Огненный след

Огненный след Attr /8
Имя | Показывать полное описание |
Рынок | Рынок |
Acronym | Damage over time, Burning, Ignite |
Related | Копия Огненного следа, Royale Emberwake |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Rings/Ring10 |
Icon | ![]() |
Release Version | Warbands and Tempest |
BaseType | Кольцо с рубином |
Reference | ![]() |
+(20–30)% к сопротивлению огню
Family | FireResistance |
Domains | Предмет (1) |
GenerationType | Уникальный (3) |
Req. level | 20 (Effective: 16) |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental fire resistance |
Катализаторы | ![]() |
(30–40)% увеличение урона от огня
Family | FireDamagePercentage |
Domains | Предмет (1) |
GenerationType | Уникальный (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental_damage damage elemental fire |
Катализаторы | ![]() |
(5–10)% повышение скорости сотворения чар
Family | IncreasedCastSpeed |
Domains | Предмет (1) |
GenerationType | Уникальный (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Adds Tags | has_caster_mod |
Craft Tags | caster speed |
Катализаторы | ![]() |
10% шанс поджечь
Family | ChanceToIgnite |
Domains | Предмет (1) |
GenerationType | Уникальный (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental fire ailment |
Вы можете наложить дополнительный поджог на врага
Family | CanInflictMultipleIgnites |
Domains | Предмет (1) |
GenerationType | Уникальный (3) |
Req. level | 20 (Effective: 16) |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental fire ailment |
На 40% меньше урона от горения
Family | EmberwakeLessBurningDamage |
Domains | Предмет (1) |
GenerationType | Уникальный (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | elemental_damage damage elemental fire ailment |
Катализаторы | ![]() |
Rarity: Unique
Ruby Ring
Level: 16
Item Level: 40
+27% to Fire Resistance (implicit)
37% increased Fire Damage
7% increased Cast Speed
10% chance to Ignite
40% less Burning Damage
You can inflict an additional Ignite on each Enemy
Leave the world in flames behind you.
Note: ~price 4 alch
" } }

Community Wiki
Ignited Enemies Burn (50-65)% slower – Ignited enemies burn slower with Emberwake equipped. This means ignites have more duration and deal less fire damage per second. Expressed arithmetically, ignite duration is multiplied by , while fire damage over time from ignites is multiplied by
, where x varies from 50 to 65 depending on the roll. The total fire damage inflicted by one instance of ignite remains the same after these adjustments, but the duration is extended.
Under ideal conditions two active ignites burning 50% slower can be interpreted as 33% more damage per second by the formula
Under worst conditions one active ignite burning 65% slower can be interpreted as 40% less damage per second by the formula
You can inflict an additional Ignite on an Enemy - by default multiple ignites can be applied to an enemy, however only the strongest one actually deals damage. Emberwake allows for two ignites to deal damage simultaneously, or three with two Emberwakes.
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.16.0 |
3.9.0 |
3.0.0 |
'''The following changes CANNOT be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a Divine Orb and will only appear on new versions of these items:'''
2.1.0 |
2.0.4b |
2.0.0h |
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