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Guardians of the Void

The Guardians of the Void are the four bosses of certain Tier 16 Mapss, who each drop a different map fragment required to fight The Shaper. They are the guardians of the Shaper.


Name Guardian of the Phoenix Guardian of the Hydra Guardian of the Minotaur Guardian of the Chimera
Map Forge of the Phoenix Map Lair of the Hydra Map Maze of the Minotaur Map Pit of the Chimera Map
Main Drop Fragment of the Phoenix Fragment of the Hydra Fragment of the Minotaur Fragment of the Chimera


Occasionally, a Shaper-influenced Tier 16 map can drop, which has one of the four Shaper Guardian specific map bases. The map can be sold by Zana or offered in-map as part of her Atlas Mission. Player can use an Orb of Horizons to reroll the map between the 4 Shaper Guardians Maps. However, player cannot roll other T16 Map into Shaper Guardians Maps, or vice versa.

Upon slaying the boss, they will drop a Shaper Map fragment that named after the boss (i.e. Guardian of the Minotaur drop Fragment of the Minotaur) Place a complete set of Shaper map fragments in the map device in correct order, can open 6 portals to fight The Shaper.


They are the main antagonists of Atlas of Worlds storyline, they are the guardians of the Void, which all 4 are needed to defeat to fight Shaper.

In War for the Atlas storyline, their maps would be occupied by Elder Guardians instead if the players beat all four Guardians of the Void and spread Elder influence to their maps.

Since Conquerors of the Atlas expansion, they do not appear in the epilogue questline nor on the Atlas, and they are thus assumed to be defeated and slain like The Elder. They are still accessible from Zana and from the Map Device.

In Echoes of the Atlas expansion, the Guardians of the Void are somehow back to the lore as bosses in the Uncharted Realms. They can be duplicated by the Maven and fight them all at once in Maven's Invitation: The Formed.

See also

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