技能寶石 寶石/519
輔助寶石 寶石/209
名字 | |
機率流血輔助 (1) | |
賦予輔助 (1) | |
殘暴輔助 (1) | |
先祖怒嚎輔助 (4) | |
附加火焰傷害輔助 (8) | |
砲塔圖騰輔助 (8) | |
地破輔助 (8) | |
焚木輔助 (8) | |
擊退輔助 (8) | |
擊中生命回復輔助 (8) | |
活栓輔助 (8) | |
癱瘓輔助 (8) | |
近戰傷害擴散輔助 (8) | |
法術圖騰輔助 (8) | |
擊暈輔助 (8) | |
嗜血輔助 (18) | |
寒冰轉烈焰輔助 (18) | |
殘酷輔助 (18) | |
滿血傷害輔助 (18) | |
元素攻擊傷害輔助 (18) | |
近戰擊暈獲得耐力球輔助 (18) | |
鋼鐵之握輔助 (18) | |
鋼鐵意志輔助 (18) | |
近戰物理傷害輔助 (18) | |
盛怒輔助 (18) | |
震波輔助 (18) | |
易變輔助 (18) | |
傲慢輔助 (31) | |
渴血輔助 (31) | |
燃燒傷害輔助 (31) | |
精準烈火輔助 (31) | |
汙染戰吼輔助 (31) | |
神聖祝福輔助 (31) | |
專家復仇輔助 (31) | |
火焰穿透輔助 (31) | |
護體輔助 (31) | |
和善輔助 (31) | |
守護者的祝福輔助 (31) | |
啟發輔助 (31) | |
持續時間縮短輔助 (31) | |
生命偷取輔助 (31) | |
持續時間延長輔助 (31) | |
磨鍊輔助 (31) | |
緊急詔令輔助 (31) | |
斬首輔助 (38) | |
殘虐輔助 (38) | |
受傷時施放輔助 (38) | |
近戰擊殺時施放輔助 (38) | |
永恆祝福輔助 (38) | |
拳霸輔助 (38) | |
多重圖騰輔助 (38) | |
多重打擊輔助 (38) | |
竭盡全力輔助 (38) | |
創傷輔助 (38) | |
覺醒.附加火焰傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.先祖怒嚎輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.殘虐輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.燃燒傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.元素攻擊傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.賦予輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.火焰穿透輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.和善輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.近戰物理傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.近戰傷害擴散輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.多重打擊輔助 (72) |
名字 | |
機率中毒輔助 (1) | |
增幅輔助 (1) | |
氣勢輔助 (1) | |
幻影射手輔助 (4) | |
穿透輔助 (4) | |
迅速組裝輔助 (4) | |
齊射輔助 (4) | |
附加冰冷傷害輔助 (8) | |
額外命中輔助 (8) | |
箭矢新星輔助 (8) | |
致盲輔助 (8) | |
機率逃跑輔助 (8) | |
快速攻擊輔助 (8) | |
低階多重投射輔助 (8) | |
定位地雷輔助 (8) | |
魔改箭矢輔助 (8) | |
多重陷阱輔助 (8) | |
陷阱輔助 (8) | |
虛空操縱輔助 (8) | |
減少格擋率輔助 (18) | |
近身戰輔助 (18) | |
撲殺輔助 (18) | |
致命異常輔助 (18) | |
夜刃輔助 (18) | |
零點射擊輔助 (18) | |
虐待輔助 (18) | |
陷阱及地雷傷害輔助 (18) | |
猛毒投射物輔助 (18) | |
進階陷阱輔助 (31) | |
陷阱充能輔助 (31) | |
冰冷穿透輔助 (31) | |
暴擊苦痛輔助 (31) | |
快速投射輔助 (31) | |
專注砲塔輔助 (31) | |
分裂輔助 (31) | |
急凍輔助 (31) | |
霜咬輔助 (31) | |
穿刺輔助 (31) | |
魔力偷取輔助 (31) | |
恢復輔助 (31) | |
投射物減速輔助 (31) | |
極速苦痛輔助 (31) | |
彈幕輔助 (38) | |
暴擊時施放輔助 (38) | |
死亡時施放輔助 (38) | |
連鎖輔助 (38) | |
散彈陷阱輔助 (38) | |
高階多重投射輔助 (38) | |
高階齊射輔助 (38) | |
擊中時印記輔助 (38) | |
投射物返回輔助 (38) | |
殘破輔助 (38) | |
罪惡毒素輔助 (38) | |
凋零之觸輔助 (38) | |
覺醒.附加冰冷傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.箭矢新星輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.暴擊時施放輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.連鎖輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.冰冷穿透輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.致命異常輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.增幅輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.分裂輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.高階多重投射輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.極速苦痛輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.猛毒投射物輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.虛空操縱輔助 (72) |
名字 | |
秘能波動輔助 (1) | |
元素擴散輔助 (1) | |
啟蒙輔助 (1) | |
三相爆發輔助 (1) | |
注入引導輔助 (4) | |
秘能爆發輔助 (4) | |
召喚幻影輔助 (4) | |
附加閃電傷害輔助 (8) | |
連鎖爆破地雷輔助 (8) | |
燃燒輔助 (8) | |
吞噬輔助 (8) | |
效能輔助 (8) | |
增加暴擊率輔助 (8) | |
煉獄軍團輔助 (8) | |
召喚物傷害輔助 (8) | |
無邊異能輔助 (8) | |
集中效應輔助 (18) | |
精準破壞輔助 (18) | |
元素集中輔助 (18) | |
快速施放輔助 (18) | |
鮮肉輔助 (18) | |
增加暴擊傷害輔助 (18) | |
召喚物生命輔助 (18) | |
召喚物速度輔助 (18) | |
超負荷輔助 (18) | |
物理轉閃電輔助 (18) | |
暴擊獲得暴擊球輔助 (18) | |
掠奪者輔助 (18) | |
聖潔妖精輔助 (18) | |
三體輔助 (18) | |
附加混沌傷害輔助 (31) | |
魔幻輔助 (31) | |
詛咒光環輔助 (31) | |
地雷充能輔助 (31) | |
詛咒地面輔助 (31) | |
元素軍隊輔助 (31) | |
元素穿透輔助 (31) | |
能量偷取輔助 (31) | |
豢養狂熱輔助 (31) | |
高能地雷輔助 (31) | |
末日厄運輔助 (31) | |
亢奮輔助 (31) | |
強化輔助 (31) | |
物品稀有度增幅輔助 (31) | |
閃電穿透輔助 (31) | |
肉盾輔助 (31) | |
精確輔助 (31) | |
獻祭輔助 (31) | |
迅速烙印輔助 (31) | |
寒冰刺骨輔助 (38) | |
暈眩時施放輔助 (38) | |
引導時施放輔助 (38) | |
腐化輔助 (38) | |
冰寒之繫輔助 (38) | |
咒術綻放輔助 (38) | |
咒術降臨輔助 (38) | |
點燃擴散輔助 (38) | |
犧牲輔助 (38) | |
增加範圍輔助 (38) | |
地雷網輔助 (38) | |
施放迴響輔助 (38) | |
魔刃輔助 (38) | |
釋放輔助 (38) | |
覺醒.附加混沌傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.附加閃電傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.詛咒光環輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.引導時施放輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.精準破壞輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.元素集中輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.啟蒙輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.咒術降臨輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.增加範圍效果輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.閃電穿透輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.召喚物傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.秘能爆發輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.施放迴響輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.無邊異能輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.釋放輔助 (72) |
覺醒 寶石/38
名字 | |
覺醒.附加火焰傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.先祖怒嚎輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.殘虐輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.燃燒傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.元素攻擊傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.賦予輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.火焰穿透輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.和善輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.近戰物理傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.近戰傷害擴散輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.多重打擊輔助 (72) |
名字 | |
覺醒.附加冰冷傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.箭矢新星輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.暴擊時施放輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.連鎖輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.冰冷穿透輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.致命異常輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.增幅輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.分裂輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.高階多重投射輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.極速苦痛輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.猛毒投射物輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.虛空操縱輔助 (72) |
名字 | |
覺醒.附加混沌傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.附加閃電傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.詛咒光環輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.引導時施放輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.精準破壞輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.元素集中輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.啟蒙輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.咒術降臨輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.增加範圍效果輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.閃電穿透輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.召喚物傷害輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.秘能爆發輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.施放迴響輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.無邊異能輔助 (72) | |
覺醒.釋放輔助 (72) |
未知 寶石/60
名字 | |
[UNUSED] Blitz (1) | |
... (1) | |
[UNUSED] Quick Block (1) | |
[UNUSED] Slice And Dice (1) | |
低階魔力減免輔助 (1) | |
瓦爾.沉重之擊 (1) | |
先祖大劍師 (12) | |
鋼之裂化 (12) | |
瓦爾.橫掃 (12) | |
[UNUSED] Conflagration Support (18) | |
新懲戒 (24) | |
物品數量增幅輔助 (24) | |
魔方之擊 (28) | |
天譴之拳 (28) | |
煉獄襲擊 (28) |
名字 | |
背刺 (1) | |
[UNUSED] Projectile Portal (1) | |
幻影刀刃 (1) | |
靈製武器 (1) | |
瓦爾.火焰陷阱 (1) | |
瓦爾.分裂箭矢 (1) | |
漩渦地雷 (1) | |
[UNUSED] Coiling Assault (12) | |
新飛刃風暴 (12) | |
燃燒射擊 (12) | |
極地裝甲 (16) | |
[UNUSED] Replicate (18) | |
投射物分裂輔助 (24) | |
[UNUSED] Blood Whirl (28) | |
[DNT] Call of the Wild (28) | |
[UNUSED] Serpent Strike (28) | |
暗影迷蹤 (34) |
- 寶石分為主動寶石和輔助寶石
- 寶石是全職業通用
- 寶石的顏色代表不同屬性, 紅色是力量, 綠色是敏捷, 藍色是智慧
- 寶石必須放入顏色相同的物品上的插槽, 可以用右鍵取出
- 身上裝備的所有寶石都會獲得經驗值, 包含按X可以切換的第二武器欄的六個寶石, 並不會因為寶石插的少而獲得的經驗值變多
- 寶石升級時, 可以點左邊的 + 讓他到下一等級, 但是需求的等級和屬性不足時將無法升級, 若要忽略升級的提示可以用右鍵點 +, 之後可以在物品欄下方找到
- 無盡之衣上面的白色插槽可以任意顏色的寶石
- 寶石有兩個常用的商店配方
- 密技: 放在第二武器欄位的武器也可以獲得經驗值
- 主動寶石會變成可使用的技能, 在右下角的技能攔左鍵點擊後可以選擇
- 有三個輔助寶石在等級一時沒有效果, 必須升級到等級二
- 相同輔助寶石對同一個主動寶石只會取一個
- 串接輔助寶石會增加魔耗
- 裝備上的主動寶石會被在上面的輔助寶石影響, 而且不用連線, 但是不受賦予輔助, 增幅輔助, 啟蒙輔助等三顆寶石輔助
- 輔助寶石必須和主動寶石連線才有效果, 如果有效果
- 在右下角主動寶石的技能上會顯示一個英文字, 英文字的底色為輔助寶石的顏色, 英文字則參考寶石頁面的縮寫
- 以火球為例, 火球可以單獨使用
- 在同一個裝備插槽連線的狀態下, 也可以同時串多個主動寶石, 並且他們會共享上面的輔助寶石效果
- 串接殭屍復甦-召喚骷髏-召喚物傷害輔助-召喚物速度輔助, 則等同於
- 如果串階的是觸發型的寶石, 則會以連線的順序依序觸發, 分別是左上-右上-右中-左中-左下-右下
在完成任務後, 該章節的NPC會販賣寶石
- 1 ~ 5 章: 販賣的寶石會隨著人物等級上升, 經驗值總量有上限, 約可以到寶石 12~15 級
- 3 章 薩歐賽: 販賣大部分的寶石, 寶石的等級固定為 1, 隨任務增加寶石
- 6 章 莉莉羅斯: 販賣所有的寶石, 寶石的等級固定為 1
- 瓦爾技能寶石一覽表
- 主要透過腐化區域的瓦爾容器取得
- 瓦爾容器開啟前必須先殺死怪物取得靈魂後
- 部分瓦爾寶石可儲存多次
- 無法透過商店配方等級20轉成 +20% 品質
- 瓦爾寶石會給予原技能和瓦爾版本的技能
- 可能會完全沒有任何變化, 但仍然會顯示已汙染的
- 效果
- 可能會增加或減少寶石等級 1 級
- 可能會增加或減少寶石品質 1-10, 但是最高只有 +23% 品質
- 可能會轉變為同名瓦爾寶石
- 腐化後的寶石亦無法透過商店配方等級20轉成 +20% 品質
- 在穿越聯盟第三階的寶石祭壇, 可能獲得雙腐化效果的寶石, 可能是 21/23, 或是 21/瓦爾 等版本
- 在掘獄聯盟的寶石保險箱, 可能獲得三腐化效果的寶石, 也就是 21/23/瓦爾 的版本
技能寶石 I 幫助面板技能寶石 I 幫助面板
技能寶石 I:基礎知識
在流亡黯道中,你的所有技能(除了普通攻擊)都是來自於「技能寶石」。要使用技能的能力,一定要將技能寶石鑲嵌於武器和裝備的插槽中。技能寶石無論插在哪個物品上都可以發揮效果,但一定要鑲嵌於同樣顏色的插槽中。舉例:紅色的技能寶石只能鑲嵌於紅色的插槽中,無法鑲嵌於藍色或綠色的插槽。 輔助寶石與技能寶石使用方法很相似,但它們無法直接給與你輔助效果。輔助寶石可以增強與他相連的技能寶石。並不是所有技能都可以和輔助寶石發揮效果。舉例:近戰物理傷害輔助與法術技能無法發揮效果。
要讓輔助寶石增強技能寶石,兩者寶石插槽必須要相連。若插槽沒有相連,則輔助寶石將無法發揮效果。 你可以透過技能快捷鍵的視窗中確認輔助寶石是否有發揮效果。有效的輔助寶石會於技能圖示中顯示一個小字母。大多數的輔助寶石都會增加輔助技能的魔力消耗。
技能寶石 II 幫助面板技能寶石 II 幫助面板
技能寶石 II:需求與限制
Community Wiki
主動技能寶石和輔助技能寶石 are usually referred to as skill gems and support gem in in-game item mod and passive skills. In item filter and gaming community they are still refer as Skill gem.
Gems must be equipped in 物品插槽 before their use. 技能寶石s grant an active skill for the player to use and are further augmented by linked support skill gems. There are currently 276 different active skill gems and 177 support skill gems in the game, for a total of 453.
Skill gems are not to be confused with 天賦s, which provide constant 統計數據s and are mainly earned through 角色 levelling. To avoid confusion, some players simply refer to both types of these items as "gems". The "Skill gem" in in-game modifier also refer to Active skill gems exclusively.
There are several methods of obtaining skills and support gems:
- Earned through a quest reward (see List of skill gems rewarded from quests).
- Purchased from town vendors once a certain quest is complete (see List of skill gems rewarded from quests).
- Vendors in Acts 1-4 towns sell leveled skill gems. The available gems are based on the character's class and quest progression.
- 薩歐賽 in Act 3 sells all unleveled skill gems that can be received as quest rewards for quests you've completed, across all classes.
- 莉莉羅斯 in Act 6, 10 and 卡魯沿岸 sells all unleveled skill gems after completing the Act 6 quest Fallen from Grace quest icon.png 貴族殞落.
- Vendor recipes (see 商店配方).
- Random drop from monsters, chests and 保險箱
- 瓦爾技能 gems are obtained from Vaal Vessels in 腐化地區 or by 腐化ing a regular skill gem.
- As a reward for turning certain sets of 命運卡s.
- 獻祭獵譜
- Socketed gems gain 10% of the experience your character earns, calculated before any level penalties.
- The number of gems you have equipped has no effect on the rate of experience gain.
- Gems do not lose experience when you die.
- Items with +experience% gain do affect gems.
- Gems socketed in inactive weapon slots do gain experience.
- Gems may be traded like normal items and they will retain their experience.
Once a gem has enough experience to level up, it will stop gaining experience and a level–up icon will appear on the right of the screen and in the inventory menu. Left–clicking it will level up the gem, right–clicking the icon will hide it on the side of the screen, but it will still be accessible in the inventory menu. Not levelling up a gem is useful in some situations.
As gems level up, the abilities they grant get better, but the requirements to equip them also increase, as well as the mana cost for active skills. Each gem level, the exile must have both the attribute corresponding to gem colour and a character level high enough to meet its increased requirements. If a gem gains enough experience to level up, but the exile currently does not meet the requirements, the level–up icon will appear greyed out and not be useable until the requirements are met. For specifics, see the lists of active skills and support gems below.
Items that alter experience gain
Exceeding the level cap
Each gem has a cap beyond which it can not gain any further experience and can not advance any more levels through experience; for most gems this cap is at 20. There are, however, ways to increase the level of a gem beyond 20.
They can be placed in items with modifiers such as the Paragon's - +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (Prefix) or certain 腐化ions, or certain unique items such as 霜獄. They can also be linked with the support gems 賦予輔助, 覺醒.附加火焰傷害輔助, 覺醒.附加冰冷傷害輔助, 覺醒.附加閃電傷害輔助, 覺醒.附加混沌傷害輔助, 覺醒.詛咒光環輔助, and 覺醒.和善輔助, and corrupting a gem can raise its level permanently (ignores level cap, suggest corrupting when the gem is at level 20).
Attribute and level requirements no longer increase when using any of those methods with the exception of corrupting the gem itself.
For example, by combining these three methods, the level of a skill gem can get as high as level 32. One way to do this is to have a 霜獄 with two additional instances of the +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems and +2 to Level of Socketed Cold Gems modifiers via corruption, then socket a corrupted level 21 元素打擊 gem in to the Frostferno item. This is now a level 29 Elemental Hit. Now support it with a corrupted level 4 Empower Support, increasing the Elemental Hit's level by 3 to bring it to level 32.
A 寶石匠的稜鏡 can be used to upgrade a gem's 品質. Adding quality to a gem will add an additional effect to the skill. The exact modifications quality gives to the gem are displayed in the detailed view (hover over the item and hold Alt).
The effect of quality scales with the base quality effect, however, only whole numbers will be granted (and thus the effect will always be rounded down); for example 3% quality on a gem with 0.5% effect will only grant 1% effect and not 1.5% effect. Effects that have some degree of fractions naturally are rounded to their natural bases (i.e. seconds will be rounded to milliseconds, etc.).
Gems with alternate quality effects can be found in 劫盜之星s. They are prefaced as "Anomalous", "Divergent", or "Phantasmal" instead of "Superior".
Like most items, gems can be 腐化ed using a 瓦爾寶珠. Corruption on gems can potentially lift the level or quality percentage of a gem above the maximum of 20. Corruption can also convert a gem into its 瓦爾技能 equivalent, if one exists. It's suggested that you apply Corruption to a Skill Gem when the Skill gem is at level 20, 20% quality or both in order for corruption to potentially exceed the cap.
After the release of 穿越聯盟, it became possible to achieve "double-corruption" of a gem by using the Lapidary Lens device in 阿茲瓦特神殿. The device corrupts a skill or a support gem twice, which makes possible to apply two different effects of corruption at once. This allows to receive a level 21 gem with 23% quality.
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