物理傷害: 31-64
暴擊率: 5%
每秒攻擊次數: 1.3
武器距離: 1.1 米
需要 等級 50, 161 力量
使用此武器近戰擊中時,觸發等級 15 的熾熱衝擊
local use skill on melee hit % [100]
local use skill on melee hit % [100]
Crack Mace

碎裂之錘 OneHandMaceE2 /9
名字 | 顯示物品素質 |
DropLevel | 50 |
BaseType | Crack Mace |
BaseType | 碎裂之錘 |
Class | 單手錘 |
Flags | CanHaveInfluence, CanBeCorrupted, CanBeDoubleCorrupted, CanHaveIncubators, CanHaveAspects, CanHaveVeiledMods, CanBeSkinnTransferred, CanScourge |
Type | Metadata/Items/Weapons/OneHandWeapons/OneHandMaces/OneHandMaceE2 |
Tags | not_for_sale, experimental_base, mace, one_hand_weapon, onehand, weapon |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Weapons/OneHandWeapons/OneHandMaces/HeistOneHandMace |
Reference | Community Wiki |
使用此武器近戰擊中時,觸發等級 15 的熾熱衝擊
local use skill on melee hit % [100]
Family | GrantedSkill |
Domains | 物品 (1) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
等級: 15
冷卻時間: 1.60 秒
需要 等級 50
60% 物理傷害轉化至火焰傷害
is area damage [1]
Fiery Impact

Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Crack Mace
Crack Mace is an one-handed mace basetype.
Unique versions
There are currently no unique items for this base item type.
Item acquisition
Experimented base types can be obtained from the Curio Display in the final reward rooms of Blueprint: Laboratory or Blueprint: Prohibited Library Grand Heists.
Related items
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.