monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
Tinevin Highdove
标签bludgeoning_weapon, 施法, has_two_hand_mace, has_two_handed_melee, human, humanoid, lightning_affinity, mail_armour, medium_height, medium_movement, melee, not_dex, physical_affinity, ranged, red_blood, rogue_exile
  • 托尔, 阿密欧斯, 迪斯马雷斯, 奔放者强纳, 达莫伊, 饮血者山卓, 巨骨维卡司, 青门欧拉, 缇耶娜, 安塔莉, 迎阳者奥古丝汀娜, 乐亚·索拉莉亚, 逢斯·阿吉尔, 暗雾者伊恩, 灰烬莱萨德, 恶魔驯服者维洛零, 灰发艾欧恩, 缇娜雯, 巨石之棘, 米娜拉, 火凤伊格娜, 迪娜·洛尼, 艾伦迪亚, 奥拉乌娜, 棕背博尔特, 莫文特, 哈根缇奥, 奥提玛, 欧尼崔克斯, 吉尔米斯·奥利, 巴拉库斯·菲拉夏桑特, 雷霆卫士, 安斯雷·瓦里希, 塞维特·特瑟伦
  • 生命
    30 30 30 20
    6 ~ 10
    1.245 秒
    Model Size
    攻击, 范围攻击, 技能可幻影射手, 投射物, 近战单一目标, 攻击可重复, 近战, 玩家投射物
    基本伤害: 427–641
    攻击暴击率: 5%
    攻击间隔: 1.245 秒
    skill can fire arrows [1]
    skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
    法术, 增益, 持续时间, 图腾技能, 可触发, 物理, 立即, 冷却
    施放间隔: 0.85 秒
    冷却时间: 7 秒
    仰天怒吼, 释放耐力球, 并使你的角色免疫物理攻击一小段时间. 免疫物理攻击时间长短视释放的耐力球数量而定. 【金! 钟! 罩! 】
    基础持续时间为 3.3
    法术, 投射物, 玩家投射物, 伤害, 持续时间, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 法术可重复, 可触发, 闪电, 可齐射
    攻击暴击率: 5%
    伤害效用: 50%
    施放间隔: 0.65 秒
    造成 99.7 - 299.1 闪电伤害
    基础持续时间为 3.5
    额外发射 6 个投射物
    投射物速度加快 25%
    base is projectile [1]
    法术, 伤害, 范围, 持续时间, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 可触发, 位移, 闪电, 范围法术, 快行, 法术可重复, 可齐射
    攻击暴击率: 5%
    施放间隔: 1 秒
    造成 551 - 1653 闪电伤害
    持续时间缩短 38%
    base skill show average damage instead of dps [1]
    is area damage [1]
    skill override pvp scaling time ms [1000]
    法术, 投射物, 玩家投射物, ProjectileSpiral, 伤害, 持续时间, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 瓦尔, 闪电
    伤害效用: 50%
    施放间隔: 0.65 秒
    造成 113 - 338.9 闪电伤害
    基础持续时间为 3.5
    投射物速度加快 25%
    base is projectile [1]
    monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range [40]
    projectile spiral nova time ms [4500]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile"
    	set_base_mana_cost_-% = 0

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile"
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/ExileTemplar2"] = {
        name = "Tinevin Highdove",
        life = 1.28,
        energyShield = 0.4,
        fireResist = 30,
        coldResist = 30,
        lightningResist = 30,
        chaosResist = 20,
        damage = 1.43,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.245,
        attackRange = 10,
        accuracy = 1,
        weaponType1 = "Two Hand Mace",
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileImmortalCall"] = {
        name = "Immortal Call",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Buff] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Instant] = true,
            [SkillType.Cooldown] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.85,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {2800, levelRequirement = 35, statInterpolation = {1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {3300, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {5000, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["Melee"] = {
        name = "Default Attack",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Attack] = true,
            [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true,
            [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true,
            [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
            [SkillType.Melee] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            attack = true,
            melee = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileSpark"] = {
        name = "Spark",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Launches unpredictable sparks that move randomly until they hit an enemy or expire.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.65,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 11, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 15, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 31, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 37, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 42, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 44, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 51, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 63, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 65, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [34] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [35] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [36] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileLightningWarp"] = {
        name = "Lightning Warp",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Waits for a duration before teleporting to a targeted destination, with the duration based on the distance and your movement speed. When the teleport occurs, lightning damage is dealt to the area around both where the player was and where they teleported to. Casting again will queue up multiple teleportations to occur in sequence.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Movement] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Travel] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "variable_duration_skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 0, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, -2, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, -4, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.5, 1.5, -6, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.5, 1.5, -8, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.5, 1.5, -10, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {0.5, 1.5, -12, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 14, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {0.5, 1.5, -14, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {0.5, 1.5, -16, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 18, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {0.5, 1.5, -18, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {0.5, 1.5, -20, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {0.5, 1.5, -22, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {0.5, 1.5, -24, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {0.5, 1.5, -25, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {0.5, 1.5, -26, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 38, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {0.5, 1.5, -27, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 43, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {0.5, 1.5, -28, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {0.5, 1.5, -29, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {0.5, 1.5, -30, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 56, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {0.5, 1.5, -31, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {0.5, 1.5, -32, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {0.5, 1.5, -34, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {0.5, 1.5, -36, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {0.5, 1.5, -38, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {0.5, 1.5, -40, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {0.5, 1.5, -42, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {0.5, 1.5, -44, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {0.5, 1.5, -46, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {0.5, 1.5, -48, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {0.5, 1.5, -50, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {0.5, 1.5, -52, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {0.5, 1.5, -54, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {0.5, 1.5, -56, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [34] = {0.5, 1.5, -58, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [35] = {0.5, 1.5, -60, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [36] = {0.5, 1.5, -62, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [37] = {0.5, 1.5, -64, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [38] = {0.5, 1.5, -66, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileVaalSpark"] = {
        name = "Vaal Spark",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Continuously launches unpredictable sparks in all directions that move randomly until they hit an enemy or expire.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectileSpiral] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Vaal] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.65,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 21, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 26, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    Domains怪物 (3)
    GenerationType传奇 (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final Min: 33 Max: 33 全域
  • Craft Tagscaster_damage damage attack caster speed
    monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    生命上限提高 100%
    效果区域扩大 100%
    角色体型增大 80%
    Tinevin Highdove
    标签bludgeoning_weapon, 施法, has_two_hand_mace, has_two_handed_melee, human, humanoid, lightning_affinity, mail_armour, medium_height, medium_movement, melee, not_dex, physical_affinity, ranged, red_blood, rogue_exile
    30 30 30 20
    6 ~ 10
    1.245 秒
    Model Size
    攻击, 范围攻击, 技能可幻影射手, 投射物, 近战单一目标, 攻击可重复, 近战, 玩家投射物
    基本伤害: 427–641
    攻击暴击率: 5%
    攻击间隔: 1.245 秒
    skill can fire arrows [1]
    skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
    法术, 增益, 持续时间, 图腾技能, 可触发, 物理, 立即, 冷却
    施放间隔: 0.85 秒
    冷却时间: 7 秒
    仰天怒吼, 释放耐力球, 并使你的角色免疫物理攻击一小段时间. 免疫物理攻击时间长短视释放的耐力球数量而定. 【金! 钟! 罩! 】
    基础持续时间为 3.3
    法术, 投射物, 玩家投射物, 伤害, 持续时间, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 法术可重复, 可触发, 闪电, 可齐射
    攻击暴击率: 5%
    伤害效用: 50%
    施放间隔: 0.65 秒
    造成 99.7 - 299.1 闪电伤害
    基础持续时间为 3.5
    额外发射 6 个投射物
    投射物速度加快 25%
    base is projectile [1]
    法术, 伤害, 范围, 持续时间, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 可触发, 位移, 闪电, 范围法术, 快行, 法术可重复, 可齐射
    攻击暴击率: 5%
    施放间隔: 1 秒
    造成 551 - 1653 闪电伤害
    持续时间缩短 38%
    base skill show average damage instead of dps [1]
    is area damage [1]
    skill override pvp scaling time ms [1000]
    法术, 投射物, 玩家投射物, ProjectileSpiral, 伤害, 持续时间, 陷阱技能, 图腾技能, 地雷技能, 瓦尔, 闪电
    伤害效用: 50%
    施放间隔: 0.65 秒
    造成 113 - 338.9 闪电伤害
    基础持续时间为 3.5
    投射物速度加快 25%
    base is projectile [1]
    monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range [40]
    projectile spiral nova time ms [4500]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile"
    	set_base_mana_cost_-% = 0

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/Exile"
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/Exiles/ExileTemplar2Supporter"] = {
        name = "Tinevin Highdove",
        life = 1.28,
        energyShield = 0.4,
        fireResist = 30,
        coldResist = 30,
        lightningResist = 30,
        chaosResist = 20,
        damage = 1.43,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.245,
        attackRange = 10,
        accuracy = 1,
        weaponType1 = "Two Hand Mace",
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileImmortalCall"] = {
        name = "Immortal Call",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Discharges Endurance Charges, making the character invulnerable to physical damage for a short time, proportional to how many endurance charges were expended.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Buff] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Instant] = true,
            [SkillType.Cooldown] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.85,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {2800, levelRequirement = 35, statInterpolation = {1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {3300, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {5000, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["Melee"] = {
        name = "Default Attack",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Attack] = true,
            [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true,
            [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true,
            [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
            [SkillType.Melee] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            attack = true,
            melee = true,
            projectile = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileSpark"] = {
        name = "Spark",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Launches unpredictable sparks that move randomly until they hit an enemy or expire.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.65,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 11, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 15, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 2, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 31, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 37, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 42, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 44, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 51, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 4, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 63, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 65, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [34] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [35] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [36] = {0.5, 1.5, 7000, 6, 25, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileLightningWarp"] = {
        name = "Lightning Warp",
        hidden = true,
        color = 4,
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Waits for a duration before teleporting to a targeted destination, with the duration based on the distance and your movement speed. When the teleport occurs, lightning damage is dealt to the area around both where the player was and where they teleported to. Casting again will queue up multiple teleportations to occur in sequence.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Movement] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Travel] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "variable_duration_skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 0, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, -2, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, -4, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.5, 1.5, -6, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.5, 1.5, -8, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.5, 1.5, -10, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {0.5, 1.5, -12, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 14, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {0.5, 1.5, -14, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 16, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {0.5, 1.5, -16, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 18, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {0.5, 1.5, -18, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {0.5, 1.5, -20, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 24, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {0.5, 1.5, -22, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {0.5, 1.5, -24, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {0.5, 1.5, -25, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {0.5, 1.5, -26, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 38, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {0.5, 1.5, -27, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 43, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {0.5, 1.5, -28, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 48, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {0.5, 1.5, -29, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {0.5, 1.5, -30, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 56, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {0.5, 1.5, -31, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {0.5, 1.5, -32, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {0.5, 1.5, -34, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {0.5, 1.5, -36, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {0.5, 1.5, -38, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {0.5, 1.5, -40, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {0.5, 1.5, -42, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {0.5, 1.5, -44, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {0.5, 1.5, -46, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {0.5, 1.5, -48, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {0.5, 1.5, -50, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {0.5, 1.5, -52, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {0.5, 1.5, -54, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {0.5, 1.5, -56, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [34] = {0.5, 1.5, -58, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [35] = {0.5, 1.5, -60, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [36] = {0.5, 1.5, -62, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [37] = {0.5, 1.5, -64, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [38] = {0.5, 1.5, -66, 1000, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["ExileVaalSpark"] = {
        name = "Vaal Spark",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Continuously launches unpredictable sparks in all directions that move randomly until they hit an enemy or expire.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectileSpiral] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Vaal] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.65,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 21, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 26, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.5, 1.5, 3500, 150, 4500, 40, 25, levelRequirement = 32, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
    monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final [33]
    Domains怪物 (3)
    GenerationType传奇 (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster base type attack cast speed +% and damage -% final Min: 33 Max: 33 全域
  • Craft Tagscaster_damage damage attack caster speed
    生命上限提高 100%
    效果区域扩大 100%
    角色体型增大 80%
    Domains怪物 (3)
    GenerationType传奇 (3)
    Req. level1
  • maximum life +% Min: 100 Max: 100 全域
  • base actor scale +% Min: 80 Max: 80 全域
  • base skill area of effect +% Min: 100 Max: 100 全域
  • Edit

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