輔助寶石 品質 /1
擊中生命回復輔助每用被輔助的攻擊擊中一個敵人,獲得 (0–10) 生命
物品 詞綴 /5
1已汙染插槽中寶石被等級 10 的擊中生命回復輔助 寶石Sword 0
錘 0
弓 0
長杖 0
雙手武器 1000
普通 0
38WeaponTree插槽中寶石被等級 15 的擊中生命回復輔助單手武器 100
盾 100
普通 0
38WeaponTree插槽中寶石被等級 15 的擊中生命回復輔助雙手武器 100
普通 0
38WeaponTree插槽中寶石被等級 15 的擊中生命回復輔助單手武器 25
盾 25
普通 0
38WeaponTree插槽中寶石被等級 15 的擊中生命回復輔助雙手武器 25
普通 0

Community Wiki



擊中回復 is a form of 恢復 that instantly restores an amount of 生命, 魔力 or 能量護盾 for each 擊中 by the character's skills. Most instances of gain on hit require a 傷害 source of 攻擊, as opposed to a 法術 or 次要傷害. The exception where it applies to a non-attack source is 希比爾的冰爪 which grants life gain on spell hit.


When an enemy is hit by an appropriate skill, the attacker or caster gains an amount of life/mana/energy shield equal to combined gain on hit bonuses from all sources respectively. This applies to each enemy hit by player's skills, so a single skill that hits multiple targets can trigger more than one gain on hit effect. Unlike leech, life, mana, and energy shield gained this way are restored instantly.

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