방어구 장인의 고철
중첩 개수: 1 / 40
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Armourer's Scrap
방어구 장인의 고철 CurrencyArmourQuality /13
이름상세 설명 표시
CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1x대장장이의 숫돌 · Normal: 5000x골드
DropLevel 1
BaseType Armourer's Scrap
BaseType 방어구 장인의 고철
Class 중첩 가능 화폐
SoundAudio/Sound Effects/ItemSounds/orb_use.ogg
Tagsquality_currency, currency
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Vendor recipe
直接從商店買 Recipe /2
제안당신의 제안Note
대장장이의 숫돌
3x 방어구 장인의 고철
Act 3 그루스트
방어구 장인의 고철
1x 대장장이의 숫돌
Act 1 타클레이
賣物品給商人 Recipe /1
單一普通物品20%品質, 或是同類物品總合40%品質.
제안당신의 제안Note
방어구 장인의 고철
降階 Recipe /1
제안당신의 제안Note
2x 감정 주문서
1x 방어구 장인의 고철
작업대 /3 ⍟
ModRequireItemClasses잠금 해제
(21–25)%의 확률로 점화 긴급회피
8x 방어구 장인의 고철갑옷 · 방패배신 장막 해제
민첩 +(10–15)
(21–25)%의 확률로 동결 긴급회피
8x 방어구 장인의 고철갑옷 · 방패배신 장막 해제
지능 +(10–15)
(21–25)%의 확률로 감전 긴급회피
8x 방어구 장인의 고철갑옷 · 방패배신 장막 해제

Community Wiki


Armourer's Scrap

An Armourer's Scrap is a currency item that can be used to improve the quality of a piece of armour. Each scrap applied to an armour will increase its quality by up to 5% depending on its rarity.

Item acquisition

Armourer's Scraps may also be obtained from slain enemies, an Artisan's Strongbox or doing beastcrafting recipe, etc.


Armourer's Scraps are most commonly used to increase the quality of armour equipment. As with other quality-increasing currency, consuming an Armourer's Scrap improves the quality of normal items by 5%, magic items by 2%, and rare and unique items by 1%. The defence values of the armour are improved by the percentage quality, additive with any local defense modifiers on the item.

Quality on armours is also used to improve the chance of gaining sockets or links on an item using an Jeweller's Orb or Orb of Fusing . Every 1% quality improves the chance of getting more sockets or links by 1%.[1]

Armourer's Scraps can also be spent by exchanging them for other currency items.

Player can buy a Blacksmith's Whetstone from Greust (and other town NPC from Act 2 onwards) for 3 Armourer's Scraps.

  • The Hardened Armour

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