Harbinger - Aprimore Poderes do Panteão /7
Aprimore completamente quaisquer 5 dos seguintes Poderes do Panteão.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Alma de Abberath
Alma de Gruthkul
Alma de Yugul
Alma de Tukohama
Alma de Ralakesh
Alma de Garukhan
Alma de Ryslatha
Bestiário - Aprimore Poderes do Panteão /8
Aprimore Completamente qualquer um dos 5 Poderes do Panteão.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Alma de Abberath
Alma de Gruthkul
Alma de Yugul
Alma de Tukohama
Alma de Ralakesh
Alma de Garukhan
Alma de Ryslatha
Alma de Shakari
Scourge - Aprimore os Poderes do Panteão /4
Aprimore completamente dois dos quatro Poderes Principais do Panteão.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Alma do Rei da Salmoura
Alma de Arakaali
Alma de Solaris
Alma de Lunaris

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Fully upgrade two of the four Major Pantheon Powers:

  • Soul of the Brine King
  • Soul of Arakaali
  • Soul of Solaris
  • Soul of Lunaris

The Pantheon is a system which is unlocked during the second part of the campaign(Act6~10). You will slay gods during the acts and gain their powers. As you progress through the endgame mapping system you will come across Divine Vessels, which are used to upgrade your pantheon. To upgrade your pantheon you need to put a Divine Vessel with the map the pantheon requires on the map device. When you succeed in killing the map's boss, a Divine Vessel with the boss soul appears from the map device, pass this to Sin in town then he'll upgrade your pantheon of the corresponding boss. Divine vessels are not too expensive (avg. 1 chaos per) and a link to buy them can be found here.

Wow! They finally bring back 1 of the old challenges since incursion and … even easier? Since it only needs to fully upgrade 2 out of 4 pantheons instead of all of them, pretty odd ...

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