不可置疑 Attr /7
名字 | 顯示物品素質 |
ID | AscendancyJuggernaut10 |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/Juggernaut/Undeniable.png |
AscendancyID | 勇士 |
PassiveSkillsHash | 44297 |
Tags | isKeystone: false isNotable: true isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false |
Ruthless mode | 每 150 命中值增加 1% 攻擊速度 獲得等同你力量點的命中值 |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Undeniable is an Ascendancy passive skill for the Juggernaut that grants a large amount of base accuracy rating plus additional accuracy equal to twice your Strength. It also grants increased attack speed per 150 accuracy rating.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.