Royale уник /78
Вы считаетесь имеющими максимум зарядов ярости
Вы считаетесь имеющими максимум зарядов энергии
Значимое умение Passive /101
своего движения, уменьшая это значение вплоть до 0% в зависимости от пройденного расстояния
увеличенный вплоть до 25% урон от ударов
Максимальный шанс блокировать урон от чар равен максимальному шансу блокировать урон от атак
не-ваал умением или умением ударов рядом с врагом
Royale Камень/154
Имя | |
Ураган лезвий (1) | |
Кровь и песок (1) | |
Цепной крюк (1) | |
Рассечение (1) | |
Удар власти (1) | |
Сотрясение (1) | |
Тяжёлый удар (1) | |
Удар преисподней (1) | |
Магмовый удар (1) | |
Сотрясающий тотем (1) | |
Кара (1) | |
Круговой взмах (1) | |
Живучесть (1) | |
Защитник предков (4) | |
Вождь предков (4) | |
Землетрясение (4) | |
Клич стойкости (4) | |
Клич полководца (4) | |
Леденящий молот (4) | |
Тотем священного огня (4) | |
Ледяное сокрушение (4) | |
Наскок (4) | |
Кровавая жатва (4) | |
Восполняющий тотем (4) | |
Обжигающие узы (4) | |
Удар щитом (4) | |
Раскол (4) | |
Зов предков (4) | |
Тотем-баллиста (4) | |
Шанс кровотечения (4) | |
Кулак войны (4) | |
Укрепление (4) | |
Продление (4) | |
Отбрасывание (4) | |
Сокращение (4) | |
Жизнеотвод (4) | |
Увечье (4) | |
Раскатистый удар (4) | |
Множество тотемов (4) | |
Град ударов (4) | |
Свирепость (4) | |
Колдующий тотем (4) | |
Оглушение (4) | |
Беззащитность (4) | |
Метка вождя (4) |
Имя | |
Шаровая молния (1) | |
Мор (1) | |
Ясность ума (1) | |
Огненный шар (1) | |
Морозный шар (1) | |
Ледяное копьё (1) | |
Побеги молний (1) | |
Ловушка молний (1) | |
Ползучая магма (1) | |
Призыв бури (1) | |
Призыв неистового духа (1) | |
Сотворение скелетов (1) | |
Пурга (1) | |
Метка убийцы (4) | |
Пылающий залп (4) | |
Укус стужи (4) | |
Ползучий мороз (4) | |
Тёмный договор (4) | |
Отчаяние (4) | |
Божественный гнев (4) | |
Уязвимость к стихиям (4) | |
Похищение сущности (4) | |
Огненный шторм (4) | |
Огненный рывок (4) | |
Волна холода (4) | |
Морозная бомба (4) | |
Ледяной скачок (4) | |
Ледяной каскад (4) | |
Гидросфера (4) | |
Кольцо льда (4) | |
Испепеление (4) | |
Ловушка шпиля молний (4) | |
Грозовой переход (4) | |
Очищающее пламя (4) | |
Кольцо молний (4) | |
Ловушка переливания (4) | |
Урон молнией (4) | |
Богохульство (4) | |
Сотворение чар при поддержании (4) | |
Средоточие (4) | |
Ускоренное сотворение чар (4) | |
Обречённость (4) | |
Расширенная область действия (4) | |
Учащение критических ударов (4) | |
Каскад чар (4) | |
Эхо магии (4) | |
Призыв фантома (4) | |
Высвобождение (4) | |
Сфера пустоты (4) | |
Волна осуждения (4) |
Royale Свойства /4
Имя | Уровень | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
Стремительный | 5 | Префикс | (15–25)% повышение скорости передвижения Скорость | Обувь 1000 Normal 0 |
сноровки | 4 | Суффикс | (8–15)% повышение скорости сотворения чар Чародейский Скорость | Жезлы 1000 Посохи 0 Скипетры 1000 Амулеты 800 focus 1000 str_int_shield 1000 dex_int_shield 1000 Перчатки 500 Normal 0 |
подготовки | 4 | Суффикс | (15–25)% повышение скорости атаки Атака Скорость | Оружие 1000 Normal 0 |
подготовки | 4 | Суффикс | (8–15)% повышение скорости атаки Атака Скорость | Перчатки 500 Колчаны 500 dex_shield 500 str_dex_shield 500 dex_int_shield 500 Normal 0 |
Святыня /16
Имя | Skill |
Алтарь скорости | Скорость ваших действий и скорость снарядов повышены 40% повышение скорости действий50% повышение скорости снарядаhas shrine effect [1] Смерть не ждет |
Алтарь свирепости | Ваши атаки отталкивают врагов, наносят дополнительный урон, а время их оглушения увеличено Отбрасывает врагов при нанесении удараБольше крови30% увеличение длительности оглушения врагов40% увеличение уронаhas shrine effect [1] Один удар - одна смерть |
Алтарь жара | Рядом с вами идет огненный дождь has shrine effect [1] Да рухнут небеса и запылает твердь |
Заряженный алтарь | У вас есть шанс получить заряд энергии, ярости или выносливости при нанесении удара или убийстве, а заряды дают дополнительные преимущества. 60% шанс получить заряд ярости, энергии или выносливости при убийстве20% шанс получить заряд энергии, ярости или выносливости при нанесении удара5% увеличение урона за заряд ярости, энергии или выносливости4% повышение скорости атаки за заряд ярости40% повышение шанса критического удара за заряд энергииПоложительный эффект дарует 4% дополнительного уменьшения получаемого физического урона за заряд выносливостиПоложительный эффект дарует +4% ко всем сопротивлениям стихиям за заряд выносливостиbase cast speed +% per frenzy charge [4]has shrine effect [1]object inherent damage +% final per frenzy charge [4] Превозмогай, подавляй, побеждай. |
Алтарь алмазов | Вы всегда наносите критические удары 500% повышение шанса критического удараhas shrine effect [1] Причиняй боль искусно |
Алтарь отражений | Ваши умения повторяются. Умения повторяются ещё разechoing shrine attack speed +% final [100]echoing shrine cast speed +% final [100]has shrine effect [1] Выпусти ярость на волю |
Алтарь стужи | От вас исходят кольца льда has shrine effect [1] Покрой мир льдами |
Алтарь мрака | Вы наносите часть урона не-хаосом в виде урона хаосом, а враги, которых вы убиваете, имеют шанс взорваться, нанеся часть от их максимума здоровья в виде урона хаосом. Убитые враги имеют 25% шанс взорваться, нанося четверть от их максимума здоровья в виде урона хаосомНаносит 10% от урона не-хаосом в виде дополнительного урона хаосомhas shrine effect [1] Напитай ядом свои слова |
Алтарь проклятий | Ваши атаки накладывают случайные проклятья 100% шанс при нанесении удара прокляcть врагов случайной порчейhas shrine effect [1]random curses include silence [1] Напитай ядом свои слова |
Алтарь неуязвимости | У вас увеличены броня, уклонение и энергетический щит 100% увеличение уклонения100% увеличение максимума энергетического щитаДобавляет % от максимума здоровья в виде дополнительного максимума энергетического щитаПоложительный эффект дарует 100% увеличение брониhas shrine effect [1] Ничто тебя не остановит |
Алтарь молний | От вас исходят кольца молний has shrine effect [1] Пусть сильнее грянет буря |
Алтарь величия | У вас увеличено здоровье, область поражения и размер 30% увеличение максимума здоровья30% увеличение размера персонажа40% увеличение области действияhas shrine effect [1] Взгляни на страхи свысока |
Алтарь восполнения | Вы регенерируете здоровье и ману Регенерация 5% маны в секундуРегенерация 5% здоровья в секундуhas shrine effect [1] Воздай себе за потери |
Алтарь выдержки | Вы получаете дополнительное сопротивление урону от стихий +30% к сопротивлению всем стихиямhas shrine effect [1] Да не убоишься стихий |
Алтарь покровов | Вы скрыты дымом has shrine effect [1] Сокрой свой путь войны туманом |
Алтарь разрядов | От вас исходят дуги молнии has shrine effect [1] Протяни руку и коснись ненависти |
Community Wiki
Path of Exile: Royale is back and it's available right now for PC players until the weekend is over, then every weekend for the duration of Expedition, except for its launch weekend. If you want to know more, we've put together a guide on what to expect and everything you need to know.
Path of Exile: Royale was originally launched as an April Fool's event back in 2018. Like other Royale games, it was a fast-paced massively PvP experience where players fought for items, experience and survival on a shrinking island. Despite being put together very quickly and only being available for one day, it turned out to be surprisingly popular, and the community has been asking for it to return ever since. Well it's finally back, and this time we've put a lot of effort into making it more than a quick joke. Whether you played the original and have been waiting for it to come back ever since, are brand new to Path of Exile as a whole, or anywhere in between, here's a guide for what to expect and how to succeed in Path of Exile: Royale.
Joining a Game
A round of Path of Exile: Royale requires a fresh level 1 character and takes about 15 minutes at most. You can find Royale on the character selection screen, in the Events list (under your list of characters). Click join, pick a class as usual, and you'll be thrown into the currently-filling game. You don't have to make a new character for each round — once you've made a character, you can select them again to join more games, though they'll be reset to level 1 and lose all their items each time, of course.
You'll find yourself on the shores of Royale Island while you wait for the game to fill. Rounds start when they have some initial threshold of players (which we'll start at 50/100, but may tweak as needed). If you have a few seconds to wait, why not pass the time by taking a look at the brand new Royale-exclusive passive skill tree?
The Passive Skill Tree
Royale now has a completely different passive skill tree to regular Path of Exile. It's designed specifically for fast games and PvP combat, and to be a bit easier to understand than the regular tree.
The first thing you might notice is that there are no class start positions anymore. That's because in Royale, your class doesn't affect your starting location on the passive tree. All classes can allocate points from any of the nine starting points. The six outer branches are themed around different kinds of skills and damage types, while the skills in the centre provide powerful but situational defensive stats. You'll probably also notice that the passive tree window doesn't take up your whole screen, so you can manage your tree without taking your eye off the action.
When you level up, you'll receive two passive skill points instead of one. Clicking on a skill immediately allocates it rather than needing to be confirmed, and there are no respec points in Royale, so make sure you choose carefully! Or maybe just convince yourself that your "experimental" new build is secretly OP…
Starting the Round
Everyone starts on the beach of a mysterious island. You start with only a few flasks and basic weapons, so your first goal should be to find some skill gems and more gear. The beach is full of chests and scattered items to help you gear up, so make a beeline for those to find a skill gem you can use.
There are plenty of monsters on the beach you can kill to start gaining experience and levelling up, but other players are also ripe for the picking! Killing players gives bonus experience so can be a way to gain an early experience lead, as long as you make sure your targets don't kill you first. Once you feel strong enough, you can push inland to find stronger monsters, higher level gems and gear, and maybe some valuable chests in the centre of the island.
As soon as the game begins, a timer begins counting down. When this timer hits zero, a storm will sweep in from the sea and cover part of the island. Anyone standing in the storm will start taking damage over time, which becomes more and more deadly until they either reach safety or succumb. Once the storm stops moving, the timer starts again, and the cycle continues until the storm covers the whole island!
The boundary of the storm appears in red in the game world and on your minimap. The inside circle in blue indicates the area that will still be safe after the storm's next movement. When you're outside the safe zone, indicators will show you the direction and distance to safety.
Gems and Items
There are currently around 50 skill gems and 15 support gems available in Royale. They have been chosen from all of the gems in the regular game and, if necessary, scaled down for use in low-level play. For example, you may find a skill at level 1 that requires level 28 in regular Path of Exile. To keep things relatively simple, the skills available are exclusively damage and/or movement related.
The beach offers a fairly limited selection of skills, and no support gems. As you explore inland you will find a wider selection of gems.
The equipment you find will mostly look the same as it would in act 1 of the regular game, but there are a few differences. Most importantly, your life flasks will be interrupted if another player hits you, so you can't rely on them to save you in PvP combat. Some items also have tweaked balance values, a few extra mods available, or appear at much lower levels than they normally do. Royale also contains a pool of around 75 unique items, and like gems many of these are items that you would normally find at much higher levels, scaled down for low-level play. These adjustments are purely numerical though, so you can trust that your favourite unique will still work just like it does in the regular game.
When a player dies, you can loot their stuff! By interacting with their corpse, you can see all the items they were holding and take what you like. Watch out for corpses as you wander the island, though don't be surprised if someone else has looted them first!
It's worth noting that item filters are disabled in Royale. Even though the number of item drops has been reduced as much as possible, a finely-tuned item filter can provide too much advantage over someone playing without a filter, particularly for spotting items on the minimap. We may introduce less-powerful ways of filtering items in Royale in the future. Cosmetic microtransactions are also disabled for the time being, until we can find a solution to loading them without causing enormous initial load times or degrading performance.
Other Gameplay Features
In your wanderings you'll find flask stations that completely refill your flasks when touched. After they've been used, their power is drained for a few seconds. Look out for these if you're running low on flask charges, but watch out for other players waiting in ambush.
Your character has also been beefed up compared to the wimpy Exiles who wash up on the Twilight Strand. Compared to the normal game, you start with more life, less mana but more mana regeneration, higher stun and ailment thresholds, more balanced base attributes, and faster experience gain.
Winning and Losing
If you die, that's it. Your round is over. Your death will appear on the kill feed, mostly so that everyone can laugh if you're killed by Rhoas. You can still watch the game, however! You can move around freely as a spectator, or use the spectate menu to select another player and watch from their perspective. Or you can just quit out and jump right into the next round.
The storm creates an ever-shrinking safe zone that means the remaining players will eventually be forced to battle it out for glory. If you're skilled (or just lucky) enough to be the last person standing, then congratulations! You win not only fame and glory, but also the brand new Rhoa Feast hideout decoration for the main game! This transforming decoration unlocks new, more impressive variations the more rounds you win and shows your win count when hovered, letting you show off your PvP skill to anyone in your hideout.
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