Automaton Flamestrider Boots
Price: 95
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The Automaton Flamestrider Boots leave a trail of fire in your wake as you run, blazing hotter and longer the faster you move.

Automaton Flamestrider Boots Attr /6
名字 | 显示物品素质 |
shop_tw | AutomatonFlamestriderBoots |
name_tw | 腳部外觀:烈焰馭者.機甲 |
price_tw | 350 |
shop_us | AutomatonFlamestriderBoots |
name_us | Automaton Flamestrider Boots |
price_us | 95 |
Automaton Flamestrider Boots
Boots Skin
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Automaton Flamestrider Boots. These leave a trail of fire in your wake as you run, blazing hotter and longer the faster you move.

Automaton Flamestrider Boots MicrotransactionAutomatonFlamestriderBoots /3
名字 | 显示物品素质 |
附加于 | 鞋子 |
Path of Exile | 1 |
Early Access | 1 |
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