奥术 标签 /7
Arcane Doodad Category /2
Creates an object in your hideout
Dart Debris
Creates an object in your hideout
奥术 MTX /42
Blue Flame Incinerate Effect
Your Incinerate becomes a ghostly blue flame.
Force Field Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a force field bubble.
Soul Nexus Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a vortex of swirling spirits.
Arcane Weapon Effect
Adds an arcane effect to any equipped weapon
Arcane Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Arcane body armour.
Arcane Boots
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Arcane boots.
Arcane Gloves
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Arcane gloves.
Arcane Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Arcane helmet.
Azure Seraph Weapon Effect
Adds the Azure Seraph effect to any equipped weapon
Arcane Essence Drain Effect
Your Essence Drain becomes a blue arcane effect.
Arcane Wither Effect
Your Wither becomes a blue arcane effect.
Arcane Contagion Effect
Your Contagion becomes a blue arcane effect.
Arcane Tome Totem Skin
Your Spell or Ballista totem becomes an Arcane Tome.
Arcane Character Effect
Attaches the Arcane Character Effect to your belt.
Mana Wurm Wings
Adds the Mana Wurm Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Arcane Mark of the Phoenix
Adds an arcane Phoenix crest to your headdress
Arcane Seraph Wings
Adds the Arcane Seraph Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Arcane Victorious Wings
Adds a pair of arcane wings to your headdress.
Arcane Visage
Adds an Arcane Visage to any equipped headdress.
Arcane Halo
Adds an Arcane Halo to any equipped headdress.
Arcane Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Arcane shield.
Arcane Voidgate Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Arcane Voidgate Portal Effect .
Arcane Wings
Adds the Arcane Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Arcane Storm Call Effect
Your Storm Call becomes an arcane effect.
Arcane Portal
This character's portals use the Arcane Portal.
Arcane Barrage Effect
Your Barrage becomes an Arcane Effect.
Arcane Footprints Effect
Adds Arcane Footprints to any equipped pair of boots.
Overlord Weapon
Changes the appearance of any equipped Sword, Axe or Two Hand Mace to the Overlord Weapon.
Divine Arcane Wings
Adds the Divine Arcane Wings back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Arcane Infernal Axe
Changes the appearance of any equipped Two Hand Axe to the Arcane Infernal Axe.
Arcane Raise Spectre Skin
Your Raise Spectre becomes an Arcane Effect.
Eye in the Back
Adds the Eye in the Back to any equipped body armour.
Arcane Demon King Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Arcane Demon King Portal.
Arcane Flaming Head Helmet Attachment
Adds the Arcane Flaming Head Helmet Attachment to your headdress.
Arcane Celestial Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Arcane Celestial Shield.
Arcane Cloak
Adds the Arcane Cloak back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Arcane Frenzy Effect
Your Frenzy becomes an Arcane Effect.
Stormcult Shock Nova Effect
Your Shock Nova becomes a Stormcult Effect.
Sorcerer Wand
Changes the appearance of any equipped wand to the Sorcerer Wand. Its appearance scales with your spell damage.
Arcane Deathnotch Bow
Changes the appearance of any equipped bow to the Arcane Deathnotch Bow. It changes the appearance of your bow, its arrows, and displays arrows notched on your bow based on how many you fired in your last attack.
Arcane Throne
Creates an object in your hideout
Arcane Flame
Creates an object in your hideout

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