
+3 召喚圖騰的最大數量
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
30% 攻擊傷害格擋率
你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
30% 攻擊傷害格擋率
你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害
Ulysses Morvant
幽魂 | N |
標籤 | 法術, chaos_affinity, exile, has_dagger, has_one_handed_melee, human, humanoid, light_armour, lightning_affinity, medium_height, medium_movement, not_str, red_blood, rogue_exile, slashing_weapon |

6 ~ 8
0.855 秒
Model Size
Minion Life
Minion Energy Shield
Minion Damage
下列的數值為技能基礎數值,並未包含地圖加成、怪物Buff加成、祭壇加成、輿圖天賦加成、怪物本身傷害加成(例: 釋界 150% 加成),怪物稀有度加成(例: 傳奇 +70% 更多, 傳奇攻擊 33% 更少)。
法術, 投射物, 玩家投射物, 持續時間, 圖騰技能, 法術可重複, DoT, 混沌, 傷害, 可觸發, 可齊射, 範圍, 範圍法術, 陷阱技能, 地雷技能
施放時間: 0.75 秒
造成 238.7 至 375.1 混沌傷害
每秒造成 227.3 基本混沌傷害
+2.5 秒基礎持續時間
發射 2 個額外投射物
animation effect variation [1]
base is projectile [1]

法術, 範圍, 持續時間, 圖騰技能, 混沌, 範圍法術
施放時間: 0.28 秒
冷卻時間: 2 秒
施放一個對敵人造成虛弱的範圍效果,造成阻礙並且疊加一個使他們增加受到的混沌傷害之凋零減益效果。此減益效果可疊加 15 層。
圖騰持續 12 秒
+0.5 秒基礎持續時間
基礎額外效果持續時間 8 秒
召喚 1 個使用此技能的圖騰
減少 25% 移動速度
增加 5% 承受的混沌傷害
base active skill totem level [68]
base skill is totemified [1]
base totem range [45]
totem art variation [5]

法術, 傷害, 範圍, 持續時間, 陷阱技能, 圖騰技能, 地雷技能, 可觸發, 位移, 閃電, 範圍法術, 快行, 法術可重複, 可齊射
暴擊率: 5%
施放時間: 1 秒
造成 551 至 1653 閃電傷害
減少 38% 持續時間
base skill show average damage instead of dps [1]
is area damage [1]
skill override pvp scaling time ms [1000]

法術, 範圍, 持續時間, 陷阱技能, 圖騰技能, DoT, 混沌, 法術可重複, 可觸發, 地雷技能, DegenOnlySpellDamage, 可秘能爆發, 可齊射, 範圍法術
施放時間: 0.85 秒
冷卻時間: 5 秒
每秒造成 67.9 基本混沌傷害
+5 秒基礎持續時間
基礎範圍為 2 米
is area damage [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile" Stats { set_base_mana_cost_-% = 0 }
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile" BaseEvents { on_construction_complete = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Microtransactions/BodyArmours/ArcaneArmour/ArcaneArmourBody.epk );" }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/ExileShadow5"] = { name = "Ulysses Morvant", life = 1.12, energyShield = 0.6, fireResist = 30, coldResist = 30, lightningResist = 30, chaosResist = 20, damage = 1.43, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 0.855, attackRange = 8, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "Dagger", weaponType2 = "Shield", skillList = { "ExileLightningWarp", "ExileContagion", "ExileShadowWitherTotem", "ExileShadowEssenceDrain", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileLightningWarp"] = { name = "Lightning Warp", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Waits for a duration before teleporting to a targeted destination, with the duration based on the distance and your movement speed. When the teleport occurs, lightning damage is dealt to the area around both where the player was and where they teleported to. Casting again will queue up multiple teleportations to occur in sequence.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, [SkillType.Lightning] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, [SkillType.Travel] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "variable_duration_skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_minimum_base_lightning_damage", "spell_maximum_base_lightning_damage", "skill_effect_duration_+%", "skill_override_pvp_scaling_time_ms", "base_skill_show_average_damage_instead_of_dps", "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 0, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {0.5, 1.5, -2, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {0.5, 1.5, -4, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {0.5, 1.5, -6, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {0.5, 1.5, -8, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {0.5, 1.5, -10, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {0.5, 1.5, -12, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 14, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {0.5, 1.5, -14, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {0.5, 1.5, -16, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 18, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {0.5, 1.5, -18, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {0.5, 1.5, -20, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {0.5, 1.5, -22, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {0.5, 1.5, -24, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {0.5, 1.5, -25, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {0.5, 1.5, -26, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 38, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {0.5, 1.5, -27, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 43, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {0.5, 1.5, -28, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {0.5, 1.5, -29, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {0.5, 1.5, -30, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 56, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {0.5, 1.5, -31, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {0.5, 1.5, -32, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {0.5, 1.5, -34, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {0.5, 1.5, -36, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {0.5, 1.5, -38, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {0.5, 1.5, -40, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {0.5, 1.5, -42, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {0.5, 1.5, -44, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {0.5, 1.5, -46, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {0.5, 1.5, -48, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {0.5, 1.5, -50, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [31] = {0.5, 1.5, -52, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [32] = {0.5, 1.5, -54, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [33] = {0.5, 1.5, -56, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [34] = {0.5, 1.5, -58, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [35] = {0.5, 1.5, -60, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [36] = {0.5, 1.5, -62, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [37] = {0.5, 1.5, -64, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [38] = {0.5, 1.5, -66, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileContagion"] = { name = "Contagion", hidden = true, color = "3", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Unleashes a vile contagion on enemies, dealing chaos damage over time. If an enemy dies while affected by Contagion, the debuff spreads to other enemies.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.DamageOverTime] = true, [SkillType.Chaos] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.DegenOnlySpellDamage] = true, [SkillType.Cascadable] = true, [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "debuff_skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.85, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_chaos_damage_to_deal_per_minute", "base_skill_effect_duration", "active_skill_base_area_of_effect_radius", "is_area_damage", "spell_damage_modifiers_apply_to_skill_dot", }, levels = { [1] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 9, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 36, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 44, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 55, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 58, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 61, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 86, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 88, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 90, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileShadowWitherTotem"] = { name = "Wither", hidden = true, color = "3", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Casts a debilitating effect on enemies in an area, Hindering their movement and applying a stacking Withered debuff that increases the Chaos Damage they take. This effect can stack up to 15 times.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Chaos] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.28, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, duration = true, totem = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_movement_velocity_+%", "base_active_skill_totem_level", "chaos_damage_taken_+%", "base_skill_effect_duration", "base_secondary_skill_effect_duration", "base_totem_duration", "base_totem_range", "totem_art_variation", "is_totem", "base_skill_is_totemified", }, levels = { [1] = {-20, 1, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {-20, 4, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {-20, 7, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 7, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {-20, 12, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {-21, 15, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 15, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {-21, 17, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 17, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {-21, 20, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {-21, 24, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {-22, 26, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 26, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {-22, 30, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 30, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {-22, 34, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {-22, 38, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 38, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {-23, 42, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 42, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {-23, 45, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 45, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {-23, 50, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {-23, 54, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 54, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {-24, 57, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 57, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {-24, 60, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {-24, 64, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {-24, 66, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {-25, 68, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {-25, 69, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {-25, 70, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {-25, 71, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {-26, 72, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {-26, 73, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {-26, 74, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {-26, 75, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {-27, 76, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {-27, 77, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [31] = {-27, 78, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [32] = {-27, 79, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [33] = {-28, 80, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [34] = {-28, 81, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [35] = {-28, 82, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileShadowEssenceDrain"] = { name = "Essence Drain", hidden = true, color = "3", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Fires a projectile that applies a damage over time debuff when it hits. You are healed for a portion of the debuff damage. The debuff is spread by Contagion.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.DamageOverTime] = true, [SkillType.Chaos] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "debuff_skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.75, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, projectile = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_chaos_damage_to_deal_per_minute", "spell_minimum_base_chaos_damage", "spell_maximum_base_chaos_damage", "base_projectile_speed_+%", "base_skill_effect_duration", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "animation_effect_variation", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 7, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 11, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 36, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 44, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 56, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 86, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 88, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 90, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, }, }
+3 召喚圖騰的最大數量
Id | MonsterAdditionalTotems3 |
Family | AdditionalTotems |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
Id | MonsterKillTrapsMinesTotemsOnDeath |
Family | MonsterKillTrapsMinesTotemsOnDeath |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
30% 攻擊傷害格擋率
你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害
Id | MonsterAttackBlock30Bypass15 |
Family | MonsterBlockAndBypass |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | block |

+3 召喚圖騰的最大數量
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
30% 攻擊傷害格擋率
你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害
增加 100% 最大生命
增加 100% 範圍效果
增加 80% 角色體型
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
30% 攻擊傷害格擋率
你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害
增加 100% 最大生命
增加 100% 範圍效果
增加 80% 角色體型
Ulysses Morvant
幽魂 | N |
標籤 | 法術, chaos_affinity, exile, has_dagger, has_one_handed_melee, human, humanoid, light_armour, lightning_affinity, medium_height, medium_movement, not_str, red_blood, rogue_exile, slashing_weapon |

6 ~ 8
0.855 秒
Model Size
Minion Life
Minion Energy Shield
Minion Damage
下列的數值為技能基礎數值,並未包含地圖加成、怪物Buff加成、祭壇加成、輿圖天賦加成、怪物本身傷害加成(例: 釋界 150% 加成),怪物稀有度加成(例: 傳奇 +70% 更多, 傳奇攻擊 33% 更少)。
法術, 投射物, 玩家投射物, 持續時間, 圖騰技能, 法術可重複, DoT, 混沌, 傷害, 可觸發, 可齊射, 範圍, 範圍法術, 陷阱技能, 地雷技能
施放時間: 0.75 秒
造成 238.7 至 375.1 混沌傷害
每秒造成 227.3 基本混沌傷害
+2.5 秒基礎持續時間
發射 2 個額外投射物
animation effect variation [1]
base is projectile [1]

法術, 範圍, 持續時間, 圖騰技能, 混沌, 範圍法術
施放時間: 0.28 秒
冷卻時間: 2 秒
施放一個對敵人造成虛弱的範圍效果,造成阻礙並且疊加一個使他們增加受到的混沌傷害之凋零減益效果。此減益效果可疊加 15 層。
圖騰持續 12 秒
+0.5 秒基礎持續時間
基礎額外效果持續時間 8 秒
召喚 1 個使用此技能的圖騰
減少 25% 移動速度
增加 5% 承受的混沌傷害
base active skill totem level [68]
base skill is totemified [1]
base totem range [45]
totem art variation [5]

法術, 傷害, 範圍, 持續時間, 陷阱技能, 圖騰技能, 地雷技能, 可觸發, 位移, 閃電, 範圍法術, 快行, 法術可重複, 可齊射
暴擊率: 5%
施放時間: 1 秒
造成 551 至 1653 閃電傷害
減少 38% 持續時間
base skill show average damage instead of dps [1]
is area damage [1]
skill override pvp scaling time ms [1000]

法術, 範圍, 持續時間, 陷阱技能, 圖騰技能, DoT, 混沌, 法術可重複, 可觸發, 地雷技能, DegenOnlySpellDamage, 可秘能爆發, 可齊射, 範圍法術
施放時間: 0.85 秒
冷卻時間: 5 秒
每秒造成 67.9 基本混沌傷害
+5 秒基礎持續時間
基礎範圍為 2 米
is area damage [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile" Stats { set_base_mana_cost_-% = 0 }
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile" BaseEvents { on_construction_complete = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Microtransactions/BodyArmours/ArcaneArmour/ArcaneArmourBody.epk );" }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/ExileShadow5Supporter"] = { name = "Ulysses Morvant", life = 1.12, energyShield = 0.6, fireResist = 30, coldResist = 30, lightningResist = 30, chaosResist = 20, damage = 1.43, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 0.855, attackRange = 8, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "Dagger", weaponType2 = "Shield", skillList = { "ExileLightningWarp", "ExileContagion", "ExileShadowWitherTotem", "ExileShadowEssenceDrain", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileLightningWarp"] = { name = "Lightning Warp", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Waits for a duration before teleporting to a targeted destination, with the duration based on the distance and your movement speed. When the teleport occurs, lightning damage is dealt to the area around both where the player was and where they teleported to. Casting again will queue up multiple teleportations to occur in sequence.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, [SkillType.Lightning] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, [SkillType.Travel] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "variable_duration_skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "spell_minimum_base_lightning_damage", "spell_maximum_base_lightning_damage", "skill_effect_duration_+%", "skill_override_pvp_scaling_time_ms", "base_skill_show_average_damage_instead_of_dps", "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 0, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {0.5, 1.5, -2, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {0.5, 1.5, -4, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {0.5, 1.5, -6, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {0.5, 1.5, -8, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {0.5, 1.5, -10, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {0.5, 1.5, -12, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 14, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {0.5, 1.5, -14, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {0.5, 1.5, -16, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 18, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {0.5, 1.5, -18, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {0.5, 1.5, -20, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {0.5, 1.5, -22, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {0.5, 1.5, -24, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {0.5, 1.5, -25, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {0.5, 1.5, -26, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 38, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {0.5, 1.5, -27, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 43, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {0.5, 1.5, -28, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {0.5, 1.5, -29, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {0.5, 1.5, -30, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 56, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {0.5, 1.5, -31, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {0.5, 1.5, -32, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {0.5, 1.5, -34, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {0.5, 1.5, -36, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {0.5, 1.5, -38, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {0.5, 1.5, -40, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {0.5, 1.5, -42, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {0.5, 1.5, -44, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {0.5, 1.5, -46, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {0.5, 1.5, -48, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {0.5, 1.5, -50, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [31] = {0.5, 1.5, -52, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [32] = {0.5, 1.5, -54, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [33] = {0.5, 1.5, -56, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [34] = {0.5, 1.5, -58, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [35] = {0.5, 1.5, -60, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [36] = {0.5, 1.5, -62, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [37] = {0.5, 1.5, -64, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [38] = {0.5, 1.5, -66, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileContagion"] = { name = "Contagion", hidden = true, color = "3", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Unleashes a vile contagion on enemies, dealing chaos damage over time. If an enemy dies while affected by Contagion, the debuff spreads to other enemies.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.DamageOverTime] = true, [SkillType.Chaos] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, [SkillType.DegenOnlySpellDamage] = true, [SkillType.Cascadable] = true, [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "debuff_skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.85, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_chaos_damage_to_deal_per_minute", "base_skill_effect_duration", "active_skill_base_area_of_effect_radius", "is_area_damage", "spell_damage_modifiers_apply_to_skill_dot", }, levels = { [1] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 9, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 36, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 44, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 55, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 58, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 61, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 86, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 88, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {1, 5000, 20, levelRequirement = 90, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileShadowWitherTotem"] = { name = "Wither", hidden = true, color = "3", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Casts a debilitating effect on enemies in an area, Hindering their movement and applying a stacking Withered debuff that increases the Chaos Damage they take. This effect can stack up to 15 times.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Chaos] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.28, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, duration = true, totem = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_movement_velocity_+%", "base_active_skill_totem_level", "chaos_damage_taken_+%", "base_skill_effect_duration", "base_secondary_skill_effect_duration", "base_totem_duration", "base_totem_range", "totem_art_variation", "is_totem", "base_skill_is_totemified", }, levels = { [1] = {-20, 1, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {-20, 4, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {-20, 7, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 7, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {-20, 12, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {-21, 15, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 15, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {-21, 17, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 17, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {-21, 20, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {-21, 24, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {-22, 26, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 26, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {-22, 30, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 30, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {-22, 34, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {-22, 38, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 38, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {-23, 42, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 42, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {-23, 45, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 45, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {-23, 50, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {-23, 54, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 54, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {-24, 57, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 57, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {-24, 60, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {-24, 64, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {-24, 66, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {-25, 68, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {-25, 69, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {-25, 70, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {-25, 71, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {-26, 72, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {-26, 73, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {-26, 74, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {-26, 75, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {-27, 76, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {-27, 77, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [31] = {-27, 78, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [32] = {-27, 79, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [33] = {-28, 80, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [34] = {-28, 81, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, [35] = {-28, 82, 5, 500, 8000, 12000, 45, 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {1, 1}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["ExileShadowEssenceDrain"] = { name = "Essence Drain", hidden = true, color = "3", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Fires a projectile that applies a damage over time debuff when it hits. You are healed for a portion of the debuff damage. The debuff is spread by Contagion.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.DamageOverTime] = true, [SkillType.Chaos] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true, [SkillType.Trappable] = true, [SkillType.Mineable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "debuff_skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.75, baseFlags = { area = true, spell = true, projectile = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_chaos_damage_to_deal_per_minute", "spell_minimum_base_chaos_damage", "spell_maximum_base_chaos_damage", "base_projectile_speed_+%", "base_skill_effect_duration", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "animation_effect_variation", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 7, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [5] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 11, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [6] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [7] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [8] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [9] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [10] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [11] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 36, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [12] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [13] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 44, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [14] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [15] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [16] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 56, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [17] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [18] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [19] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [20] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 0, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [21] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [22] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [23] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [24] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [25] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [26] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [27] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [28] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 86, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [29] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 88, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, [30] = {2.4000000953674, 0.69999998807907, 1.1000000238419, 15, 2500, 2, 1, levelRequirement = 90, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 3, 1}, cost = { }, }, }, }
+3 召喚圖騰的最大數量
Id | MonsterAdditionalTotems3 |
Family | AdditionalTotems |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
Id | MonsterKillTrapsMinesTotemsOnDeath |
Family | MonsterKillTrapsMinesTotemsOnDeath |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
30% 攻擊傷害格擋率
你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害
Id | MonsterAttackBlock30Bypass15 |
Family | MonsterBlockAndBypass |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | block |
增加 100% 最大生命
增加 100% 範圍效果
增加 80% 角色體型
Id | MonsterSupporterGigantism1 |
Family | MonsterSupporterGigantism |
Domains | 怪物 (3) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.