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Snapshot is a term used to describe being able to obtain the benefits of one set of items, passive skills or skill gems by casting a skill that takes a snapshot of their character with all those benefits active, then swapping to another configuration so that they gain both sets of benefits.


When something is snapshotted, it will not change it's effects later by modifiers. Modifiers like increased damage and increased buff effect, will have no effect after the snapshot. Things that do not snapshot are dynamic, meaning they can change their effect over time by modifiers. Most skills that snapshot damage, will snapshot that damage the moment it hits an enemy.

There are exceptions that snapshot the damage when Cast or triggered.

Example of snapshot

  • Swap weapons to a 6 link weapon and cast Cold Snap.
  • Swap back to your other weapon.
  • The cold snap will continue to do the snapshotted damage that it had when casted from a 6 link item.

Things that snapshot

  • Damage over time will either snapshot the moment it starts doing damage or the moment it is cast. Righteous Fire is an exception to this rule.
  • Most spells that hit multiple times will snapshot the same damage per cast or trigger. See below for exceptions.
  • All debuffs on enemies, including all non-aura curses snapshot the moment they take effect. This includes all buffs to these sources, like items that increase the curse limit.

Weapon swapping will work for spells that snapshot.

Things that can snapshot and be dynamic

  • Spell Totem Support when supported by snapshotted spells, individual triggers from the totem are snapshotted, but different triggers will be dynamic.

Snapshot damage on Cast

Snapshot on Hit All ailments that require hitting enemies, snapshot on hit.


snapshot temporary benefit

All charges.

All lingering blades.

Unique Items that snapshot

  • Manastorm Snapshots extra lightning damage when casting a Spell for 4 seconds. The added damage is global.

  • The Vigil Snapshots fortify on hit for a base time of 12 seconds. This time can be modified by increased duration of skills.

  • Sinvicta's Mettle Snapshots Rampage on kill. Rampage remains until you haven't killed an enemy for 5 seconds. All rampage items can be snapshotted, however weapon swapping is often the easiest way.

  • Infernal Cry Covers enemy in ash on use. The duration can be increased with Temporal Chains. All Ash Debuffs snapshot.

  • Willowgift Snapshots fortify buffs you create instead grant 30% more evasion onto fortify buffs.

  • The Felbog Fang Snapshots the increased curse effect and hindering enemies the moment you cast the curse. *Note Enemies take increased damage has not been tested for snapshot yet.

Snapshot Permanent Benefit

Some snapshots can give your character or minions permanent effects from items or gems after you take them off. Permanent snapshotting is not against the rules of the game, but the developers have removed most of it to balance the game.

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