에버의 열쇠
지도 조각
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Eber's Key
에버의 열쇠 CurrencyProphecyFragment1 /9
이름상세 설명 표시
DropLevel 60
BaseType Eber's Key
BaseType 에버의 열쇠
Class 지도 조각
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Map Device Recipes /1 ⍟

Community Wiki


Eber's Key

Eber's Key is a map fragment. When put into a map device along with the other three fragments, it will create six portals to The Pale Court.

Item acquisition

Eber's Key always drops from Eber, the Plaguemaw during The Plaguemaw V encounter.

Monster restrictions

This item can be acquired from the following monsters:

  • Eber, the Plaguemaw

See also

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