Incursion - Derrote os Guardiões do Criador /4
Derrote cada um dos seguintes Guardiões do Criador.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Guardião da Fênix
Guardião da Hidra
Guardião do Minotauro
Guardião do Quimera
Scourge - Derrote os Guardiões do Criador /4
Complete cada um dos Guardiões do Criador enquanto a área estiver afetada pelo modificador de mapa específico.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Guardião do Minotauro com "Monstros têm Área de Efeito Aumentada"AoEMinotaur
Guardião da Fênix com "Menos Restências máximas dos Jogadores"MinusMaxPhoenix
Guardião do Quimera com "Velocidade de Ataque, Conjuração e Movimento dos Monstros aumentada"FleetChimera
Guardião da Hidra com "Monstros disparam Projéteis Adicionais"MultiProjHydra

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Complete each of The Shaper's Guardians while the area is affected by the specified map modifier:

  • Guardian of the Minotaur with "Monsters have increased Area of Effect"
    Tier16 Maze of the Minotaur Map - Guardian of the Minotaur can burrow underground and pop out, dealing huge damage in a large area, while creating areas of falling rocks to make positioning difficult.

  • Guardian of the Phoenix with "Minus maximum Player Resistances"
    Tier16 Forge of the Phoenix Map - Guardian of the Phoenix deals very high amounts of Fire damage, occasionally charging up and releasing a large wave of fire damage in a nova.

  • Guardian of the Chimera with "Increased Monster Attack, Cast and Movement Speed"
    Tier16 Pit of the Chimera Map - Guardian of the Chimera has multiple phases and can move around while throwing out attacks very quickly by default. This mod will make the fight very challenging.

  • Guardian of the Hydra with "Monsters fire Additional Projectiles"
    Tier16 Lair of the Hydra Map - Guardian of the Hydra fires multiple high damage projectile skills that can easily cover the whole arena by default. This mod will make it very difficult to dodge certain skills.

These mods can be completed on magic maps with no other modifiers and is strongly advised if you can. These mods are tailored to enhancing the 4 guardian bosses to their strengths.

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