Miscellaneous Doodad Category /21
White Crystal
Creates an object in your hideout
Twilight Guild Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Warlord Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Warlord Guild Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Apollyon Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Apollyon Guild Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Midnight Pact Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Atlantis Guild Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Harmony Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Harmony Guild Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Sentinel Stash
Creates an object in your hideout
Sand Ground
Creates an object in your hideout
Hallowed Grave
Creates an object in your hideout
Suffering Building Supplies
Creates an object in your hideout
Misery Building Supplies
Creates an object in your hideout
Misery Curios
Creates an object in your hideout
Misery Environmental Effect
Creates an object in your hideout
Lightbringer Building Supplies
Creates an object in your hideout
Lightbringer Curios
Creates an object in your hideout
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
The Crawler
Creates an object in your hideout
其他 MTX /632
Vanishing Dye
Removes the appearance of an armour slot item
Invisible Buff Effect
Removes the visual effects on the player from arctic armour, tempest shield, blood rage, molten shell, plague bearer, phase run, petrified blood, withering step, any aura, any blasphemied curse, or any herald gem.
Invisible Flask Effect
Removes the effect on the player from the flask that this effect is applied to.
Cobalt Halo
Adds a cobalt halo to any equipped headdress
Bent Horns
Adds glowing bent horns to any equipped headdress
Curved Horns
Adds glowing curled horn to any equipped headdress
Mark of the Phoenix
Adds a blazing Phoenix crest to any equipped headdress
Silver Wings
Adds silver wings to any equipped headdress
Serrated Mohawk
Adds a mohawk of blades to any equipped headdress
Skull Hood
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a hooded skull
Removes your headdress, leaving only a bloody stump
Medusa Snakes
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a knot of writhing snakes
Pilgrim Hat
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a dark pilgrim's hat
Ornate Pilgrim Hat
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a fancy pilgrim's hat
Turquoise Imp Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a turquoise imp mask
Emerald Imp Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to an emerald imp mask
Lavender Imp Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a lavender imp mask
Azure Imp Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to an azure imp mask
Golden Imp Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a golden imp mask
Crimson Imp Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a crimson imp mask
Guardian Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a glowing guardian mask
Angelic Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a divine angelic mask. Awarded for supporting the Child's Play charity in the May 2014 Ambush/Invasion race.
Summon Statues Skin
Your Summoned Skeletons become animated statues
Summon Statues Skin Male Stone
Your Summoned Skeletons become animated statues
Summon Statues Skin Female Gold
Your Summoned Skeletons become animated statues
Summon Statues Skin Male Gold
Your Summoned Skeletons become animated statues
Raise Mummy Skin
Your Raised Zombies become animated mummies
Blood Slam
Your Ground Slam becomes a gory slam of blood
Siege Firestorm Effect
Your Firestorm becomes a flaming siege assault
Water Nova Effect
Your Ice Nova becomes a rippling burst of cold water
Cold Grasp Effect
Your Cold Snap becomes a grasping hand of frost
White Cyclone Effect
Your Cyclone becomes white.
Blue Cyclone Effect
Your Cyclone becomes blue.
Green Searing Bond Effect
Your Searing Bond beam becomes green.
Turquoise Weapon Effect
Adds a turquoise glow effect to any equipped weapon
Azure Weapon Effect
Adds a blue glow effect to any equipped weapon
Lavender Weapon Effect
Adds a purple glow effect to any equipped weapon
White Weapon Effect
Adds a white glow effect to any equipped weapon
Yellow Weapon Effect
Adds a yellow glow effect to any equipped weapon
Valentine's Heart Weapon Effect (2013)
Impales a beating heart upon a sword, dagger, or wand
Valentine's Heart Weapon Effect (2014)
Impales a beating heart upon a sword, dagger, or wand
Valentine's Heart Weapon Effect (2015)
Impales a beating heart upon a sword, dagger, or wand
Ivory Weapon Effect
Adds an ivory glow effect to any equipped weapon
Razer Footprints Effect
Adds Razer footprints to any equipped pair of boots.
Engraved Skull
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to an engraved skull.
Crystallised Skull
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a crystallised skull.
Ornamental Skull
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to an ornamental skull.
Golden Skull
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a golden skull.
Exile's Essentials Back Attachment
Adds the Exile's Essentials back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Holiday Present Sack Back Attachment
Adds the Holiday Present Sack back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Orange Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Orange effect.
Steam1 Portal Effect
This character's portals get steamy.
Voidgate Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Voidgate effect.
Test Character Portrait
Adds the Test Character Portrait to this character.
Test Character Portrait 2
Adds the Test Character Portrait2 to this character.
Elite Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the metallic Elite platemail.
Elite Boots
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the metallic Elite greaves.
Elite Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the metallic Elite helmet.
Elite Gloves
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the metallic Elite gauntlets.
Invasion Ritual Horns
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Ritual Horns.
Ambush Ritual Horns
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Ritual Horns.
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a villainous bandana.
Bandana Attachment
Adds a villainous bandana to your headdress.
Badge of Anguish
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Badge of Anguish.
Badge of Mirth
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Badge of Mirth.
Badge of Skulls
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Badge of Skulls.
Adder's Claw
Changes the appearance of any equipped Claw or Dagger to an Adder's Claw.
Crypt Sword
Changes the appearance of any equipped One Hand Sword, Axe or Mace to a Crypt Sword.
Gargoyle Axe
Changes the appearance of any equipped Two Hand Axe, Mace or Sword to a Gargoyle Axe.
Devourer Maul
Changes the appearance of any equipped Two Hand Mace, Axe or Sword to a Devourer Maul.
Runic Blade
Changes the appearance of any equipped Two Hand Sword, Axe or Mace to a Runic Blade.
Arc of Courage
Changes the appearance of any equipped Bow to an Arc of Courage.
Arc of Defiance
Changes the appearance of any equipped Bow to an Arc of Defiance.
Lioneye Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a theatrical mask depicting Marceus Lioneye.
Challenger's Golden Halo
Adds the luminous Challenger's Golden Halo to your headdress.
Challenger's Silver Halo
Adds the lustrous Challenger's Silver Halo to your headdress.
Hussar Wings
Adds the Hussar Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Kaom Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a theatrical mask depicting Kaom.
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a fearsome jack-o'-lantern.
Witch Hat
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a pointy witch's hat.
Marylene Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a mask of Marylene.
Ondar Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a mask of Ondar.
Victario Mask
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a mask of Victario.
Flare Discharge Effect
Your Discharge becomes an explosive flare effect.
Eagle Claw Wand
Changes the appearance of any equipped Wand to the Eagle Claw Wand.
Serpent Egg Wand
Changes the appearance of any equipped Wand to the Serpent Egg Wand.
Vapour Flicker Strike Effect
Your Flicker Strike becomes a cloud of vapour.
Gem-powered Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Gem-powered body armour.
Face Parasite
Adds a parasitic creature to your character's face.
Aura Effect 1
Your x becomes y.
Aura Effect 2
Your x becomes y.
Aura Effect 3
Your x becomes y.
Aura Effect 4
Your x becomes y.
Webbed Witch Hat
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a webbed, spider-inhabited witch's hat.
Ziggurat Totem Skin
Your Spell or Ballista totem becomes an ancient ziggurat.
Naga Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Naga helmet.
Kacha Axe
Changes the appearance of any equipped One Hand Axe, Sword or Mace to the Kacha Axe.
Garuda Dagger
Changes the appearance of any equipped Dagger, Wand or Claw to the Garuda Dagger.
Yaksha Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Yaksha Shield.
Titan Maul
Changes the appearance of any equipped Two Hand Mace, Axe or Sword to the Titan Maul.
Lunaris Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Lunaris helmet.
Lunaris Boots
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Lunaris boots.
Lunaris Gloves
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Lunaris gloves.
Lunaris Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Lunaris body armour.
Hydra Wings
Adds the Hydra Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Trinity Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes the elemental trinity effect.
Purple Mark of the Phoenix
Adds a purple Phoenix crest to your headdress
WuQi Axe
Changes the appearance of any equipped One Hand Axe, Sword or Mace to the WuQi Axe.
Blackguard Cape
Adds the Blackguard Cape Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Dun Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Dun shield.
Kaom Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Kaom effect.
Daresso Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Daresso effect.
Phoenix Wings
Adds the Phoenix Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Eldritch Back Attachment
Adds the Eldritch Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Hooded Cloak
Adds the Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Black Hooded Cloak
Adds the Black Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Cyan Hooded Cloak
Adds the Cyan Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Gold Hooded Cloak
Adds the Gold Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Green Hooded Cloak
Adds the Green Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Navy Hooded Cloak
Adds the Navy Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Purple Hooded Cloak
Adds the Purple Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Red Hooded Cloak
Adds the Red Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
White Hooded Cloak
Adds the White Hooded Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Bleached Skull Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a bleached skull.
Standard Brimmed Hat
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Standard Brimmed hat.
Divine Herald Effect
Your Herald of Ash, Thunder or Ice becomes a divine effect.
Archon Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes the archon effect.
Colossus Sword
Changes the appearance of any equipped Sword, One Hand Axe or One Hand Mace to the Colossus Sword.
Scarecrow Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to the Scarecrow helmet.
Bolted Hands
Changes the appearance of any equipped headdress to a pair of Bolted Hands.
Bolted Hands Attachment
Adds a pair of Bolted Hands to your headdress.
Tencent Grading Frame 1
Adds the Grading Frame 1 Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent Grading Frame 2
Adds the Grading Frame 2 Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent Grading Frame 3
Adds the Grading Frame 3 Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent Grading Frame 4
Adds the Grading Frame 4 Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent Grading Frame 5
Adds the Grading Frame 5 Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent Grading Frame 6
Adds the Grading Frame 6 Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent Grading Frame 7
Adds the Grading Frame 7 Portrait Frame to this character.
Dusk Weapon Effect
Adds the Dusk Weapon Effect to any equipped weapon.
Blackguard Cloak
Adds the Blackguard Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Jaeger Cloak
Adds the Jaeger Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Templar Cloak
Adds the Templar Cloak Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Reptilian Wings
Adds the Reptilian Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Dark Immortal Call Effect
Your Immortal Call gains a dark effect.
Bone Wings
Adds the Bone Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Summon Mannequins Skin
Your Summoned Skeletons become animated mannequins.
Spirit Blink and Mirror Arrow Effect
Your Blink or Mirror Arrow becomes infused with a spiritual glow.
Triple Blade Spectral Throw Effect
Your Spectral Throw becomes a triple blade effect.
Chaos Orb Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Chaos Orb Helmet.
Plague Scribe Staff
Changes the appearance of any equipped Staff to the Plague Scribe Staff.
Ascendant Portrait
Adds the Ascendant Character Portrait to this character.
Deadeye Portrait
Adds the Deadeye Character Portrait to this character.
Elementalist Portrait
Adds the Elementalist Character Portrait to this character.
Necromancer Portrait
Adds the Necromancer Character Portrait to this character.
Occultist Portrait
Adds the Occultist Character Portrait to this character.
Pathfinder Portrait
Adds the Pathfinder Character Portrait to this character.
Raider Portrait
Adds the Raider Character Portrait to this character.
Tencent S3 BDMaster Frame
Adds the Tencent S3 BDMaster Frame to this character.
Tencent S3 Fashion Frame
Adds the Tencent S3 Fashion Frame to this character.
Tencent S3 HideOut Frame
Adds the Tencent S3 HideOut Frame to this character.
Tencent Top Player Frame
Adds the Tencent Top Player Frame to this character
Tencent Two Years Frame
Adds the Tencent Two Years Frame to this character
Tencent S8 Frame 1
Adds the Tencent S8 Frame 1 to this character
Tencent S8 Frame 2
Adds the Tencent S8 Frame 2 to this character
Tencent S8 Frame 3
Adds the Tencent S8 Frame 3 to this character
Tencent Frame 1 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 1 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 1 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 1 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 1 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 1 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 1 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 1_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 2 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 2_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 3 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 3_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 4 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 4_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 5 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 5_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 6 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 6_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 7 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 7_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 8 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 8_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 9 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 9_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_1 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_2 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_3 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_4 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_5 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_6 to this character.
Tencent Frame 10 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 10_7 to this character.
Tencent Frame 11 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 11 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 11 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 11 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 11 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 11 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 11 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 11_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 12 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 12_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 13 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 13_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 14 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 14_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 15 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 15_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 16 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 16_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 17 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 17_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 18 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 18_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 19 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 19_7 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 1
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_1 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 2
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_2 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 3
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_3 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 4
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_4 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 5
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_5 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 6
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_6 to this character
Tencent Frame 20 7
Adds the Tencent Grading Frame 20_7 to this character
Tencent Badge 1_1
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 1_2
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 1_3
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 1_4
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 1_5
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 1_6
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 1_7
Invoke the Season 1 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_1
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_2
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_3
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_4
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_5
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_6
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 2_7
Invoke the Season 2 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_1
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_2
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_3
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_4
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_5
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_6
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 3_7
Invoke the Season 3 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_1
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_2
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_3
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_4
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_5
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_6
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 4_7
Invoke the Season 4 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_1
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_2
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_3
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_4
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_5
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_6
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 5_7
Invoke the Season 5 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_1
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_2
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_3
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_4
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_5
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_6
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 6_7
Invoke the Season 6 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_1
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_2
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_3
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_4
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_5
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_6
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 7_7
Invoke the Season 7 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_1
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_2
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_3
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_4
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_5
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_6
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 8_7
Invoke the Season 8 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_1
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_2
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_3
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_4
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_5
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_6
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 9_7
Invoke the Season 9 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_1
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_2
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_3
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_4
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_5
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_6
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 10_7
Invoke the Season 10 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_1
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_2
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_3
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_4
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_5
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_6
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 11_7
Invoke the Season 11 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_1
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_2
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_3
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_4
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_5
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_6
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 12_7
Invoke the Season 12 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_1
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_2
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_3
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_4
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_5
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_6
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 13_7
Invoke the Season 13 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_1
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_2
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_3
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_4
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_5
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_6
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 14_7
Invoke the Season 14 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_1
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_2
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_3
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_4
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_5
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_6
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 15_7
Invoke the Season 15 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_1
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_2
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_3
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_4
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_5
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_6
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 16_7
Invoke the Season 16 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_1
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_2
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_3
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_4
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_5
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_6
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 17_7
Invoke the Season 17 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_1
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_2
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_3
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_4
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_5
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_6
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 18_7
Invoke the Season 18 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_1
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_2
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_3
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_4
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_5
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_6
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 19_7
Invoke the Season 19 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_1
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 1 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_2
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 2 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_3
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 3 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_4
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 4 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_5
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 5 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_6
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 6 Badge from your Amulet
Tencent Badge 20_7
Invoke the Season 20 Tier 7 Badge from your Amulet
Oil Drenched Wings
Adds the Oil Drenched Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Red Lantern Character Effect
Attaches the Red Lantern Character Effect to your belt.
Spirit Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Spirit Portal Effect.
Pylon of Pain Totem Skin
Your Spell or Ballista totem becomes a Pylon of Pain.
Hand Wings
Adds the Hand Wings Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Dark Seraph Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Dark Seraph Shield.
Shaper Scorching Ray Effect
Your Scorching Ray becomes a Shaper Effect.
Quicksilver Cremation Effect
Your Cremation becomes a Quicksilver Effect.
Prismatic Double Strike Effect
Your Double Strike becomes a Prismatic Effect.
Scarab Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Scarab Shield.
Cyclops Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Cyclops Shield.
Colossus Axe
Changes the appearance of any equipped Staff, Two Hand Axe or Mace to a Colossus Axe.
Colossus Machete
Changes the appearance of any equipped Sword, One Hand Axe or One Hand Mace to the Colossus Machete.
Resonator Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Resonator Portal Effect.
Titan Weapon
Changes the appearance of any equipped Sword, Axe, Mace or Staff to the Titan Sword.
Smoking Hood
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Smoking Hood.
Arcane Horns Helmet Attachment
Adds the Arcane Horns Helmet Attachment to your headdress.
Mystic Gate Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Mystic Gate Portal Effect.
Tencent Anniversary 3 Back Attachment
Adds the Tencent Anniversary 3 Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Tencent Anniversary 3 Portrait Frame
Adds the Tencent Anniversary 3 Portrait Frame to this character.
Chieftain Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Chieftain Helmet.
Chieftain Boots
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Chieftain Boots.
Chieftain Gloves
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Chieftain Gloves.
Chieftain Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Chieftain Body Armour.
Reaper Portal Effect
This character's portals use the Reaper Portal Effect.
Doom Gauntlet Shield
Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Doom Gauntlet Shield.
Glimmersprite Wings
Adds the Glimmersprite Wings back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Twisted Skull Totem Skin
Your Spell or Ballista totem becomes a twisted skull totem.
Hasina Whirling Blades Effect
Your Whirling Blades become a Hasina Effect.
Hasina Blade Vortex Effect
Your Blade Vortex becomes a Hasina Effect.
Flutter of Butterflies Apparition Effect
The Flutter of Butterflies Apparition possesses your character.
Tencent 4 Year Portrait Frame
Adds the Tencent 4 Year Portrait Frame to this character.
Tencent 5 Year Portrait Frame
Adds the Tencent 5 Year Portrait Frame to this character.
Currency Cyclone Effect
Your Cyclone becomes a Currency Effect.
Tencent Master Grading Wings2021
Adds the Tencent Master Grading Wings2021 back attachment to any equipped body armour.
Knightmaster Hood
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Knightmaster Hood.
Knightmaster Weapon Effect
Adds the Knightmaster Weapon Effect to any equipped weapon.
Godslayer's Pride
Change the appearance of your equipped Amulet to the Godslayer's Pride.
Nexus Life Flask Effect
Its effect plays while the affected Life Flask is being used.
Nexus Mana Flask Effect
Its effect plays while the affected Mana Flask is being used.
Nexus Hybrid Flask Effect
Its effect plays while the affected Hybrid Flask is being used.
Nexus Utility Flask Effect
Its effect plays while the affected Utility Flask is being used.
Ooze Character Effect
Attaches the Ooze Character Effect to your belt.
Maroider Body Armour
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Maroider Body Armour. Your muscular physique scales with your strength.
Spectral Deathnotch Bow
Changes the appearance of any equipped bow to the Spectral Deathnotch Bow. It changes the appearance of your bow, its arrows, and displays arrows notched on your bow based on how many you fired in your last attack.
Alchemist's Belt
Adds the Alchemist's Belt skin to your character.
Berserker Helmet
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Berserker Helmet.
Elemental Staff
Changes the appearance of any equipped staff to the Elemental Staff.
Unified Aura Effect
Magmatic Molten Shell Effect
Your Molten Shell becomes a Magmatic Effect.
Tencent Streamer Portrait Frame
Adds the Tencent Streamer Portrait Frame to this character.
Shark Fin Back Attachment
Adds the Shark Fin Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Green Basilisk Pet
Summons your pet
Spectral Basilisk Pet
Summons your pet
Blue Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Royal Blue Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Green Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Royal Green Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Red Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Royal Red Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Mysterious Frog Pet
Summons your pet
Weta Pet
Summons your pet
Colossal Weta Pet
Summons your pet
Giant Weta Pet
Summons your pet
Ferret Pet
Summons your pet
Garemon Pet
Summons your pet
Bell Lizard Pet
Summons your pet
Summons your pet
Summons your pet
Cobra Pet
Summons your pet
Cockroach Pet
Summons your pet
Formosan Bear Pet
Summons your pet
Two-Tailed Lizard Pet
Summons your pet
Blue Land Crab Pet
Summons your pet
Toad Pet
Summons your pet
Cane Toad Beta
Summons your pet
Cane Toad Gamma
Summons your pet
Cane Toad Delta
Summons your pet
Cane Toad Epsilon
Summons your pet
Cane Toad Omega
Summons your pet
Formosan Deer Pet
Summons your pet
Firefly Swarm
Summons your pet
Firefly Swarm Pet
Summons your pet
Plummeting Ursa Pet
Summons your pet
Rolling Head Pet
Summons your pet
Chicken Pet
Summons your pet
Wild Turkey Pet
Summons your pet
Hedgehog Pet
Summons your pet
Lemur Pet
Summons your pet
Peacock Pet
Summons your pet
Peahen Pet
Summons your pet
Pukeko Pet
Summons your pet
Rock Elemental Pet
Summons your pet
Tortoise Pet
Summons your pet
Koala Bear Pet
Summons your pet
Baby Elephant Pet
Summons your pet
Wallaby Pet
Summons your pet
Merveil Pet
Summons your pet
Centipede Pet
Summons your pet
Parasite Pet
Summons your pet
Wolf Pet
Summons your pet
White Tiger Pet
Summons your pet
Beetle Pet
Summons your pet
Rabbit Pet
Summons your pet
Grasping Hands Pet
Summons your pet
Grimoire Pet
Summons your pet
Tiger Pet
Summons your pet
Spectral Toad Pet
Summons your pet
Orange Cat Pet
Summons your pet
Taotie Pet
Summons your pet
Taowu Pet
Summons your pet
Hundun Pet
Summons your pet
Summons your pet
Summons your pet
Eyeball Pet 1
Summons your pet
Eyeball Pet 2
Summons your pet
Eyeball Pet 3
Summons your pet
Eyeball Pet 4
Summons your pet
Eyeball Pet 5
Summons your pet
Football Pet
Summons your pet
Daughter of Sin
Summons your pet
Daughter of Sin Premium Pet
Summons your pet
Daughter of Sin Premium Expired Pet
Summons your pet
Paragon Pet
Summons your pet
Spectral Gryffon Pet
Summons your pet
Spectral Gryffon Premium Pet
Summons your pet
Spectral Gryffon Premium Expired Pet
Summons your pet
Mana Battery Pet
Summons your pet
Life Battery Pet
Summons your pet
Circling Vulture Pet
Summons your pet. This opportunistic vulture will hungrily circle enemies that have been weakened by your marks.
Mark of the Warrior Wings
Creates an object in your hideout
Warp Destination
Creates an invisible warp destination in your hideout, acting as a target for matching warp runes.
Teleport Proximity
Creates an object in your hideout
Teleport Owner
Creates an object in your hideout
Rhoa Dinner
Creates an object in your hideout
Ritual Totem
Creates an object in your hideout
Shengjing Building Supplies1
Creates an object in your hideout
Shengjing Building Supplies2
Creates an object in your hideout
Shengjing Building Supplies3
Creates an object in your hideout
Shengjing Building Supplies4
Creates an object in your hideout
Shengjing Building Supplies5
Creates an object in your hideout
Rhoa Feast
Creates an object in your hideout
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Warp Rune
This rune warps you to a destination in your hideout that you can place separately.
Creates an object in your hideout
Item Display Case
Creates an object in your hideout
White Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Yellow Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Orange Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Red Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Blue Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Turquoise Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Purple Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Pink Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Green Proximity Light
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian King
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian Queen
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian Bishop
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian Knight
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian Rook
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian Pawn
Creates an object in your hideout
Oriathian Cannon
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial King
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial Queen
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial Bishop
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial Knight
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial Rook
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial Pawn
Creates an object in your hideout
Primordial Cannon
Creates an object in your hideout
Chessboard Hideout Decoration
Creates an object in your hideout
Luminary Charges
Replaces the appearance of Power, Frenzy and Endurance charges with a Luminary version.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.