Scourge - Derrote os Temidos Simultaneamente /1
Derrote os Temidos no Crisol da Maven enquanto ele tiver o modificador "Maven libera todos os Chefes de uma vez".
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Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Defeat The Feared in The Maven's Crucible while it has the "Maven releases all Bosses at once" modifier. A new mod to Maven invitations were introduced to allow for the bosses to spawn simultaneously, instead of being staggered. This is a very difficult fight, containing all the hardest bosses in the game, all at once.

Maven's Invitation: The Feared can be done as magic rarity with no other modifiers to make the encounter easier, but it is still a combination of the game’s hardest bosses being fought all at once. And again, this challenge can be done in a party so if your build can’t handle this content, bring a friend or a carry to help you out clear this challenge whenever you’re ready to open this map.

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