Community Wiki


Increased Duration Support

Increased Duration Support is a Support gem. It will increase the duration of any effects produced by the supported skill.

Skill functions and interactions

For example this gem will increase:

  • gems must be marked with Duration.

  • The duration of the poison cloud produced by Caustic Arrow

  • The length of time that a monster will remain converted by Conversion Trapetc.

When linked to a remote skill or a skill that creates a minion, this gem will also increase the duration of skills used by the created minion or ally. For instance, if a Goatman Shaman in The Climb is raised as a spectre, the duration of the goatman's Molten Shell will be increased.

Ailments do not gain increased duration unless otherwise specified. Viper Strike and Puncture explicitly increase the duration of the ailment it applies.

This gem also does not increase the duration of Endurance, Frenzy, or Power Charges. These durations can be increased with passive skills and equipment.

Version history

  • Increased Duration Support now has a Cost and Reservation Multiplier of 130% (previously 140%).
  • 2.0.0
  • Increased Duration: Mana multiplier reduced to 140% from 150%.
  • 1.0.6
  • The Increased Duration support gem duration bonus has been reduced from 50-83% (depending on level) to 45-64%.
  • Its quality bonus has been halved.
  • 0.9.6
  • Slightly increased the mana cost multiplier.
  • 0.9.3
  • Increased Duration has been added to the game.

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