Scourge - Derrote Conquistadores com Estilo /4
Derrote cada um dos Conquistadores do Atlas das seguintes formas específicas.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Baran, o Cruzado sem ser acertado pelo Peso do JulgamentoKillCrusaderWithoutBeingHitBySlam
Al-Hezmin, o Caçador sem ser acertado por Fatiar e CortarKillHunterWithoutBeingHitByStabSlam
Veritania, A Redentora sem ser acertado por nenhum TornadoKillRedeemerWithoutBeingHitByTornadoes
Drox, O Senhor da Guerra sem ser acertado pelo Punho EsmagadorKillWarlordWithoutBeingHitByBanners

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Defeat each of the Conquerors of the Atlas in each of the specified ways:

  • Al-Hezmin, the Hunter without being hit by Slice and Dice

  • Baran, the Crusader without being hit by Weight of Judgement

  • Drox, the Warlord without being hit by Crushing Fist

  • Veritania, the Redeemer without being hit by any Tornadoes

This challenge requires a very strong build, as to be able to defeat the Conquerors without being hit by their moves. You will be able to do this if you have strong single target damage so that the boss doesn't have time to cast any of it’s skills, and can take the watchstones out of your Atlas of Worlds to lower the level at which you encounter these conquerors so that they are easier to defeat.

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