Scourge - Transforme Itens II /8
Transforme itens no Crisol Sangrento para atingir cinco dos seguintes oito resultados.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Passiva Fundamental
Modificador de Defesa
Modificador de Resistência
Modificador de Nível de Gema
Modificador de Maldição ao Acertar
Modificador de Eficácia de Reserva
Modificador de Não Causar Dano
Modificador de Velocidade

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Transform items in the Blood Crucible to achieve five of the following seven outcomes:

Item Type It Occurs On
Curse on Hit Gloves
Keystone Passive Skill Body Armour
Deal no Damage Any Weapon
Reservation Efficiency Amulet
Defence Any Armour
Resistance Any Weapon
Any Armour
Any Jewellery
Gem level Body Armour

#PSA: Skip keystone and curse on hit (hardest to get because they don't have equivalent downsides), roll gem level on as-low-as-possible ilvl helmets (should take 10-15 tries), and reservation on 68+ amulets (this one will take a while).

This challenge may be a bit of an RNG-fest, as you need to get specific Scourge modifiers from a large list in order to complete this challenge, but you only need to do 5 out of 7 of them so … should be fine? Certain mods may be restricted to certain item types so be careful of what you’re trying to aim for when you put your items into the Blood Crucible to transform them. Each equipment can be transformed up to 3 times(item level 68 above), with the benefits and penalties of the Scourge modifiers becoming increasingly stronger the higher the tier; meaning you have the high possibility of getting a very powerful item, or a completely useless one in the process.

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