死之狂怒.悉妮蔻拉 Attr /6
名字 | 顯示物品素質 |
ID | AscendancyChieftan9 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/Chieftain/HinekoraDeathsFury.png |
AscendancyID | 酋長 |
PassiveSkillsHash | 1731 |
Tags | isKeystone: false isNotable: true isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Community Wiki
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Hinekora, Death's Fury
Hinekora, Death's Fury is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Chieftain. It grants increased Strength by a percentage, life leech based in fire damage, and a chance to cover a rare or unique enemy with ash on hit, applying a movement slow and increased fire damage taken.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.