Напутствие Мегинорда

Напутствие Мегинорда
Стальные перчатки
Качество: +20%
Броня: (313-406)
Требуется Уровень 35, 52 Сила
Умения ударов в ближнем бою наносят урон по целям вокруг
+50 к силе
(150–200)% повышение брони
100% увеличение дистанции отбрасывания
Умения ударов в ближнем бою отбрасывают врагов
Двигайся гордо,
бей крепко,
живи с честью.
Meginord's Vise
Напутствие Мегинорда Attr /7
Показывать полное описание
AcronymKnockback, Hit, Ближний бой, Броня, Distance
Release Version0.9.11c
BaseTypeСтальные перчатки
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
+50 к силе
DomainsПредмет (1)
GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
Req. level1
  • additional strength Min: 50 Max: 50 Global
  • Craft Tagsattribute
    (150–200)% повышение брони
    DomainsПредмет (1)
    GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
    Req. level1
  • local physical damage reduction rating +% Min: 150 Max: 200 Область
  • Craft Tagsdefences armour
    Умения ударов в ближнем бою наносят урон по целям вокруг
    DomainsПредмет (1)
    GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
    Req. level1
  • melee splash Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Craft Tagsattack
    100% увеличение дистанции отбрасывания
    DomainsПредмет (1)
    GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
    Req. level1
  • knockback distance +% Min: 100 Max: 100 Global
  • Умения ударов в ближнем бою отбрасывают врагов
    DomainsПредмет (1)
    GenerationTypeУникальный (3)
    Req. level1
  • strike skills knockback on melee hit Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • { "w": 2, "h": 2, "icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvQXJtb3Vycy9HbG92ZXMvR2xvdmVzU3RyNSIsInciOjIsImgiOjIsInNjYWxlIjoxfV0/2aaf87839e/GlovesStr5.png", "league": "Settlers", "name": "Meginord's Vise", "typeLine": "Steel Gauntlets", "baseType": "Steel Gauntlets", "rarity": "Unique", "ilvl": 66, "properties": [ { "name": "Armour", "values": [ [ "333", 1 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 16 } ], "requirements": [ { "name": "Level", "values": [ [ "35", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 0, "type": 62 }, { "name": "Str", "values": [ [ "52", 0 ] ], "displayMode": 1, "type": 63 } ], "explicitMods": [ "Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets", "+50 to Strength", "173% increased Armour", "100% increased Knockback Distance", "Melee Hits with Strike Skills always Knockback" ], "flavourText": [ "Ride with pride,\r", "strike with vengeance,\r", "live with honour." ], "frameType": 3, "extended": { "base_defence_percentile": 55, "ar": 400, "ar_aug": true, "mods": { "explicit": [ { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_1062208444", "min": "150", "max": "200" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_4080418644", "min": "50", "max": "50" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_565784293", "min": "100", "max": "100" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_1737583880", "min": "1", "max": "1" } ] }, { "name": "", "tier": "", "level": 1, "magnitudes": [ { "hash": "explicit.stat_3675300253", "min": "1", "max": "1" } ] } ] }, "hashes": { "explicit": [ [ "explicit.stat_3675300253", [ 4 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_4080418644", [ 1 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_1062208444", [ 0 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_565784293", [ 2 ] ], [ "explicit.stat_1737583880", [ 3 ] ] ] }, "text": "Item Class: Gloves
    Rarity: Unique
    Meginord's Vise
    Steel Gauntlets
    Armour: 333 (augmented)
    Level: 35
    Str: 52
    Sockets: R-R G-R
    Item Level: 66
    Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets
    +50 to Strength
    173% increased Armour
    100% increased Knockback Distance
    Melee Hits with Strike Skills always Knockback
    Ride with pride,
    strike with vengeance,
    live with honour.
    Note: ~price 1 chaos
    " } }
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    Community Wiki


    Meginord's Vise

    Version history

  • '''A Divine Orb can be used to obtain the new values of modifiers, but cannot be used to gain new modifiers:'''
  • No longer has 10% increased Global Physical Damage, or Regenerate 2% of Life per second with at least 400 Strength.
  • Now has 100% increased Knockback Distance
  • Now has Melee Hits with Strike Skills Always Knockback
  • Now has Melee Strike Skills deal Splash Damage to surrounding targets.
  • Now has +50 to Strength (previously +100).
  • 2.6.0 '''The following changes cannot be obtained by rerolling the item's mods with a Divine Orb''':
  • Now has 2% Life Regeneration per Second at 400 Strength or more.
  • 1.1.0
  • Deshret's Vise has been renamed to Meginord's Vise. Attack Speed penalty has been removed.
  • 0.9.11c
  • Introduced to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.