技能宝石 宝石 /519
辅助宝石 宝石 /209
名字 | |
几率流血(辅) (1) | |
赋予(辅) (1) | |
无情(辅) (1) | |
先祖召唤(辅) (4) | |
附加火焰伤害(辅) (8) | |
弩炮图腾(辅) (8) | |
裂地之灵(辅) (8) | |
焚木烈火(辅) (8) | |
击退(辅) (8) | |
击中生命回复(辅) (8) | |
赤炼(辅) (8) | |
瘫痪(辅) (8) | |
近战伤害扩散(辅) (8) | |
法术图腾(辅) (8) | |
击晕(辅) (8) | |
血怒(辅) (18) | |
寒冰转烈焰(辅) (18) | |
凌厉(辅) (18) | |
满血伤害(辅) (18) | |
武器元素伤害(辅) (18) | |
近战击晕获得耐力球(辅) (18) | |
钢铁之握(辅) (18) | |
钢铁意志(辅) (18) | |
近战物理伤害(辅) (18) | |
怒火(辅) (18) | |
震波(辅) (18) | |
无常(辅) (18) | |
赤嚣(辅) (31) | |
血气(辅) (31) | |
增加燃烧伤害(辅) (31) | |
精准炽炎(辅) (31) | |
腐化战吼(辅) (31) | |
神圣祝福(辅) (31) | |
专擅反击(辅) (31) | |
火焰穿透(辅) (31) | |
护体(辅) (31) | |
和善(辅) (31) | |
守卫祝福(辅) (31) | |
启迪(辅) (31) | |
持续时间缩短(辅) (31) | |
生命偷取(辅) (31) | |
持续时间总增(辅) (31) | |
粉碎(辅) (31) | |
紧急号令(辅) (31) | |
斩首(辅) (38) | |
残暴(辅) (38) | |
受伤时施放(辅) (38) | |
近战击败时施放(辅) (38) | |
永恒祝福 (辅) (38) | |
战争铁拳(辅) (38) | |
多重图腾(辅) (38) | |
多重打击(辅) (38) | |
超能增助(辅) (38) | |
内伤(辅) (38) | |
附加火焰伤害(强辅) (72) | |
先祖召唤(强辅) (72) | |
残暴(强辅) (72) | |
增加燃烧伤害(强辅) (72) | |
武器元素伤害(强辅) (72) | |
赋予(强辅) (72) | |
火焰穿透(强辅) (72) | |
和善(强辅) (72) | |
近战物理伤害(强辅) (72) | |
近战伤害扩散(强辅) (72) | |
多重打击(强辅) (72) |
名字 | |
低阶毒化(辅) (1) | |
增幅(辅) (1) | |
动量(辅) (1) | |
幻影射手(辅) (4) | |
穿透(辅) (4) | |
迅整(辅) (4) | |
齐射(辅) (4) | |
附加冰霜伤害(辅) (8) | |
额外命中(辅) (8) | |
箭之新星(辅) (8) | |
致盲(辅) (8) | |
几率逃跑(辅) (8) | |
快速攻击(辅) (8) | |
低阶多重投射(辅) (8) | |
核心地雷(辅) (8) | |
法铸箭矢(辅) (8) | |
多重陷阱(辅) (8) | |
陷阱(辅) (8) | |
虚空操纵(辅) (8) | |
减少格挡几率(辅) (18) | |
近战(辅) (18) | |
终结(辅) (18) | |
致命异常状态(辅) (18) | |
夜刃(辅) (18) | |
零点射击(辅) (18) | |
凌虐(辅) (18) | |
陷阱及地雷伤害(辅) (18) | |
邪恶投掷(辅) (18) | |
陷阱冷却(辅) (31) | |
充能陷阱(辅) (31) | |
冰霜穿透(辅) (31) | |
毒化(辅) (31) | |
快速投射(辅) (31) | |
弩炮集火(辅) (31) | |
分裂(辅) (31) | |
急冻(辅) (31) | |
霜咬(辅) (31) | |
尖刺战杖 (31) | |
魔力偷取(辅) (31) | |
助力之风(辅) (31) | |
投射物减速(辅) (31) | |
极速腐化(辅) (31) | |
弹幕(辅) (38) | |
暴击时施放(辅) (38) | |
死亡时施放(辅) (38) | |
连锁(辅) (38) | |
散弹陷阱(辅) (38) | |
高阶多重投射(辅) (38) | |
高阶齐射(辅) (38) | |
击中时施加印记(辅) (38) | |
投射物归返(辅) (38) | |
残破(辅) (38) | |
猛毒(辅) (38) | |
凋零之触(辅) (38) | |
附加冰霜伤害(强辅) (72) | |
箭之新星(强辅) (72) | |
暴击时施放(强辅) (72) | |
连锁(强辅) (72) | |
冰霜穿透(强辅) (72) | |
致命异常状态(强辅) (72) | |
增幅(强辅) (72) | |
分裂(强辅) (72) | |
高阶多重投射(强辅) (72) | |
极速腐化(强辅) (72) | |
邪恶投掷(强辅) (72) | |
虚空操纵(强辅) (72) |
名字 | |
秘术增强(辅) (1) | |
元素扩散(辅) (1) | |
启蒙(辅) (1) | |
棱光魔爆(辅) (1) | |
灌能吟唱(辅) (4) | |
多重范围施法(辅) (4) | |
召唤幻影(辅) (4) | |
附加闪电伤害(辅) (8) | |
链爆地雷(辅) (8) | |
几率点燃(辅) (8) | |
吞噬(辅) (8) | |
效能(辅) (8) | |
提高暴击几率(辅) (8) | |
炎军(辅) (8) | |
召唤生物伤害(辅) (8) | |
异常爆发(辅) (8) | |
集中效应(辅) (18) | |
精准破坏(辅) (18) | |
元素集中(辅) (18) | |
快速施法(辅) (18) | |
鲜肉(辅) (18) | |
提高暴击伤害(辅) (18) | |
召唤生物生命(辅) (18) | |
召唤生物速度(辅) (18) | |
过载(辅) (18) | |
物理转闪电(辅) (18) | |
暴击获得暴击球(辅) (18) | |
掠食(辅) (18) | |
圣洁鬼灵(辅) (18) | |
三位一体(辅) (18) | |
附加混沌伤害(辅) (31) | |
大法师(辅) (31) | |
诅咒光环(辅) (31) | |
充能地雷(辅) (31) | |
诅咒之地辅助 (31) | |
元素大军(辅) (31) | |
元素穿透(辅) (31) | |
能量偷取(辅) (31) | |
狂噬(辅) (31) | |
高爆地雷(辅) (31) | |
末日将至(辅) (31) | |
闪电支配(辅) (31) | |
法术凝聚(辅) (31) | |
物品稀有度增幅(辅) (31) | |
闪电穿透(辅) (31) | |
肉盾(辅) (31) | |
会心一击(辅) (31) | |
牺牲(辅) (31) | |
迅猛烙印(辅) (31) | |
彻骨(辅) (38) | |
晕眩时施放(辅) (38) | |
吟唱时施放(辅) (38) | |
腐蚀(辅) (38) | |
冰冽连接(辅) (38) | |
魔蛊绽放辅助 (38) | |
蛊咒(辅) (38) | |
点燃扩散(辅) (38) | |
献祭(辅) (38) | |
增大范围(辅) (38) | |
地雷网(辅) (38) | |
施法回响(辅) (38) | |
碎影魔刃(辅) (38) | |
释出(辅) (38) | |
附加混沌伤害(强辅) (72) | |
附加闪电伤害(强辅) (72) | |
渎神(强辅) (72) | |
吟唱时施放(强辅) (72) | |
精准破坏(强辅) (72) | |
元素集中(强辅) (72) | |
启蒙(强辅) (72) | |
蛊咒【强辅】 (72) | |
增大范围(强辅) (72) | |
闪电穿透(强辅) (72) | |
召唤生物伤害(强辅) (72) | |
多重范围施法(强辅) (72) | |
施法回响(强辅) (72) | |
异常爆发(强辅) (72) | |
释出(强辅) (72) |
觉醒 宝石 /38
名字 | |
附加火焰伤害(强辅) (72) | |
先祖召唤(强辅) (72) | |
残暴(强辅) (72) | |
增加燃烧伤害(强辅) (72) | |
武器元素伤害(强辅) (72) | |
赋予(强辅) (72) | |
火焰穿透(强辅) (72) | |
和善(强辅) (72) | |
近战物理伤害(强辅) (72) | |
近战伤害扩散(强辅) (72) | |
多重打击(强辅) (72) |
名字 | |
附加冰霜伤害(强辅) (72) | |
箭之新星(强辅) (72) | |
暴击时施放(强辅) (72) | |
连锁(强辅) (72) | |
冰霜穿透(强辅) (72) | |
致命异常状态(强辅) (72) | |
增幅(强辅) (72) | |
分裂(强辅) (72) | |
高阶多重投射(强辅) (72) | |
极速腐化(强辅) (72) | |
邪恶投掷(强辅) (72) | |
虚空操纵(强辅) (72) |
名字 | |
附加混沌伤害(强辅) (72) | |
附加闪电伤害(强辅) (72) | |
渎神(强辅) (72) | |
吟唱时施放(强辅) (72) | |
精准破坏(强辅) (72) | |
元素集中(强辅) (72) | |
启蒙(强辅) (72) | |
蛊咒【强辅】 (72) | |
增大范围(强辅) (72) | |
闪电穿透(强辅) (72) | |
召唤生物伤害(强辅) (72) | |
多重范围施法(强辅) (72) | |
施法回响(强辅) (72) | |
异常爆发(强辅) (72) | |
释出(强辅) (72) |
未公开 宝石 /60
名字 | |
DNT Blitz (1) | |
... (1) | |
[DNT] Quick Block (1) | |
[DNT] Slice And Dice (1) | |
低阶减小魔力消耗(辅) (1) | |
瓦尔:重击 (1) | |
先祖大剑师 (12) | |
裂肉铁刃 (12) | |
瓦尔:横扫 (12) | |
[UNUSED] Conflagration Support (18) | |
新惩戒 (24) | |
物品数量增幅(辅) (24) | |
魔方之击 (28) | |
天谴之拳 (28) | |
炼狱裂击 (28) |
名字 | |
背刺 (1) | |
[UNUSED] Projectile Portal (1) | |
幻影之刃 (1) | |
灵体武器 (1) | |
瓦尔:火焰陷阱 (1) | |
瓦尔:分裂箭矢 (1) | |
漩涡地雷 (1) | |
[UNUSED] Coiling Assault (12) | |
新飞刃风暴 (12) | |
诱燃射击 (12) | |
极地装甲 (16) | |
[DNT] Replicate (18) | |
投射物分裂(辅) (24) | |
[UNUSED] Blood Whirl (28) | |
[DNT] Call of the Wild (28) | |
[UNUSED] Serpent Strike (28) | |
暗影迷踪 (34) |
- 宝石分为主动宝石和辅助宝石
- 宝石是全职业通用
- 宝石的颜色代表不同属性, 红色是力量, 绿色是敏捷, 蓝色是智慧
- 宝石必须放入颜色相同的物品上的插槽, 可以用右键取出
- 身上装备的所有宝石都会获得经验值, 包含按X可以切换的第二武器栏的六个宝石, 并不会因为宝石插的少而获得的经验值变多
- 宝石升级时, 可以点左边的 + 让他到下一等级, 但是需求的等级和属性不足时将无法升级, 若要忽略升级的提示可以用右键点 +, 之后可以在物品栏下方找到
- 无尽之衣上面的白色插槽可以任意颜色的宝石
- 宝石有两个常用的商店配方
- 密技: 放在第二武器栏位的武器也可以获得经验值
- 主动宝石会变成可使用的技能, 在右下角的技能拦左键点击后可以选择
- 有三个辅助宝石在等级一时没有效果, 必须升级到等级二
- 相同辅助宝石对同一个主动宝石只会取一个
- 串接辅助宝石会增加魔耗
- 装备上的主动宝石会被在上面的辅助宝石影响, 而且不用连线, 但是不受赋予辅助, 增幅辅助, 启蒙辅助等三颗宝石辅助
- 辅助宝石必须和主动宝石连线才有效果, 如果有效果
- 在右下角主动宝石的技能上会显示一个英文字, 英文字的底色为辅助宝石的颜色, 英文字则参考宝石页面的缩写
- 以火球为例, 火球可以单独使用
- 在同一个装备插槽连线的状态下, 也可以同时串多个主动宝石, 并且他们会共享上面的辅助宝石效果
- 串接僵尸复苏-召唤骷髅-召唤物伤害辅助-召唤物速度辅助, 则等同於
- 如果串阶的是触发型的宝石, 则会以连线的顺序依序触发, 分别是左上-右上-右中-左中-左下-右下
在完成任务后, 该章节的NPC会贩卖宝石
- 1 ~ 5 章: 贩卖的宝石会随著人物等级上升, 经验值总量有上限, 约可以到宝石 12~15 级
- 3 章 萨欧赛: 贩卖大部分的宝石, 宝石的等级固定为 1, 随任务增加宝石
- 6 章 莉莉罗斯: 贩卖所有的宝石, 宝石的等级固定为 1
- 瓦尔技能宝石一览表
- 主要透过腐化区域的瓦尔容器取得
- 瓦尔容器开启前必须先杀死怪物取得灵魂后
- 部分瓦尔宝石可储存多次
- 无法透过商店配方等级20转成 +20% 品质
- 瓦尔宝石会给予原技能和瓦尔版本的技能
- 可能会完全没有任何变化, 但仍然会显示已污染的
- 效果
- 可能会增加或减少宝石等级 1 级
- 可能会增加或减少宝石品质 1-10, 但是最高只有 +23% 品质
- 可能会转变为同名瓦尔宝石
- 腐化后的宝石亦无法透过商店配方等级20转成 +20% 品质
- 在穿越联盟第三阶的宝石祭坛, 可能获得双腐化效果的宝石, 可能是 21/23, 或是 21/瓦尔 等版本
- 在掘狱联盟的宝石保险箱, 可能获得三腐化效果的宝石, 也就是 21/23/瓦尔 的版本
技能宝石 I 流放小百科技能宝石 I 流放小百科
技能宝石 I:基础
在流亡之路中,你的所有技能(除了普通攻击)都是来自于「技能宝石」。要使用技能的能力,一定要将技能宝石镶嵌于武器和装备的宝石孔中。技能宝石无论插在哪个物品上都可以发挥效果,但一定要镶嵌于同样颜色的宝石孔中。举例:红色的技能宝石只能镶嵌于红色的宝石孔中,无法镶嵌于蓝色或绿色的宝石孔。 辅助宝石与技能宝石使用方法很相似,但它们无法直接给与你辅助效果。辅助宝石可以增强与他相连的技能宝石。并不是所有技能都可以和辅助宝石发挥效果。举例:近战物理伤害辅助与法术技能无法发挥效果。
要让辅助宝石增强技能宝石,两者宝石孔必须要相连。若宝石孔没有相连,则辅助宝石将无法发挥效果。 你可以透过技能快捷键的视窗中确认辅助宝石是否有发挥效果。有效的辅助宝石会于技能图示中显示一个小字母。大多数的辅助宝石都会增加辅助技能的魔力消耗。
技能宝石II 流放小百科技能宝石II 流放小百科
技能宝石 II: 属性要求和限制
Community Wiki
主动技能宝石和辅助技能宝石 are usually referred to as skill gems and support gem in in-game item mod and passive skills. In item filter and gaming community they are still refer as Skill gem.
Gems must be equipped in 物品插槽 before their use. 技能宝石s grant an active skill for the player to use and are further augmented by linked support skill gems. There are currently 276 different active skill gems and 177 support skill gems in the game, for a total of 453.
Skill gems are not to be confused with 天赋s, which provide constant 统计数据s and are mainly earned through 角色 levelling. To avoid confusion, some players simply refer to both types of these items as "gems". The "Skill gem" in in-game modifier also refer to Active skill gems exclusively.
There are several methods of obtaining skills and support gems:
- Earned through a quest reward (see List of skill gems rewarded from quests).
- Purchased from town vendors once a certain quest is complete (see List of skill gems rewarded from quests).
- Vendors in Acts 1-4 towns sell leveled skill gems. The available gems are based on the character's class and quest progression.
- 萨欧赛 in Act 3 sells all unleveled skill gems that can be received as quest rewards for quests you've completed, across all classes.
- 莉莉罗斯 in Act 6, 10 and 卡鲁沿岸 sells all unleveled skill gems after completing the Act 6 quest Fallen from Grace quest icon.png 贵族殒落.
- Vendor recipes (see 商店配方).
- Random drop from monsters, chests and 保险箱
- 瓦尔技能 gems are obtained from Vaal Vessels in 腐化地区 or by 腐化ing a regular skill gem.
- As a reward for turning certain sets of 命运卡s.
- 献祭猎谱
- Socketed gems gain 10% of the experience your character earns, calculated before any level penalties.
- The number of gems you have equipped has no effect on the rate of experience gain.
- Gems do not lose experience when you die.
- Items with +experience% gain do affect gems.
- Gems socketed in inactive weapon slots do gain experience.
- Gems may be traded like normal items and they will retain their experience.
Once a gem has enough experience to level up, it will stop gaining experience and a level□up icon will appear on the right of the screen and in the inventory menu. Left□clicking it will level up the gem, right□clicking the icon will hide it on the side of the screen, but it will still be accessible in the inventory menu. Not levelling up a gem is useful in some situations.
As gems level up, the abilities they grant get better, but the requirements to equip them also increase, as well as the mana cost for active skills. Each gem level, the exile must have both the attribute corresponding to gem colour and a character level high enough to meet its increased requirements. If a gem gains enough experience to level up, but the exile currently does not meet the requirements, the level□up icon will appear greyed out and not be useable until the requirements are met. For specifics, see the lists of active skills and support gems below.
Items that alter experience gain
Exceeding the level cap
Each gem has a cap beyond which it can not gain any further experience and can not advance any more levels through experience; for most gems this cap is at 20. There are, however, ways to increase the level of a gem beyond 20.
They can be placed in items with modifiers such as the Paragon's - +1 to Level of Socketed Gems (Prefix) or certain 腐化ions, or certain unique items such as 霜狱. They can also be linked with the support gems 赋予辅助, 觉醒.附加火焰伤害辅助, 觉醒.附加冰冷伤害辅助, 觉醒.附加闪电伤害辅助, 觉醒.附加混沌伤害辅助, 觉醒.诅咒光环辅助, and 觉醒.和善辅助, and corrupting a gem can raise its level permanently (ignores level cap, suggest corrupting when the gem is at level 20).
Attribute and level requirements no longer increase when using any of those methods with the exception of corrupting the gem itself.
For example, by combining these three methods, the level of a skill gem can get as high as level 32. One way to do this is to have a 霜狱 with two additional instances of the +2 to Level of Socketed Fire Gems and +2 to Level of Socketed Cold Gems modifiers via corruption, then socket a corrupted level 21 元素打击 gem in to the Frostferno item. This is now a level 29 Elemental Hit. Now support it with a corrupted level 4 Empower Support, increasing the Elemental Hit's level by 3 to bring it to level 32.
A 宝石匠的棱镜 can be used to upgrade a gem's 品质. Adding quality to a gem will add an additional effect to the skill. The exact modifications quality gives to the gem are displayed in the detailed view (hover over the item and hold Alt).
The effect of quality scales with the base quality effect, however, only whole numbers will be granted (and thus the effect will always be rounded down); for example 3% quality on a gem with 0.5% effect will only grant 1% effect and not 1.5% effect. Effects that have some degree of fractions naturally are rounded to their natural bases (i.e. seconds will be rounded to milliseconds, etc.).
Gems with alternate quality effects can be found in 劫盗之星s. They are prefaced as "Anomalous", "Divergent", or "Phantasmal" instead of "Superior".
Like most items, gems can be 腐化ed using a 瓦尔宝珠. Corruption on gems can potentially lift the level or quality percentage of a gem above the maximum of 20. Corruption can also convert a gem into its 瓦尔技能 equivalent, if one exists. It's suggested that you apply Corruption to a Skill Gem when the Skill gem is at level 20, 20% quality or both in order for corruption to potentially exceed the cap.
After the release of 穿越联盟, it became possible to achieve "double-corruption" of a gem by using the Lapidary Lens device in 阿兹瓦特神殿. The device corrupts a skill or a support gem twice, which makes possible to apply two different effects of corruption at once. This allows to receive a level 21 gem with 23% quality.
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