신성한 꽃
지도 조각
지역 레벨: 83
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Sacred Blossom
신성한 꽃 CurrencyHarvestBossKey /9
상세 설명 표시
DropLevel 1
BaseType Sacred Blossom
BaseType 신성한 꽃
Class 지도 조각
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Map Device Recipes /1
신성한 숲83

Community Wiki


Sacred Blossom

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Sacred Blossom is a map fragment that grants access to The Sacred Grove, where Oshabi, Avatar of the Grove can be encountered.

It has a chance to drop from T4 Harvest monsters when they are defeated (Janaar, the Omen, Namharim, Born of Night, and Ersi, Mother of Thorns). If the player has the Lex Proxima Atlas passive skill Heart of the Grove allocated, then the chance becomes 100% (though the T4 Harvest monsters still have a low chance to show up in any individual Harvest encounter!).

Item acquisition

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