50% 更少來自偷取的每秒最大總恢復
青春永駐 Attr /5
名字 | 顯示物品素質 |
ID | eternal_youth_keytone2692 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/EternalYouth.png |
PassiveSkillsHash | 21650 |
Tags | isKeystone: true isNotable: false isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false |
Reference | Community Wiki |
青春永駐 傳奇 /1
獲得 15% 最大生命的額外最大能量護盾 )
承受 50% 元素傷害視為混沌傷害
+5% 最大混沌抗性)
50% 更少來自偷取的每秒最大總恢復
青春永駐 屬性 /9
名字 | Value |
來源 | 永恆珠寶 |
Code | vaal_keystone_2 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/EternalYouth.png |
名字 | 青春永駐 |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Type | 關鍵天賦 |
Weight | 100 |
Stats | |
Flavour | Burn the spirit to vitalise the flesh. |
Alternate Passive /5
Faction | 屬性 | 普通 | 核心天賦 | 關鍵天賦 |
瓦爾 | 改變 隨機詞綴 | 改變 隨機詞綴 | 改變 隨機詞綴 | 賽巴昆: 神聖血肉 阿呼阿娜: 不朽野望 多里亞尼: 腐化之魂 |
卡魯 | 增加 +2 力量 | 增加 +4 力量 | 增加 隨機詞綴 | 岡姆: 血之力量 拉其塔: 戰爭淬煉 阿冦亞: 除鏈師 |
馬拉克斯 | 增加 +2 敏捷 | 增加 +4 敏捷 | 增加 隨機詞綴 | 貝爾巴拉: 叛徒 安賽娜絲: 與死共舞 納西瑪: 先見之明 |
聖騎士 | 改變 +10 奉獻 | 增加 +5 奉獻 | +5 奉獻 或 改變 隨機詞綴 | 瑪薩里歐斯: 超凡脫俗 神主: 內觀信念 伊爾莉斯: 力量之意 |
永恆 | 移除現有詞綴 | 移除現有詞綴 | 增加 或 改變 隨機詞綴 | 卡迪羅: 至高.頹廢 維多里奧: 至高.譁眾 卡斯皮羅: 至高.炫耀 |
青春永駐 傳奇 /1
獲得 15% 最大生命的額外最大能量護盾 )
承受 50% 元素傷害視為混沌傷害
+5% 最大混沌抗性)
Community Wiki
Eternal Youth
Eternal Youth is a Keystone passive skill which causes energy shield recharge to apply to Life, but halves your life regeneration and life leech.
Your life recharge rate is dependent on your total life pool, not your energy shield pool.
Modifiers to energy shield recharge, such as faster start of energy shield recharge and increased energy shield recharge rate, apply to life recharge instead. Wicked Ward prevents life recharge from being interrupted. Life recharge is not prevented by Cannot Recharge or Regenerate Energy Shield, thus players with both Eternal Youth and Immortal Ambition can still recharge life. Like energy shield recharge, life recharge is active by default unless interrupted, and is not interrupted unless damage taken is dealt to the affected resource - thus a player wearing Shavronne's Wrappings can use this keystone to enable them to spend life on skills in the same way that a life-based character might use Eldritch Battery.
The keystone is located on the bottom side of the center, right across the life wheel next to the Scion's starting point.
This keystone can also be obtained from the tree by using a legacy Glorious Vanity jewel with modifier Bathed in the blood of (100–8000) sacrificed in the name of Zerphi. The jewel will conquer any keystones within the radius (size: 1500) of the jewel.
Related unique items
Skin of the Lords Random Keystone
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