언덕의 수호자
지역: InvasionBoss
과: 야생
떨어지는 아이템 수량 300% 증가
떨어지는 아이템 희귀도 800% 증가
토템 생명력 500% 증가
이동 속도 50% 증가
소환 가능한 토템 최대치 +2
monster additional quantity of dropped items in cruel +% [300]
monster additional quantity of dropped items in merciless +% [600]
monster additional rarity of dropped items in cruel +% [300]
monster additional rarity of dropped items in merciless +% [600]
display monster uses far shot text [0]
monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range [30]
monster no map drops [1]
monster is invasion boss [1]
kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
level 33 or lower damage +% final [-20]
level 33 or lower life +% final [-20]
Guardian of the Mound
End Game최대 생명력 50% 증가
Tagsbeast, bludgeoning_weapon, 시전, fire_affinity, goatman, has_staff, has_two_handed_melee, humanoid, invasion_boss, light_armour, lightning_affinity, mammal_beast, medium_height, medium_movement, not_dex, not_str, ranged, red_blood, summoner
  • InvasionBoss: 언덕의 수호자, 염소인간
  • 생명력
    Energy Shield From Life
    Ailment Threshold
    30 30 30 20
    치명타 확률
    치명타 피해 배율
    Attack Distance
    5 ~ 15
    Attack Time
    1.5 Second
    Damage Spread
    Model Size
    에너지 보호막
    주문 피해
    Attack Time
    Minion Life
    Minion Energy Shield
    Minion Damage
    Ailment Threshold
    Spell, Damage, Area, Duration, Totemable, TotemCastsWhenNotDetached, Triggerable, Fire, Instant, AreaSpell, Physical, Cooldown
    용암 방패
    치명타 확률: 5%
    시전 속도: 0.5 초
    재사용 대기시간: 12 초
    불타는 보호막을 소환하여 잠시 동안 방어도를 증가시킵니다. 효과가 지속되는 동안 막기 또는 방어 행동으로 막아낸 물리 피해가 한계치에 도달할 경우 보호막이 폭발하여 주변 적들에게 화염 피해를 줍니다.
    기본 지속시간 10
    2246~3368 화염 피해
    994 피해 방어 후 방패 부서짐
    추가 방어도 3508
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [50]
    is area damage [1]
    Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Spell, Damage, Area, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, Fire, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    시전 속도: 0.85 초
    재사용 대기시간: 5 초
    대상에게 폭발하여 주변의 적들에게 화염 피해를 주는 화염구를 날립니다.
    5초간 토템 지속
    419.3~629 화염 피해
    이 스킬을 사용하는 토템 1개 소환
    소용돌이 모양으로 투사체 54개 발사
    기본 반경 0.9미터
    base active skill totem level [68]
    base is projectile [1]
    base totem range [80]
    projectile spiral nova time ms [3000]
    Spell, Minion, Duration, MinionsCanExplode, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Multicastable, Triggerable, CanRapidFire, CreatesMinion, Cooldown
    해골 소환
    시전 속도: 1 초
    재사용 대기시간: 1 초
    목표 지점에 해골 전사를 소환합니다. 소환수는 근접 공격을 사용하고 지속시간이 지나면 사망합니다. 공격적인 상태가 될 경우 근처의 적들을 향해 질주를 사용하기도 합니다.
    15초간 토템 지속
    소환 가능한 해골 최대치 +10
    기본 지속시간 20
    이 스킬을 사용하는 토템 1개 소환
    소환수가 주는 원소 피해 50% 감폭
    해골 전사 2마리 소환
    alternate minion [1]
    base active skill totem level [68]
    base totem range [80]
    Spell, Damage, Area, Duration, Trappable, Totemable, Mineable, Triggerable, Multicastable, Lightning, Cascadable, CanRapidFire, AreaSpell
    폭풍 부름
    치명타 확률: 5%
    시전 속도: 0.5 초
    원하는 지점을 대상으로 설정합니다. 잠시 후 번개가 대상 지역을 강타하여 주변에 피해를 주고 시전자가 설정한 다른 모든 대상 지역에도 번개가 강타합니다.
    351.6~1055 번개 피해
    기본 지속시간 1.5
    시전 속도 35% 증가
    active skill area of effect radius +% final [-31]
    is area damage [1]
    monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-25]

    Object Type

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
    	main_hand_unarmed_type = "One_Hand_Mace"
    	flip_enabled = true
    	define_shared_state = "epk;"

    Object Type Codes

    version 2
    extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster"
         //turn_duration = 0.3
    	on_event_leave_ground_for_leap = "PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/goat_slam_02/kickup.ao );"
    	on_event_leave_ground_for_leap_staff = "PlayEffect( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/goat_slam_02/kickup.ao );"
    	on_or_create_state_epk_1 = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/on_death_epks/monster_on_death.epk );"
    -- src\Data\Spectres.lua
    minions["Metadata/Monsters/Goatman/GoatmanShamanBossInvasion"] = {
        name = "Guardian of the Mound",
        life = 2.2,
        energyShield = 0.5,
        fireResist = 30,
        coldResist = 30,
        lightningResist = 30,
        chaosResist = 20,
        damage = 2.26,
        damageSpread = 0.2,
        attackTime = 1.5,
        attackRange = 15,
        accuracy = 1,
        weaponType1 = "Staff",
        skillList = {
        modList = {
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["TotemSummonSkeletonsInvasion"] = {
        name = "Summon Skeletons",
        hidden = true,
        color = "4",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Summon Skeleton Warrior minions at the targeted location. They use a melee attack and die after a duration. If made aggressive, Skeleton Warriors will also dash towards nearby enemies.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Minion] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.MinionsCanExplode] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.CreatesMinion] = true,
            [SkillType.Cooldown] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "minion_spell_skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 1,
        baseFlags = {
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
            totem = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {4, 4, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 4, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {4, 6, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 6, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {4, 9, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 9, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {4, 12, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {4, 15, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 15, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {4, 19, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 19, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {4, 23, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 23, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {4, 28, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 28, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {4, 33, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 33, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {6, 39, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 39, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {6, 43, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 43, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {6, 46, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 46, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {6, 49, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 49, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {6, 52, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 52, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {6, 55, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 55, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {8, 58, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 58, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {8, 61, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 61, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {8, 64, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 64, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {8, 66, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {8, 67, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {10, 68, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {10, 69, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {10, 70, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {10, 71, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {10, 72, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {10, 73, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {12, 74, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {12, 75, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {12, 76, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {12, 77, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {14, 78, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {14, 80, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {14, 81, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [34] = {14, 82, 2, 20000, -50, 1, 15000, 80, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {1, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GoatmanMoltenShellInvasion"] = {
        name = "Molten Shell",
        hidden = true,
        color = "1",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Summons fiery elemental shields providing additional armour for a short duration. If cumulative physical damage prevented by your blocking or armour reaches a threshold, the shields explode outwards, dealing fire damage to surrounding enemies.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.TotemCastsWhenNotDetached] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Fire] = true,
            [SkillType.Instant] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
            [SkillType.Physical] = true,
            [SkillType.Cooldown] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 4, 162, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 3, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 5, 314, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 5, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 8, 484, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 11, 686, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 15, 847, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 15, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 22, 1021, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 19, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 29, 1195, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 22, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 41, 1369, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 26, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 57, 1594, 10000, 50, levelRequirement = 30, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 92, 1896, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 36, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 117, 2048, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 39, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 126, 2098, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 40, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 198, 2350, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 45, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 270, 2602, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 50, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 452, 2954, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 57, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 561, 3106, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 863, 3408, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 926, 3458, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 994, 3508, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1067, 3560, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1145, 3610, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1229, 3660, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1319, 3710, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1414, 3760, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1517, 3812, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1627, 3862, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1744, 3912, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 1870, 3963, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2005, 4013, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2148, 4064, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2303, 4114, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2470, 4230, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2648, 4334, 10000, 50, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["GoatmanStormCallInvasion"] = {
        name = "Storm Call",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Sets a marker at a location. After a short duration, lightning strikes the marker, dealing damage around it and causing lightning strikes at any other markers you've cast.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Duration] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Lightning] = true,
            [SkillType.Cascadable] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.5,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            duration = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.5, 1.5, 2500, 0, -25, -31, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 3, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.5, 1.5, 2000, 20, -25, -31, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 34, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.5, 1.5, 1500, 35, -25, -31, critChance = 5, levelRequirement = 58, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
    -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
    skills["VaalFireballTotemInvasion"] = {
        name = "Fireball",
        hidden = true,
        color = "3",
        baseEffectiveness = 0,
        incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
        description = "Unleashes a ball of fire towards a target which explodes, damaging nearby foes.",
        skillTypes = {
            [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
            [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
            [SkillType.Spell] = true,
            [SkillType.Damage] = true,
            [SkillType.Area] = true,
            [SkillType.Trappable] = true,
            [SkillType.Totemable] = true,
            [SkillType.Mineable] = true,
            [SkillType.Multicastable] = true,
            [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
            [SkillType.Fire] = true,
            [SkillType.CanRapidFire] = true,
            [SkillType.AreaSpell] = true,
        statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
        castTime = 0.85,
        baseFlags = {
            area = true,
            spell = true,
            projectile = true,
            totem = true,
        baseMods = {
        qualityStats = {
        stats = {
        levels = {
            [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 2, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [2] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 5, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 5, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [3] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 8, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 8, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [4] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 10, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [5] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 12, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 12, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [6] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 14, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 14, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [7] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 17, 8, 2000, 180, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 17, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [8] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 20, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [9] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 23, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 23, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [10] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 26, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 26, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [11] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 29, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 29, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [12] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 31, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 31, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [13] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 33, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 33, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [14] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 35, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 35, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [15] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 37, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 37, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [16] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 39, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 39, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [17] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 41, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 41, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [18] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 43, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 43, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [19] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 45, 16, 2000, 360, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 45, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [20] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 47, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 47, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [21] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 49, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 49, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [22] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 51, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 51, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [23] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 53, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 53, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [24] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 55, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 55, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [25] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 57, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 57, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [26] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 59, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 59, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [27] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 61, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 61, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [28] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 63, 32, 2000, 540, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 63, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [29] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 65, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 65, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [30] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 66, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 66, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [31] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 67, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 67, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [32] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 68, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 68, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [33] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 69, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 69, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [34] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 70, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 70, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [35] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 71, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 71, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [36] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 72, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 72, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [37] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 73, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 73, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [38] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 74, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 74, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [39] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 75, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 75, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [40] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 76, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 76, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [41] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 77, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 77, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [42] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 78, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 78, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [43] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 79, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 79, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [44] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 80, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 80, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [45] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 81, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 81, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
            [46] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 82, 54, 3000, 720, 5000, 80, 9, levelRequirement = 82, statInterpolation = {3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1},  cost = { }, },
    떨어지는 아이템 수량 300% 증가
    떨어지는 아이템 희귀도 800% 증가
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster dropped item rarity +% Min: 800 Max: 800 Global
  • monster dropped item quantity +% Min: 300 Max: 300 Global
  • 토템 생명력 500% 증가
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • totem life +% Min: 500 Max: 500 Global
  • Craft Tagsresource life
    이동 속도 50% 증가
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • base movement velocity +% Min: 50 Max: 50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    소환 가능한 토템 최대치 +2
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • number of additional totems allowed Min: 2 Max: 2 Global
  • monster additional quantity of dropped items in cruel +% [300]
    monster additional quantity of dropped items in merciless +% [600]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in cruel +% [300]
    monster additional rarity of dropped items in merciless +% [600]
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster additional rarity of dropped items in cruel +% Min: 300 Max: 300 Global
  • monster additional quantity of dropped items in cruel +% Min: 300 Max: 300 Global
  • monster additional rarity of dropped items in merciless +% Min: 600 Max: 600 Global
  • monster additional quantity of dropped items in merciless +% Min: 600 Max: 600 Global
  • display monster uses far shot text [0]
    monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range [30]
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • projectile damage +% Min: 0 Max: 0 Global
  • display monster uses far shot text Min: 0 Max: 0 Global
  • monster reverse point blank damage -% at minimum range Min: 30 Max: 30 Global
  • Craft Tagsdamage
    monster no map drops [1]
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster no map drops Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • monster is invasion boss [1]
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • monster is invasion boss Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • kill traps mines and totems on death [1]
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • kill traps mines and totems on death Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • level 33 or lower damage +% final [-20]
    level 33 or lower life +% final [-20]
    Domains몬스터 (3)
    GenerationType고유 (3)
    Req. level1
  • level 33 or lower life +% final Min: -20 Max: -20 Global
  • level 33 or lower damage +% final Min: -20 Max: -20 Global
  • Craft Tagsresource life damage

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.