하급 끊어진 원 유물
중첩 개수: 1 / 50000
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Lesser Broken Circle Artifact
하급 끊어진 원 유물 ExpeditionVendorCurrencyFaction1_1 /11
상세 설명 표시
CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1x하급 태양 유물
DropLevel 1
BaseType Lesser Broken Circle Artifact
BaseType 하급 끊어진 원 유물
Class 중첩 가능 화폐
Tagsdisallowed_in_generic_currency_stash_slots, expedition_currency_faction1, currency
MTX Tab Stacks50000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki

Community Wiki


How to use Lesser Broken Circle Artifact

Gamble items from Gwennen. The following example uses 54 Lesser Broken Circle Artifact. The result is a rare Behemoth Suit Full Wyrmscale.

How to use Lesser Broken Circle Artifact

The following currency items are related to Gwennen.

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