        area = true,
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6, 100, 3, -30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingEarthquake1"] = {
    name = "Earthquake",
    hidden = true,
    color = "1",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and cracking the earth. The crack will erupt in a powerful aftershock after a duration. Cracks created before the first one has erupted will not generate their own aftershocks. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Melee] = true,
        [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
        [SkillType.Duration] = true,
        [SkillType.Slam] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
        melee = true,
        duration = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {1750, 50, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingEarthquake2"] = {
    name = "Earthquake",
    hidden = true,
    color = "1",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and cracking the earth. The crack will erupt in a powerful aftershock after a duration. Cracks created before the first one has erupted will not generate their own aftershocks. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Melee] = true,
        [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
        [SkillType.Duration] = true,
        [SkillType.Slam] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
        melee = true,
        duration = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {6000, 50, 2050, -25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingEarthquake3"] = {
    name = "GemlingEarthquake3",
    hidden = true,
    color = "1",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
        [SkillType.Area] = true,
        [SkillType.Melee] = true,
        [SkillType.Damage] = true,
        [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
        [SkillType.Duration] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
        melee = true,
        duration = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {1750, 20, 3, 250, -40, -60, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["TauntTarget"] = {
    name = "TauntTarget",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Duration] = true,
        [SkillType.Buff] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        duration = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {100, -40, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["GemlingRestoreLife"] = {
    name = "GemlingRestoreLife",
    hidden = true,
    color = 4,
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {1200, 5000, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
30% повышение скорости передвижения
Domainsмонстр (3)
GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
Req. level1
  • base movement velocity +% Min: 30 Max: 30 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    Трибун каменитов
    30% повышение скорости передвижения
    Gemling Captain
    TagsЧародейский, cold_affinity, demon, fire_affinity, has_dual_wield_melee, has_one_hand_mace, has_one_handed_melee, humanoid, medium_movement, melee, not_dex, not_int, physical_affinity, plate_armour, ranged, red_blood, slashing_weapon, undying
    Ailment Threshold
    37 37 37 0
    Шанс критического удара
    Множитель критического удара
    Attack Distance
    6 ~ 9
    Attack Time
    1.305 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    Энергетический щит
    Урон от чар
    Attack Time
    Ailment Threshold
    Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
    Base Damage: 161–242
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
    Герой наносит обычный удар.
    skill can fire arrows [1]
    skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
    Attack, Area, Melee, Multistrikeable, Duration, Slam, Triggerable, Totemable
    Base Damage: 161–242
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
    Перезарядка: 4 сек.
    Герой сотрясает землю, нанося урон в области и оставляя разлом в земле. После короткого промежутка времени разлом взрывается, выпуская мощную ударную волну. Разломы, созданные до взрыва первоначального разлома, не смогут выпускать ударных волн. Можно использовать с топорами, булавами, скипетрами, посохами или без оружия.
    Базовая длительность - 1.75 секунд(-ы)
    Ударная волна наносит на +50% больше урона от ударов и состояний
    is area damage [1]
    Attack, Area, Melee, Multistrikeable, Duration, Slam, Triggerable, Totemable
    Base Damage: 161–242
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
    Перезарядка: 8 сек.
    Герой сотрясает землю, нанося урон в области и оставляя разлом в земле. После короткого промежутка времени разлом взрывается, выпуская мощную ударную волну. Разломы, созданные до взрыва первоначального разлома, не смогут выпускать ударных волн. Можно использовать с топорами, булавами, скипетрами, посохами или без оружия.
    Базовая длительность - 6 секунд(-ы)
    Длительность вторичного эффекта: 2.05 секунд
    Ударная волна наносит на +50% больше урона от ударов и состояний
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [-25]
    is area damage [1]
    Attack, Area, Melee, Damage, Multistrikeable, Duration
    Base Damage: 161–242
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Attack Time: 1.305 сек.
    Перезарядка: 4 сек.
    Наносит на 40% меньше урона
    Базовая длительность - 1.75 секунд(-ы)
    Длительность вторичного эффекта: 0.25 секунд
    Ударная волна наносит на +20% больше урона от ударов и состояний
    Вызывает +3 взрыва(-ов)
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [-60]
    is area damage [1]
    Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    Огненный шар
    Шанс критического удара: 6%
    Время применения: 0.85 сек.
    Герой бросает в указанную точку огненный шар, который взрывается и наносит урон врагам поблизости.
    Наносит от 458.6 до 687.8 урона от огня
    Базовый радиус - 0.9 м
    base is projectile [1]
    Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    Огненный шар
    Шанс критического удара: 6%
    Время применения: 0.85 сек.
    Перезарядка: 4 сек.
    Герой бросает в указанную точку огненный шар, который взрывается и наносит урон врагам поблизости.
    Наносит от 458.6 до 687.8 урона от огня
    На 20% больше скорости сотворения чар
    Выпускает дополнительных снарядов: 2
    Базовый радиус - 0.9 м
    Также выпускает снаряды из 20 точек по обе стороны от вас
    additional projectiles fire parallel y dist [-100]
    base is projectile [1]
    skill visual scale +% [-35]
    volley additional projectiles fire parallel x dist [100]
    Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    Огненный шар
    Шанс критического удара: 6%
    Время применения: 3 сек.
    Герой бросает в указанную точку огненный шар, который взрывается и наносит урон врагам поблизости.
    Наносит от 304.8 до 457.1 урона от огня
    Базовый радиус - 0.9 м
    base is projectile [1]
    skill visual scale +% [-35]
    Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Cold, Physical, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    Ледяной каскад
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Время применения: 0.8 сек.
    Герой создаёт череду взрывов, каждый из которых поражает врагов в области ледяными шипами.
    Наносит от 213.2 до 319.7 физического урона
    100% физического урона становится уроном от холода
    +0.3 м к радиусу
    Вызывает +5 взрыва(-ов)
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [-40]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Cold, Physical, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    Ледяной каскад
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Время применения: 0.8 сек.
    Перезарядка: 4 сек.
    Герой создаёт череду взрывов, каждый из которых поражает врагов в области ледяными шипами.
    Наносит от 265.3 до 398 физического урона
    100% физического урона становится уроном от холода
    +0.3 м к радиусу
    Вызывает +6 взрыва(-ов)
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [-25]
    is area damage [1]
    Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Cold, Physical, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    Ледяной каскад
    Шанс критического удара: 5%
    Время применения: 0.8 сек.
    Перезарядка: 4 сек.
    Герой создаёт череду взрывов, каждый из которых поражает врагов в области ледяными шипами.
    Наносит от 213.2 до 319.7 физического урона
    100% физического урона становится уроном от холода
    +0.3 м к радиусу
    Вызывает +6 взрыва(-ов)
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [-30]
    is area damage [1]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/StandaloneMonster"

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/StandaloneMonster"
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/GemlingLegionnaire/GemlingLegionnaireCaptainStandalone"] = {
        name = "Gemling Captain",
        life = 1.02,
        fireResist = 37,
        coldResist = 37,
        lightningResist = 37,
        chaosResist = 0,
        damage = 0.54,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.305,
        attackRange = 9,
        accuracy = 1,
        weaponType1 = "One Hand Mace",
        weaponType2 = "One Hand Mace",
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingFireball1"] = {
        name = "Fireball",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Fire] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.85,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 9, critChance = 6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingFireball2"] = {
        name = "Fireball",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Fire] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.85,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2, 100, -100, 20, -35, 20, 9, critChance = 6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingFireball3"] = {
        name = "Fireball",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Fire] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 3,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, -35, 9, critChance = 6, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["Melee"] = {
        name = "Default Attack",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Attack] = true,
            [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true,
            [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true,
            [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
            [SkillType.Melee] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            attack = true,
            melee = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingCascade1"] = {
        name = "Glacial Cascade",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Cold] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.8,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 5, 100, 3, -40, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingCascade2"] = {
        name = "Glacial Cascade",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Cold] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.8,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6, 100, 3, -25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingCascade3"] = {
        name = "Glacial Cascade",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Icicles emerge from the ground in a series of small bursts, each damaging enemies caught in the area.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Cold] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.8,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 6, 100, 3, -30, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingEarthquake1"] = {
        name = "Earthquake",
        hidden = true,
        color = "1",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and cracking the earth. The crack will erupt in a powerful aftershock after a duration. Cracks created before the first one has erupted will not generate their own aftershocks. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Attack] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Melee] = true,
            [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Slam] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            attack = true,
            area = true,
            melee = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1750, 50, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingEarthquake2"] = {
        name = "Earthquake",
        hidden = true,
        color = "1",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Smashes the ground, dealing damage in an area and cracking the earth. The crack will erupt in a powerful aftershock after a duration. Cracks created before the first one has erupted will not generate their own aftershocks. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Attack] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Melee] = true,
            [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Slam] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            attack = true,
            area = true,
            melee = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {6000, 50, 2050, -25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GemlingEarthquake3"] = {
        name = "GemlingEarthquake3",
        hidden = true,
        color = "1",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Attack] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Melee] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            attack = true,
            area = true,
            melee = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {1750, 20, 3, 250, -40, -60, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    30% повышение скорости передвижения
    Domainsмонстр (3)
    GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
    Req. level1
  • base movement velocity +% Min: 30 Max: 30 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.