堆疊數量: 1 / 20
右鍵點擊此物品,再左鍵點擊一件稀有物品來使用。稀有物品最多可以擁有六個屬性。 按住 Shift 點擊以分開堆疊
Exalted Orb
崇高石 CurrencyAddModToRare /13
CostiLvl 1: 普通: 5x富豪石
DropLevel 35
BaseType Exalted Orb
BaseType 崇高石
Class 可堆疊通貨
SoundAudio/Sound Effects/ItemSounds/orb_use.ogg
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
降階 Recipe /1
2x 崇高石
5x 富豪石
1x 卡蘭德的魔鏡
工藝台 /28
增加 (100–129)% 物理傷害1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 雙手近戰 · 單手遠距 · 雙手遠距失落城塢
增加 (82–99)% 法術傷害1x 崇高石雙手近戰古博物館
增加 (55–66)% 法術傷害1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 單手遠距古博物館
增加 (16–20)% 攻擊速度1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 雙手近戰冰川山丘
增加 (11–13)% 攻擊速度1x 崇高石單手遠距 · 雙手遠距冰川山丘
增加 (27–32)% 施放速度1x 崇高石雙手近戰冰川山丘
增加 (18–21)% 施放速度1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 單手遠距冰川山丘
增加 (67–75)% 法術傷害
獲得等同 (7–8)% 非混沌傷害的額外混沌傷害
1x 崇高石雙手近戰密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (46–50)% 法術傷害
獲得等同 4% 非混沌傷害的額外混沌傷害
1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 單手遠距密教反叛 揭露中
此武器進行的攻擊穿透 (11–13)% 元素抗性1x 崇高石雙手近戰 · 雙手遠距 · 單手近戰 · 單手遠距密教反叛 揭露中
+1 最小耐力球1x 崇高石戒指 · 項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
+1 最小暴擊球1x 崇高石戒指 · 項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
+1 最小狂怒球1x 崇高石戒指 · 項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
減少 33% 藥劑充能獲取
作用於你的藥劑增加 (11–14)% 效果
1x 崇高石腰帶密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (9–12)% 冷卻恢復速度1x 崇高石腰帶密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (6–7)% 你所施放詛咒的效果1x 崇高石盾牌密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (15–17)% 傷害1x 崇高石戒指 · 腰帶密教反叛 揭露中
此物品插槽中輔助寶石等級 +22x 崇高石單手近戰 · 單手遠距 · 雙手近戰 · 雙手遠距 · 盾牌密教反叛 揭露中
偷取時增加 (37–43)% 傷害1x 崇高石手套 · 項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
此物品插槽中寶石品質 +(7–8)%1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 單手遠距 · 雙手近戰 · 雙手遠距 · 盾牌密教反叛 揭露中
攻擊和法術不能被閃避3x 崇高石單手近戰 · 雙手近戰密教反叛 揭露中
100% 機率避免被冰凍1x 崇高石鞋子密教反叛 揭露中
+(20–24) 敏捷和智慧
增加 (13–16)% 攻擊速度
1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 雙手近戰密教反叛 揭露中
+(20–24) 力量和智慧
增加 (21–25)% 暴擊率
1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 單手遠距 · 雙手近戰 · 雙手遠距密教反叛 揭露中
當你擊殺敵人時,有 10% 機率觸發等級 1 的鮮血狂怒
增加 (13–16)% 攻擊速度
1x 崇高石單手近戰 · 雙手近戰密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (10–12)% 範圍效果
增加 (14–16)% 範圍傷害
1x 崇高石項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (17–20)% 投射物速度
增加 (14–16)% 投射物傷害
1x 崇高石項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
增加 (14–16)% 近戰傷害
+0.1 米近戰打擊距離
1x 崇高石項鍊密教反叛 揭露中
物品 詞綴 /2
68WeaponTree販售物品有 1 個額外崇高石minion_unique_weapon 170
weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 170
盾 125
普通 100
78WeaponTree販售物品有 3 個額外崇高石minion_unique_weapon 58
weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 58
盾 43
普通 34
Trinket 詞綴 /4
幸運的83前綴劫盜中有 1% 機率混沌石掉落為崇高石 丟置普通 1
幸運的60前綴劫盜中有 2% 機率富豪石掉落為崇高石 丟置普通 10
幸運的75前綴劫盜中有 3% 機率富豪石掉落為崇高石 丟置普通 5
幸運的80前綴劫盜中有 4% 機率富豪石掉落為崇高石 丟置普通 2
其他屬性 詞綴 /8
1PrimordialAltar傳奇最終頭目掉落 (2–4) 個額外崇高石primordial_altar_downside 0
tangle_altar 1000
普通 0
1PrimordialAltar傳奇最終頭目掉落 (2–4) 個額外異能崇高石primordial_altar_downside 0
tangle_altar 0
普通 0
1PrimordialAltar傳奇(1.6–3.2)% 機率掉落 1 個額外崇高石primordial_altar_downside 0
tangle_altar 1000
普通 0
1PrimordialAltar傳奇(1.6–3.2)% 機率掉落 1 個額外異能崇高石primordial_altar_downside 0
tangle_altar 0
普通 0
1PrimordialAltar傳奇最終頭目掉落 (2–4) 個額外異能崇高石primordial_altar_downside 0
cleansing_fire_altar 0
普通 0
1PrimordialAltar傳奇(1.6–3.2)% 機率掉落 1 個額外異能崇高石primordial_altar_downside 0
cleansing_fire_altar 0
普通 0
奉獻給日耀神81NecropolisNecropolisDevoted掉落的飾品有 50% 機率變成崇高石普通 8
奉獻給日耀神84NecropolisNecropolisDevoted掉落的飾品有 75% 機率變成崇高石普通 8
物品 /7
堆疊數量: 1 / 12
堆疊數量: 1 / 5
3 X 崇高石
堆疊數量: 1 / 10
2x 崇高石
堆疊數量: 1 / 7
10x 崇高石
堆疊數量: 1 / 4
5x 崇高石
堆疊數量: 1 / 8
7x 崇高石

Community Wiki


Exalted Orb

An Exalted Orb is a currency item that can be used to enhance a piece of rare equipment with a new random affix. It is one of the three orbs most commonly used as currency to exchange items between players, the other two being Chaos Orb s (much lower value) and Mirror of Kalandra (much higher value).

Item acquisition

Exalted Orbs are rare currency items that can be dropped by slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers. They also drop from Arcanist's Strongboxes and doing beastcrafting recipe, etc. There is a not-profitable vendor recipe to acquire Exalted Orbs by downgrading Mirror of Kalandra, the rarest currency of the game. However, players can also obtain Exalted Orbs indirectly from vendor recipe by acquiring Exalted Shard, and then combine the shard into an orb. However, that vendor recipe may be not profitable either, since the ingredients were Influenced item, which may worth more than the value of Exalted Shards in trade leagues.

Lastly, players can farm the Gilded Fossil from Azurite Mine. There is roughly 1000/23011 chance to have an implicit Item sells for much more to vendors that sell for 1 Exalted Orb, by using that fossil to craft an item. However, currently the selling price of the item is hidden (in specific, the price from that implicit is hidden only), as a hotfix for an exploit.


Exalted Orbs are high-value currency that play a crucial role in the in-game economy. Their primary purpose is to craft high-end rare items. Because of this, it is regarded as the "gold standard" currency for trading between players, with many trade deals listed in terms of Exalted Orbs. Since the average player does not have the means to craft high-end items, the average player typically trades Exalted Orbs for other valuable equipment instead of consuming them.

For powerful or wealthy players looking to use Exalted Orbs on powerful rare items, there are two primary methods to consume them. The first is through direct use of the orb, adding a random affix to a rare item that does not already have six affixes. The other is to add high-end affixes through Crafting Bench by paying a fixed amount of Exalted Orbs. The latter method grants crafters access to the special meta-crafting mods which cannot be rolled naturally.

See also

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