Weapon 傳奇 /265
每秒每顆暴擊球承受 200 閃電傷害
+1 召喚聖潔妖精數量
增加 20% 攻擊、施放和移動速度)
此物品觸發召喚物法術有 0.25 秒冷卻時間,有 5 使用次數
Armour 傳奇 /418
附加最大閃電傷害,持續 4 秒
你承受 65% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 )
獲得 15% 最大生命的額外最大能量護盾 )
承受 50% 元素傷害視為混沌傷害
+5% 最大混沌抗性)
使你承受 (15–20)% 生命的物理傷害
以它們 30% 的數值影響法術傷害 )
將他們 2% 的最大生命轉化為最大能量護盾
持續 4 秒,每秒造成被擊殺敵人生命 8% 的火焰傷害
召喚骷髏不能召喚超過 1 隻骷髏戰士
造成 3% 他們生命的物理傷害
有 10% 機率獲得 1 顆耐力、狂怒或暴擊球
使敵人增加承受 4% 來自你的元素傷害
Other 傳奇 /449
增加 (30–40)% 擊中和異常狀態元素傷害
暴擊造成焦灼、易碎和殘喘 )
每下使用攻擊擊中敵人獲得 2% 生命,持續 5 秒
每個擊殺的敵人獲得 5% 生命,持續 5 秒
最大任何傷害減免為 50%)
獲得 15% 最大生命的額外最大能量護盾 )
同時以 70% 它們的值給予壓抑法術傷害率
野蠻人:近戰技能增加 25% 範圍效果
決鬥者:1% 攻擊傷害偷取生命
遊俠:增加 7% 移動速度
暗影刺客:+0.5% 暴擊率
女巫:每秒回復 0.5% 最大魔
聖騎士:傷害穿透 5% 元素抗性
貴族:+25 全能力
給予:召喚物減少 25% 移動速度
給予:召喚物增加 20% 承受傷害
PvP 傷害調整生效中
使用近戰武器時增加 (15–25)% 暈眩持續時間
近戰武器造成的點燃增加 (60–90)% 傷害
近戰武器造成的致盲增加 (25–35)% 效果
傳奇 物品 Recipe /20
獎勵 | 你的物品 | Note |
聚魂石 | 1x 先祖卓越 1x 先祖和諧 1x 先祖力量 | |
阿布里斯 | 1x 沃德步伐 1x 刀鋒禁材 1x 鏈結石 | |
宵曉 | 1x 日耀之影 1x 月影之耀 1x 鏈結石 | |
女神的怒炎 | 1x 女神的靈縛 20%品質 1x 貴族之劍 20%品質 1x 燃燒輔助 至少1%品質 1x 鏈結石 | 兩個物品上的插槽數量, 連結, 洞的顏色都要相同 |
西里的嗜血之矢 | 1x 黑曜護身符 稀有 1x 鯊齒箭袋 普通 1x 機會石 1x 箭雨 至少1%品質 | |
王者之刃 | 1x 開膛斧 1x 裂心刃 1x 鏈結石 | |
智者織衫 | 60x 傳奇戒指 | 已汙染可用 |
堅毅之蝕 | 1x 堅毅日耀 1x 波動月影 1x 鏈結石 | |
嘔吐 | 1x 饑荒之結 1x 盛宴之結 1x 鏈結石 | |
瓦爾克拉斯之星 | 1x 紅玉戒指 傳奇 1x 黑曜護身符 1x 閃電傳送 等級20已汙染 | 國際服 |
瓦爾克拉斯之星 | 1x 紅玉戒指 1x 赤紅珠寶 瓦爾免疫沈默詞綴 1x 帝金護身符 傳奇 | 台灣服 |
元素之章 | 1x 貝雷克的火與雷之樂 1x 貝雷克的冰與火之歌 1x 貝雷克的冰與雷之曲 | |
維克塔廣場 | 1x 東方雷霆聖杖 1x 西方雷霆聖杖 1x 南方雷霆聖杖 1x 北方雷霆聖杖 | |
重骰 傳奇 | 3x 相同 傳奇 | 不能已汙染 |
先引之征 | 1x 阿卡莉的山巒 1x 普坦堡的峽谷 1x 尤莎莎的草原 | |
卡美利亞的貪婪 | 1x 卡美利亞之錘 1x 霜咬輔助 20Q 1x 冰霜之錘 20Q 1x 冰矛 20Q | |
專精作戰 | 1x 元素打擊 20Q 1x 紅玉戒指 1x 藍玉戒指 | 三項 標籤, 紅玉/藍玉/黃玉 3選2 |
無盡謎團 | 1x 解放 20Q 1x 恢復輔助 20Q 1x 集中效應輔助 20Q | 3.23配方已失效 |
死亡清算 | 1x 召喚骷髏 20Q 1x 法杖 普通 1x 法杖 魔法 1x 法杖 稀有 1x 法杖 傳奇 | 法杖要相同基底 3.23配方已失效 |
精神守護 | 1x 幻化武器 20Q 1x 弓 普通 1x 弓 魔法 1x 弓 稀有 1x 弓 傳奇 | 弓要相同基底 3.23配方已失效 |
Community Wiki
- World drops. Unique items can be found as random drops just the same as any other item. Normal monsters drop items with an 物品等級 equal to the 怪物等級, magic monsters drop items with item level at monster level +1, rare/unique monsters drop items with item level at monster level +2.
For example: If a unique item has a base level of 50 that means it can be dropped by normal/magic/rare/unique monsters in level 50+ zones, dropped by magic/rare/unique monsters in level 49 zones, and dropped by Rare/Unique monsters in level 48 zones.
The actual drop rates of unique items are unpublished and can change. The only official public comment regarding drop rates was:
Chris — "[We have] stratified the drop rates of Unique items so that some of them are more common (especially build-enabling ones), and powerful ones are still extremely rare. The drop rates of unique items are no longer proportional to their item type. A common unique ring is now as likely to drop as a common Unique weapon."
機會石. There is a very small chance of upgrading a normal item into a unique of the same base type when using an Orb of Chance. For example if you want the 貪慾之記 unique ring then you should use an Orb of Chance on a 金光戒指 of normal rarity. Certain uniques are league-specific and will require being on a map with mods from Zana's map device for this method to work.
瓦爾寶珠. Certain jewels (click here for a list) and some equipment (like 墮落之血) can only be created by corrupting another item. The original item will be lost in the process.
Prophecies. Many prophecies exist that reward uniques, many of them a specific unique item which requires you to hunt down a certain monster and kill it. Others reward you with a random unique, such as The Mysterious Gift, which requires you to trade in five uniques to a vendor.
Vendor recipes. Some unique items can only be produced by using a certain vendor recipe. Orb of Chance does not work, and they can't be dropped. The item level of the produced unique will be equal to the lowest ilvl of the components of the recipe. See here for a list of such items.
Upgrading. Some unique items can be upgraded to a superior version. See fated items and blessed items for more information.
Divination cards. Sets of divination cards may have a unique item as their reward. These can be drop-restricted items that are otherwise not available.
Event prizes. Occasionally, unique items are offered as top tier prizes in special event competitions. Please note that not all events offer unique items as prizes.
Custom uniques
Custom uniques are unique items specially crafted by members of our very own Path of Exile Community. These members were awarded the chance to create their one-of-a-kind items as a special thanks from GGG for purchasing either a Diamond Supporter Package during the Closed Beta phase of Path of Exile, an Eternal Supporter Package during Open Beta or simply the Custom Unique option in the Microtransaction shop. The amount of Diamond, Eternal and Custom Item packages sold is over 350.
傳奇物品 | 天賦 |
阿茲里的捷思 | 瓦爾冥約 |
衛道之袍 | 心靈昇華 |
刺棘之冠 | 苦痛靈曲 |
精華收割器 | 靈能護體 |
夏烏拉之眼 | 烈士意志 |
艾茲麥之握 | 烈士意志 |
艾茲麥的榮光 | 烈士意志 |
吉爾菲的淨罪之錘 | 堅毅之心 |
吉爾菲的聖殿 | 狂熱誓言 |
烈炎之心 | Arcane Vision |
岡姆的穩重之靴 | 烈士意志 |
狼蛛 | 堅毅之心 |
獅眼的戰弓 | 堅毅之心 |
意識之緣 | 能量連結 |
瑪拉凱的祭具 | 祭血術 |
烈士之冠 | 苦痛靈曲 |
東之飾 | 堅毅之心 |
夏烏拉之印 | 烈士意志 |
死神的取魂器 | 堅毅之心 |
敏銳思維 | 無血之體 |
君主之膚 | 任何(異靈之體 / 靈能神盾除外) |
血誓 | 祭血術 |
完美姿態 | 移靈換影 |
神聖哀悼 | 狂熱誓言 |
圖克哈瑪堡壘 | 祭血術 |
索伏之血 | 火之化身 |
Like all items, unique items can have legacy variants. This means for some uniques there exist better versions that aren't dropping anymore. The main source of legacy items are nerfs that affect future item drops, but leave the already existing items as they were. The only way to get these legacy items is from players who had them before they were changed.
A unique item, easily spotted by its orange text and orange banner, as well as a distinct sound affect and animation upon monster drop is one that always spawns with the same mods (sometimes with different values) on the same base item with the same requirements.
Unique items may have their mod values rerolled using 祝福 or Divine Orbs. Some mods, however, have static values and cannot be changed (e.g. 福爾的戰鎧).
卡蘭德的魔鏡 and Orbs of Scouring cannot be used on unique items. The only way to degrade a unique is to use a 瓦爾寶珠 on it, which can turn it into a corrupted rare item.
昇華之印, a Closed Beta exclusive item, can no longer be obtained as an event reward.
The 物品等級 of the unique affects how many sockets can appear on it. While the stats may be the same a unique with a high item level may have a higher selling price when trading with other players.
All mods that include 'when on Low Life' are activated when Life drops below 50%. Mods that include 'when on Full Life' require the player to have 100% of their Life total.
Socketed Gems are Supported by level X [gem] means they are supported by a Support Gem of level X. That gem (probably) has a mana multiplier, which is applied. Gems in this item have [property] is not using a specific support gem, so there is no mana multiplier.
There are different tiers of unique items. On drop, the rarity roll determines not only if the item will be unique but also from which tier. A random unique will then be pick from the determined tier's pool. When chancing, the probability of obtaining each tier is fixed. If there is no unique of the rolled tier or lower, a rare will be chanced instead.
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