Scourge - Ajude os Mestres Esquecidos /5
Complete cada uma das seguintes tarefas para ajudar os Mestres Esquecidos.
Exibir Descrições Completas
Abra o Templo de Atzoatl x10IncursionTemple
Capture Bestas x100
Escave até a profundidade 250
Invada Quarteis do Sindicato x10
Derrote o CriadorKillShaper

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Complete each of the following tasks with the help of the Forsaken Masters:

  • Open the Temple of Atzoatl 10 times
    (Incursion League) You'll start encountering this mechanic after Act7 with Alva, Master Explorer assisting you throughout your adventure by sending you to the past of The Temple of Atzoatl when encounter her altar, killing any architecture from the past incursion will affect your current time Temple Atzoatl which you'll able to access it after completing 12 incursion with her, and at the end of the Temple Atzoatl you'll encounter Vaal Omnitect. To speed up this challenge you can farm Alva’s atlas mission, or make use of Glennach Cairns atlas passive to spawn more Alva’s mission in map and upgrade Temple’s Room even faster. You can also buy chronicles to put into your map device and run it 10 times to complete this challenge even faster. Cheat Sheet for Temple Room rewards

  • Capture 100 Red Beasts
    (Bestiary League) You'll start encountering this mechanic after Act2 with Einhar, BeastMaster assisting you throughout your adventure by capturing those beasts when they're low life, then you can use the captured beast for crafting in his hideout called The Menagerie. Every bestiary mechanic encounter will contain at least 1 Red Beast in the map, so watch for those since they are the main ingredient for most bestiary crafting compare to the Yellow Beast. To speed up this challenge you can do Einhar’s atlas mission, or open your maps with Bestiary Scarabs in map device, or make use of Lira Arthain atlas passive to spawn more red beasts in your maps.

  • Delve to depth 250
    (Delve League) You'll start encountering this delve mechanic after Act4 with Niko, Master of the Depths assisting you throughout your adventure by mining those sulphites you found in the wild. With the 3.16 improvement, they improve a “quality of life” where Niko’s mineshaft will auto-dig for you straight down till depth 101(monster level 80) by your character level 90! At depth 145, the monster’s level at there will be at its peak which is 83, and then monster’s damage will start to slowly scale up passively up to 100% which is this challenge wanted at depth 250. If you run out of sulphite, you can do Niko’s atlas mission to earn more sulphite, and can be further improved by putting Sulphite Scarabs with a map in your map device, and also using Valdo’s Rest atlas passive.

  • Raid 10 Syndicate Safehouses
    (Betrayal League) You'll start encountering this mechanic after Act9 with Jun Ortoi, Veiled Master assisting you throughout your adventure by fighting those immortal syndicates alongside you. Upon successfully defeating all syndicates(if spawn more than one), they can be either interrogated or bargained with, which allows the player to gradually gather intel to their safehouses, and then eventually you gain more intel about their mastermind location information upon raiding their safehouses when the bar is full. Some may also drop veiled items that can be unveiled by Jun and may grant you new crafting options from your crafting benches in your hideout. This challenge only requires 10 safehouses to raid, is a small number so should be fine … although u can speed this up by doing Jun’s atlas mission, and make use of Haewark Hamlet atlas passive to speed up the gain intel progress so that can open more safehouses in a short time.

  • Defeat The Shaper
    (Atlas of Worlds) The Shaper is the last boss in the atlas of world(end game maps), the 4th hardest boss in the game. To access this boss domain you need 4 types of map fragments that only drop from his guardians, which requires a good-bossing-build to do this fight.

These tasks are all affiliated with past league mechanics or expansions. As you continue through the acts and maps, you will start to encounter these mechanics more. The respective links will take you to their wikipedia pages where there will be more in-depth guides to accessing and completing these challenges.

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