等級: (1–20)
消耗和保留加成: 120%
需求 等級 (31–70), (33–70) 力量, (23–48) 智慧
輔助技能減少 (25–34)% 魔力消耗
獲得 1 顆啟發球
被輔助的技能,每顆啟發球增加 (6–8)% 暴擊率
被輔助的技能,每顆啟發球造成 (3–5)% 更多元素傷害
在被輔助技能的前期消耗和效果的總消耗 (122–800) 魔力時失去全部啟發球

輔助技能減少 (0–5)% 魔力消耗
Inspiration Support
任務 /1
啟發輔助 /1
從你法杖發射一個會朝你前方以 Z 字型前進的傷害投射物。當飛射中的投射物轉彎時,會發射投射物,對敵人造成傷害。
減少力量穿引的魔力消耗。同時每次攻擊時增加力量穿引的元素傷害和暴擊率。 法杖有強大的暴擊率。暴擊會造成更多傷害且會對敵人造成元素異常狀態。 力量穿引本身不會造成元素傷害。可以透過裝備來附加元素傷害(或附加閃電、冰冷傷害輔助寶石)。
等級效果 /40
消耗和保留加成: 120%
你在被輔助技能的前期消耗和效果消耗魔力時,\n獲得 1 顆啟發球
( 前期消耗為每秒未支付的全部消耗 )
等級需求等級力量智慧輔助技能減少 25% 魔力消耗在被輔助技能的前期消耗和效果的總消耗 122 魔力時失去全部啟發球被輔助的技能,每顆啟發球造成 3% 更多元素傷害被輔助的技能,每顆啟發球增加 6% 暴擊率經驗值
屬性 /7


CostiLvl 1: 普通: 1x機會石
DropLevel 31
BaseType 啟發輔助
Class 輔助寶石
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
Patchnotes /8
  • 啟發輔助:品質不再給予提高 0-20% 啟迪球持續時間,現在給予被輔助的技能的魔力消耗降低 0-5%。
  • Kalandra
  • 苦夢:改為插槽中寶石由等級 15 的寒冰刺骨輔助急凍輔助霜咬輔助冰冷穿透輔助啟發輔助附加冰冷傷害輔助(原等級 1 或 10)。此改動會影響現有物品,神聖石可將舊詞綴更新到新詞綴。
  • 贗品.苦夢:改為插槽中寶石被等級 15 的元素穿透輔助犧牲輔助無邊異能輔助霜咬輔助啟發輔助亢奮輔助(原等級 1 或 10)。此改動會影響現有物品,神聖石可將舊詞綴更新到新詞綴。
  • 20211028 版本 3.16.0
  • 該標籤也可以在以下輔助寶石上找到:暴擊時施放輔助覺醒.暴擊時施放輔助地雷充能輔助陷阱充能輔助精準破壞輔助覺醒.精準破壞輔助暴擊苦痛輔助增加暴擊傷害輔助增加暴擊率輔助啟發輔助夜刃輔助、和暴擊獲得暴擊球輔助
  • 20210729 版本 3.15.0
  • 魔力倍率從115% 上調至120%
  • 每個啟迪球使被輔助的技能現在造成的元素傷害總傷提高3-5%,之前是5-7%
  • 20191218 版本 3.9.0
  • 現在寶石等級 1 時,被輔助的技能每顆啟發球造成 5% 更多傷害(與原相同),寶石等級 20 時至多 7%(原 8%)。
  • 現在寶石等級 1 時,被輔助的技能每顆啟發球增加 6% 暴擊率(原 7%),寶石等級 20 時至多 8% (原 10%)。
  • 20191025 版本 3.8.2
  • 更新啟發輔助的敘述,來說明召喚物、圖騰、陷阱和地雷無法獲得啟發球。
  • 20190912 版本 3.8.0
  • 魔力减免輔助現在重新命名為啟發輔助
  • 現在除了減少魔力消耗之外,另外新增了其它效果:
  • 現在使用被輔助的技能並消耗魔力時可以獲得一個啟發球(最多 5 個)。
  • 等級 1 時使用被輔助的技能消耗總共 122 魔力後會失去所有啟發球,等級 20 時為總共 800 魔力。
  • 等級 1 時,每一個啟發球使被輔助的技能造成 5% 更多元素傷害,等級 20 時造成 8% 更多元素傷害。
  • 等級 1 時,每一個啟發球使被輔助的技能增加 7% 暴擊率,等級 20 時增加 10% 暴擊率。
  • 每 1% 品質增加 1% 啟發球持續時間。
  • 20150715 版本 2.0.0
  • 啟發輔助 不再降低魔力保留。魔力減免將只降低施放技能時的魔力消耗。
  • 可輔助 /0 ⍟
    啟發輔助 傳奇 /5 ⍟
    增加 22% 元素傷害
    插槽中寶石被等級 15寒冰刺骨輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15急凍輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15霜咬輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15冰冷穿透輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15附加冰冷傷害輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15啟發輔助
    增加 40% 全域暴擊率
    對被冰凍的敵人增加 100% 的近戰傷害
    對被感電的敵人增加 100% 物理傷害
    對被點燃的敵人增加 100% 近戰傷害
    投射物有 (15–20)% 機率點燃
    投射物有 (15–20)% 機率冰凍
    投射物有 (15–20)% 機率感電
    (冰凍使敵人行動速度降至 0,使他們無法行動。根據擊中的冰冷傷害決定持續時間)
    增加 30% 全域暴擊率
    插槽中寶石被等級 10集中效應輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 10啟發輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 10快速施放輔助
    增加 22% 元素傷害
    插槽中寶石被等級 15元素穿透輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15犧牲輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15無邊異能輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15霜咬輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15啟發輔助
    插槽中的寶石被等級 15亢奮輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15寒冰刺骨輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15急凍輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15霜咬輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15冰冷穿透輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 1附加冰冷傷害輔助
    插槽中寶石被等級 15啟發輔助

    Community Wiki


    Inspiration Support

    Inspiration Support is a support gem that reduces the Mana cost of linked skills. When the supported skill is used, it grants an Inspiration charge, which grants more elemental damage and critical strike chance. You lose all Inspiration Charges after you spend a certain amount of mana.

    The mod of this gem: Supported Skills have #% reduced Mana Cost does not affect mana reservation.

    Upfront Costs are all costs not paid per-second. The distinction is necessary because Link skills introduce the concept of per-second costs to PoE, and some things can't work with those so now need to specify. This is not a functional change, just needing to be more specific since there's now a new type of cost for which the amount spent can't be tracked on a per-skill basis.

    Skill functions and interactions

    Supported skills grant you an Inspiration Charge when you spend mana with them, up to 5 charges. These charges last for 10 seconds. If you haven't generated a charge for longer, you will lose all Inspiration Charges.

    This creates a mana counter for all skills linked with Inspiration Support, up to the respective cap. As soon as a skill is used that puts the total mana spent above the threshold, the mana counter is reset to 0 and all Inspiration Charges are removed.

    Hence lower mana costs result in better usage of Inspiration Charges. For example, if it takes 100 mana to cast a skill, the first 5 casts will average at 50% of the gem's potential and then the next 3 casts will be at 100% potential, while a mana cost of 1 will result in 795 casts at maximum efficiency after the first 5 initial casts.

    The reduced mana cost of skills is additive with other sources of reduced mana costs.

    The buff grants more elemental damage and increased critical strike chance per Inspiration Charge. Inspiration Charges are shared between all skills linked with Inspiration Support. It doesn't matter which skill created the charges, each skill linked to this support will benefit from the charges even if it doesn't use mana.

    Effective usage

    Cast On Critical Strike Support - Since Attacks usually cost much less mana to use than spells, especially Cyclone, it results in more efficient use of Inspiration Support. Both the attack and spell(s) in a common Cast On Critical Strike set-up will be supported, granting increased critical strike chance and more elemental damage to both.

    Herald of Ice and Herald of Thunder - The effects of these Heralds only scale off of elemental damage and not spell damage, while also using critical strike chance (assuming they are given a base critical strike chance through other means like Deadly Infusion, Increased Critical Strikes Support, etc.). Supporting both an attack like Shield Charge, which has a low mana cost, and the Heralds with Inspiration Support will make maintaining Inspiration Charges easy.

    Righteous Fire will appreciate the very rare "more elemental damage" multiplier. By supporting both Righteous Fire and another skill, like Shield Charge, with Inspiration Support, it is possible to generate charges with the attack and having Righteous Fire benefit from the buff.

    Weave the Arcane (and other ways to reduce the mana cost of skills to 0) can be used to bypass the mana counter. However Inspiration Charges will be lost if no mana is spent by supported skills within the 10 seconds the charges last.

    Mines, which reserve mana and have a low mana cost, can benefit as well and with the right set-up maintain the buff consistently. Similarly Brands can link the main brand-skill, Brand Recall and a movement skill to keep the buff active. Builds that use Ignite as their main damage source can use the "more elemental damage" multiplier to scale both the initial hit and the ailment.

    So while this gem doesn't have the highest more-multiplier, the downside of generating and maintaining charges can be easily managed while other support gems come at a steep opportunity cost such as reducing critical strike chance with Controlled Destruction Support or being unable to inflict elemental ailments with Elemental Focus Support.

    Version history

  • Now has a 120% Cost and Reservation Multiplier (previously 115%).
  • Supported Skills now deal 3-5% more Elemental Damage per Inspiration Charge (previously 5-7%).
  • 3.12.0
  • Now has alternative quality:
    Anomalous: Supported Skills have 1% increased Critical Strike Chance (per 1% quality)
    Divergent: Supported Skills have 0.5% reduced Mana Cost (per 1% quality)
  • 3.8.0
  • Renamed from Reduced Mana Support to Inspiration Support.
  • Now gain an Inspiration Charge when you spend mana for supported skills (maximum of 5 charges).
  • Lose all Inspiration Charges after spending a total of 122 mana with supported skills at gem level 1, up to 800 at gem level 20
  • Supported skills deal 5% more Elemental Damage per Inspiration Charge at gem level 1, up to 8% at gem level 20.
  • Supported skills have 7% increased critical strike chance per Inspiration Charge at gem level 1, up to 10% at gem level 20.
  • Now grants 1% increased Inspiration Charge duration per 1% gem quality.
  • 2.0.0
  • No longer reduces reservation costs of supported gems. It now only lowers the casting cost of skills.
  • 1.2.0
  • The Reduced Mana support gem is now available for all classes as a quest reward.
  • 0.9.12
  • Renamed from "Reduced Mana Costs" to "Reduced Mana", as it also reduces reserved amounts as well as costs.
  • 0.9.3
  • Reduced Mana Costs is now a Strength support gem.
  • 0.7.2
  • Added "Reduced Mana Cost" support gem

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