月母常曦 MTX /19
Lunar Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Lunar Helmet.
Lunar Boots
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Lunar Boots.
Lunar Gloves
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Lunar Gloves.
Lunar Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Lunar Body Armour.
Lunar Body Armour Upgraded
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Lunar Body Armour.
Lunar Wings
Adds the Lunar Wings to any equipped body armour.
Lunar Cloak
Adds the Lunar Cloak to any equipped body armour.
Lunar Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Lunar Portal Effect.
Lunar Apparition Effect
The Lunar Apparition possesses your character.
Lunar Weapon Skin
Changes the appearance of any equipped Dagger, Wand, Claw, Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff, Bow or Quiver to the Lunar Weapon or Quiver.
Lunar Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Lunar Shield.
Lunar Weapon Effect
Adds the Lunar Weapon Effect to any equipped weapon.
Lunar Footprints Effect
Adds Lunar Footprints to any equipped pair of boots.
Lunar Character Effect
Attaches the Lunar Character Effect to your belt.
Lunar Portrait Frame
Adds the Lunar Portrait Frame to this character.
Lunar Essence Fragment
Can be salvaged for a Lunar Mystery Box
Lunar Rabbit Pet
Summons your pet. When in a town or hideout, you possess the demon and your non-instant skills are disabled.
Lunar Rabbit Premium Pet
Summons your pet. A blood elemental is summoned around your character whenever you are in the soul gain prevention period after using a Vaal skill.

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