전직 패시브 /145 ⍟
동결 지속시간이 부족하여 명중으로 동결시키지 못할 시 동결이 아닌 흰서리 유발
("동결"은 적의 동작 속도를 0으로 만들어 동작 자체를 방지합니다. 지속시간은 동결 적용 시의 냉기 피해량에 의해 결정됩니다)
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낮은 생명력 상태가 되면20초 동안 아드레날린 획득
아드레날린 획득 시 생명력의 25% 회복
아드레날린 획득 시 모든 상태 이상 및 화상 제거
(상태 이상 - 출혈, 점화, 그을림, 냉각, 동결, 허약, 감전, 활력 감소, 중독)
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전직 클래스
패스 오브 엑자일의 모든 캐릭터는 직업에 상관없이 패시브 스킬 트리의 모든 스킬에 접근할 수 있습니다. 다만, 직업마다 각기 다른 형태의 전직 클래스가 마련되어 있습니다. 예를 들어 위치는 엘리멘탈리스트가 될 수 있지만 템플러는 될 수 없습니다. 미궁을 완료하고 마지막 방에서 전직 제단을 사용해 전직 클래스를 해제할 수 있습니다. 더 높은 단계의 미궁을 완료하면 미궁의 제단에 도달할 때 2포인트의 전직 포인트를 획득할 수 있으며, 전부 합쳐 8점을 얻을 수 있습니다.
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Ascendancy class
Ascendancy classes are subclasses that grant an access to an Ascendancy skill tree specific for the character class chosen.
Choosing an Ascendancy class after completing the Labyrinth for the first time allows the player to gain access to a new Ascendancy skill tree specific for the class chosen. Each character class comes with three associated Ascendancy classes (except for Scion, who only has one) for a total of 19 Ascendancy classes.
The first time the player completes a version of the Labyrinth, the player will receive two Ascendancy skill points to allocate in the ascendancy skill tree. The first three Labyrinths can be unlocked via playing through the Acts, resulting in six Ascendancy skill points. Two more skill points are unlocked when the Eternal Labyrinth, which is unlocked post-game via Maps, is completed, which means players can spend a total of eight Ascendancy skill points.
Ascendancy skill tree
The Ascendancy skill tree is a small skill tree that a character has access to when the Labyrinth has been completed. Each Ascendancy class has its own tree. It functions similarly to the larger passive skill tree; the player earns Ascendancy skill points, which can be spent on allocating nodes granting passive bonuses. The Ascendancy skill tree is shown on the regular passive skill tree, in a tab near the character's starting location.
Ascendancy passive skills are significantly more powerful than regular passive skills, and will heavily impact the way a character is played. A character can only spend a maximum of eight points on the tree; however, the last two points are not available until significantly later when end-game maps can be cleared. The skill trees - aside from the Ascendant's - also follow a certain format. Most classes have 12 to 16 passive skills in each tree, and each potent "notable" skill is gated by generic, lesser node, so it takes two points to reach them. Certain notables require the player to allocate another notable first, so they take up four points. A character will only be able to have one four-pointer skill until the Eternal Labyrinth is cleared.
The Ascendant follows a different format: each Ascendancy Class passive takes 3 point to reach, gated by an attribute passive then a free skill point, and obtaining a second starting point (plus two skill points) requires 5 points to reach, which is gated by a free skill point. After clearing the Merciless Labyrinth, the Ascendant can have either 2 Ascendancy Class passives or 1 Ascendancy Class passive and its base class's starting point. After clearing the Eternal Labyrinth, the Ascendant can have two Ascendancy Class skills plus one class's starting point, which results in 5 free skill points. The Ascendant can choose not to take a second starting point and take an attribute skill and a skill point instead, but this is not recommended as two free skill points is almost always worth more than attributes. Consequently, the Ascendant does not reach a power spike until completing the Cruel Labyrinth and cannot start allocating points from another class's starting point until completing the Merciless Labyrinth.
Refunding one Ascendancy skill point requires five regular refund points. When all points are refunded, use the Altar of Ascendancy in the Labyrinth treasure room in any difficulty to select a new Ascendancy class.
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