裂痕 怪物 /30
名字 | 詞綴 | 幽魂 |
黑暗餘燼‧索伏 | monster no drops [1] | N |
黑暗餘燼‧索伏 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
崩雪‧托沃 | kill traps mines and totems on death [1] 30% 攻擊傷害格擋率 你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 monster no drops [1] | N |
崩雪‧托沃 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 30% 攻擊傷害格擋率 你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
異念‧艾許 | monster no drops [1] | N |
異念‧艾許 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
截載者‧烏爾尼多 | monster no drops [1] | N |
截載者‧烏爾尼多 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
逐夢者‧夏烏拉 | monster no drops [1] | N |
逐夢者‧夏烏拉 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
逐夢者‧夏烏拉 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
佈施者.烈許烏拉 | N | |
黑暗餘燼‧索伏 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
崩雪‧托沃 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
異念‧艾許 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
截載者‧烏爾尼多 | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
索伏的忠誠 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
索伏的青睞 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
夏烏拉的完美 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
托沃的它 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] kill traps mines and totems on death [1] | Y |
艾許之鱗 | grant actor scale +% to aura owner on death [2] grant attack speed +% to aura owner on death [5] grant cast speed +% to aura owner on death [5] grant damage reduction % to aura owner on death [-2] soul is consumed on death [1] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
艾許之鱗 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
烏爾尼多之珍藏 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [11] 增加 20% 投射物傷害 display monster uses far shot text [1] monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range [60] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
烏爾尼多之寵 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [11] 增加 20% 投射物傷害 display monster uses far shot text [1] monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range [60] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
注視之彼 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
托沃之彼 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
等待之彼 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
輕語之彼 | monster casts puncture text [1] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
夏烏拉的理想 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
遠觸之彼 | monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
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