虛無之塔 Attr /8
昇華效果 (隱形)
範圍: 60
-20% 混沌抗性
減少 100% 生命回復率
-20% 冰冷抗性
Void Beacon

名字 | 顯示物品素質 |
ID | AscendancyOccultist11 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/Occultist/VoidBeacon.png |
AscendancyID | 秘術家 |
PassiveSkillsHash | 27096 |
Aura Radius | 60 |
Tags | isKeystone: false isNotable: true isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false |
Ruthless mode | 附近敵人 -20% 冰冷抗性 附近敵人 -20% 混沌抗性 附近敵人減少 100% 生命回復 |
Reference | Community Wiki |
昇華效果 (隱形)
Void Beacon
屬性 /5
Base Chaos Damage Resistance %
Code | base chaos damage resistance % |
IsPublic | 1 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Code | life regeneration rate +% |
IsPublic | 1 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Base Cold Damage Resistance %
Code | base cold damage resistance % |
IsPublic | 1 |
IsLocal | 0 |
IsWeaponLocal | 0 |
IsProxied | |
IsParty | 0 |
IsVirtual | 0 |
IsScalable | 1 |
StatSemantics | Percentage |
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Void Beacon
Void Beacon is a notable Ascendancy passive skill for the Occultist. It lowers the Cold and Chaos resistance and Life regeneration of nearby enemies. The radius of the aura is 60
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.