상위 주문 메아리 보조 고유 /1
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상위 주문 메아리 보조
Greater Spell Echo is a support granted by 손으로 맺은 서약.
Greater Spell Echo causes supported spells to repeat twice after the initial cast with 35% more damage per Repeat and 50% increased Area of Effect per Repeat. Unlike 주문 메아리 보조, it has no cast speed modifier.
When combined with 주문 메아리 보조, it adds a 3rd repeat with a total of 105% more Damage. The effective DPS multiplier (including the more cast speed) of a 20/0
주문 메아리 보조 is 1.53, Greater Spell Echo Support effective DPS multiplier is 1.35, and of both together is 2.33. The spell damage multiplier of a 20/0
주문 메아리 보조 is .9, of Greater Spell Echo Support is 1.35, and of both together is 1.525
This support doesn't seem to affect certain skills that don't hit on cast, such as 칼날 소용돌이.
Ice Nova & Frostbolt: When cast this way, causes all repeats to expand from 서리 구체 along its trajectory. Additional repeats from other sources increase
얼음 폭발 activation rate. Casting Ice Nova this way causes "additional expansions" instead of "repeats", and therefore do not gain more damage or increased area of effect per repeat, likewise no benefit is gained from
각성한 주문 메아리 보조's chance to deal double damage on final repeat. Casting Ice Nova this way also skips the animation chain from additional repeats.
얼음 폭발 is the only spell that gets a pseudo cast speed boost solely from
손으로 맺은 서약.
Drop restrictions
Currently, a skill can only be supported by Greater Spell Echo if it is socketed into 손으로 맺은 서약.
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