掘獄 怪物 /151
名字 | 詞綴 | 幽魂 |
血盟祭司 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
暗影追獵者 | monster no drops or experience [1] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
冥河之尖 | emerge speed +% [0,20] 不會被暈眩 不能被擊退 | N |
礫岩術士 | Y | |
盲人阿烏塔利 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 行動速度不能被調整至低於 50% 基礎值 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
晶之帝奧爾 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 行動速度不能被調整至低於 50% 基礎值 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [4000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
碧藍礦塔 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
穴蟀 | Y | |
躁蟀 | Y | |
圖郎恩 | Y | |
黑暗跟蹤者 | N | |
碧藍礦蟻 | Y | |
穴居者 | Y | |
鮮血之巔 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
藍猿 | Y | |
石膚舞者 | Y | |
骨皮刨刀 | Y | |
戈爾枸 | Y | |
原始戈爾枸 | Y | |
碧藍尖嘯者 | Y | |
衝鋒尖嘯者 | Y | |
吉漢尼斯 | 行動速度不能被調整至低於 50% 基礎值 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 1500% 物品掉落數量 增加 2000% 物品掉落稀有度 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
惡魔 | N | |
巴曼斯之體 | 死亡時擴散腐蝕地面 monster caustic cloud on death base area of effect radius [12] monster ground effect on death base duration ms [3000] 死亡時噴灑焦油 monster ground effect on death base duration ms [6000] monster ground tar on death monvement speed pluspercent [-60] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
哈斯特之血 | 獲得 25% 物理傷害的冰冷傷害 monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
提耶須之眼 | monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
奈恩之手 | monster no beyond portal [1] 減少 25% 移動速度 monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
巴曼斯信徒 | monster no beyond portal [1] 每秒受到等同 4% 最大生命的混沌傷害 monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
提耶須獵犬 | monster no beyond portal [1] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
哈斯特使徒 | monster no beyond portal [1] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
艾菲吉之口 | display monster casts lightning warp text [1] 近戰打擊技能對目標附近造成擴散傷害 80% 物理傷害轉換為閃電傷害 monster no beyond portal [1] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
艾菲吉崇信者 | monster no beyond portal [1] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
哈斯特狂信者 | monster no beyond portal [1] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
提耶須狂徒 | monster no beyond portal [1] monster no map drops [1] 怪物增加 300% 經驗值 monster no drops [0] | N |
石化雕像 | N | |
竦動硫酸 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
幻影猛獸 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
托爾.歐柯索 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] | N |
奔放者強納 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] 你的擊中不能被閃避 不會暴擊 20% 攻擊傷害格擋率 你承受 10% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
青門之士歐拉 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] 增加 20% 攻擊速度 | N |
伊恩暗霧 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] | N |
灰髮艾歐恩 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] 增加 20% 攻擊速度 30% 攻擊傷害格擋率 你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
米娜菈.艾妮米娜 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] 30% 法術傷害格擋率 你承受 15% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
吞噬獸 | Y | |
怒炎之靈 | 50% 物理傷害轉換為火焰傷害 cannot have affliction mods [1] | N |
墮落之爪 | monster do not fracture [1] | Y |
寒冰魔像 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] | N |
極地魔像 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] | N |
火焰魔像 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] | N |
熔岩魔像 | monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33] | N |
熔核魔像 | N | |
史前看守者 | emerge speed +% [0,20] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
史前獵者 | emerge speed +% [0,20] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
盜屍者 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 % 生命 maximum spirit charges [0] monster spirit charges are infinite [0] spirit charge tier [1] emerge speed +% [0,20] base secondary skill effect duration [2000] spell maximum action distance +% [-55] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
雄壯之翼 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 % 生命 maximum spirit charges [0] monster spirit charges are infinite [0] spirit charge tier [1] emerge speed +% [0,20] | Y |
雄翼女酋 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 4% 生命 maximum spirit charges [3] monster spirit charges are infinite [1] spirit charge tier [2] emerge speed +% [0,20] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
黯光之恐 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 % 生命 maximum spirit charges [0] monster spirit charges are infinite [0] spirit charge tier [1] emerge speed +% [0,20] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
幼蛛 | Y | |
裂齒毒蛛 | Y | |
碧藍毒蛛 | Y | |
深礦惡蛛 | N | |
盤纏毒蛛 | Y | |
鮮血創造物 | 技能發射 2 個額外投射物 cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
巨型鮮血墮靈 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
瓦爾巨蟒 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
鮮血信徒 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
鮮血擁戴者 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
通道之獅 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
初始尋者黑蟹 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
骨皮戰士 | 20% 攻擊傷害格擋率 你承受 10% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | Y |
極懼戈爾枸 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
碧藍活礦 | cannot be used as minion [1] corpse cannot be destroyed [1] | N |
白雪狼 | Y | |
凍冰狼 | Y | |
吞噬獸 | N | |
深沉之影 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 % 生命 maximum spirit charges [0] monster spirit charges are infinite [0] spirit charge tier [1] emerge speed +% [0,20] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
坑穴裂齒獸 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 4% 生命 maximum spirit charges [3] monster spirit charges are infinite [1] spirit charge tier [2] emerge speed +% [0,20] cannot be used as minion [1] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | N |
撕裂人 | 當你失去 1 顆靈體能量球時,恢復 4% 生命 maximum spirit charges [3] monster spirit charges are infinite [1] spirit charge tier [2] emerge speed +% [0,20] monster beyond portal chance +% final [-66] monster hellscape charge +% [-66] | Y |
骷髏瓦爾信徒 | Y | |
骷髏瓦爾狂熱者 | Y | |
骷髏瓦爾擁戴者 | Y | |
遠古創造物 | Y | |
蛇影創造物 | Y | |
瓦爾墮靈 | Y | |
強化瓦爾墮靈 | Y | |
瓦爾處刑者 | monster casts elemental hit text [1] | Y |
巨型瓦爾墮靈 | Y | |
血腥祭司 | 獲得 100% 物理傷害的冰冷傷害 | N |
魂尋者 | 獲得 100% 物理傷害的冰冷傷害 | N |
暗影祭司 | 獲得 100% 物理傷害的冰冷傷害 | N |
暗影追獵者 | 獲得 100% 物理傷害的冰冷傷害 | N |
怨靈 | Y | |
史前幻影 | N | |
幻靈武器 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
幻靈守衛 | 20% 攻擊傷害格擋率 你承受 10% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
幻靈守衛 | N | |
沙兵衛士 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
沙地巨獸 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
潛伏之炎 | N | |
混沌衛兵 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
混沌裂片 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
能量軌跡 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
竦動巨岩 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
竦動裂片 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
竦動冰晶 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
竦動虛晶 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
竦動魔晶 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
古代幻影 | 擊中時有 25% 機率使敵人受到時空鎖鏈詛咒 | N |
古代怨靈 | 擊中時使敵人受到衰弱詛咒 你可以造成 1 個額外詛咒 | Y |
古代難靈 | 擊中時使敵人受到時空鎖鏈詛咒 你可以造成 1 個額外詛咒 | Y |
雷電球 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
風暴魔像 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
魔暴 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
惡魔竊語者 | N | |
深淵蹣跚者 | undead description [1] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
深淵突襲者 | undead description [1] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
滲血死屍 | undead description [1] 死亡時噴灑焦油 monster ground effect on death base duration ms [6000] monster ground tar on death monvement speed pluspercent [-60] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
強酸之靈 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
烈炎地獄犬 | 死亡時燃燒地面 monster ground effect on death base duration ms [6000] monster ground fire on death base area of effect radius [16] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
地獄犬 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
血肉熔嗜 | 增加 40% 攻擊速度 100% 物理傷害轉換為火焰傷害 所有火焰傷害擊中敵人造成點燃效果 死亡時燃燒地面 monster ground effect on death base duration ms [12000] monster ground fire on death base area of effect radius [32] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
海盜怨靈 | 50% 物理傷害轉換為閃電傷害 cannot be used as minion [1] 20% 攻擊傷害格擋率 20% 法術傷害格擋率 你承受 40% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
惡棍怨靈 | 50% 物理傷害轉換為閃電傷害 cannot be used as minion [1] 20% 攻擊傷害格擋率 20% 法術傷害格擋率 你承受 40% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
怨靈劍客 | 50% 物理傷害轉換為閃電傷害 cannot be used as minion [1] 20% 攻擊傷害格擋率 20% 法術傷害格擋率 你承受 40% 來自格擋擊中的傷害 | N |
海盜怨靈 | 50% 物理傷害轉換為閃電傷害 cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
斯圖亞首領.刺殺者.葛蘭 | ignite art variation [2] cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
白漆椰香蟹 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
漆白海帶蟹 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
漆白排蟹 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
白漆蛛蛛蟹 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
虐靈蝦獸 | cannot be used as minion [1] | N |
惡魔 | summon specific monsters in front offset [140] | N |
惡魔小鬼 | Y | |
惡魔野獸 | Y | |
惡魔鬼魂 | Y | |
惡魔鷹身 | Y | |
惡魔牧人 | Y | |
仇恨牧人.克塔什 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 行動速度不能被調整至低於 50% 基礎值 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
貪婪生化人 | Y | |
貪婪野蠻人 | Y | |
貪婪消化 | Y | |
貪婪怪胎 | Y | |
貪婪血塑者 | Y | |
貪婪剝離 | Y | |
巨鉗大嘴.戈沃 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 行動速度不能被調整至低於 50% 基礎值 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
蒼白小天使 | Y | |
蒼白僕從 | Y | |
蒼白美德 | Y | |
蒼白天使 | Y | |
蒼白六翼天使 | Y | |
死亡天使.貝達特 | 怪物增加 100% 經驗值 增加 15000% 物品掉落稀有度 行動速度不能被調整至低於 50% 基礎值 cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] | N |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Locations · 碧藍礦坑營地