A Swig of Hope
Act 3
Search the Docks for a use for the Chitus' Plum.
1You have found Chitus' Plum
Search the Docks for a use for the Chitus' Plum.
  • Search the Docks

  • Area: The Docks
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: Look at the sheen on that plum. Is it not the most delectable fruit that you've ever seen? No? Perhaps the gloss of hope is for my eyes only.
  • 2You have found the Decanter Spiritus
    Search the Docks for a use for the Decanter Spiritus.
  • Search the Docks

  • Area: The Docks
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: Will you look at that: the Decanter Spiritus. As exquisite today as when I found it all those years ago. You may fault the man, but you can't fault his craftsmanship.
  • 3You have found the Decanter Spiritus and Chitus' Plum
    Search the Docks for a use for the Decanter Spiritus and Chitus' Plum.
  • Search the Docks

  • Area: The Docks
    4Return to The Ship Graveyard
    Return to the Ship Graveyard in Act One and complete the Marooned Mariner quest.
  • Return to The Ship Graveyard in Act One
  • 5Return to The Ship Graveyard
    Return to the Ship Graveyard in Act One and complete the Marooned Mariner quest.
  • Return to The Ship Graveyard in Act One
  • 6Return to The Ship Graveyard
    Return to the Ship Graveyard in Act One and complete the Marooned Mariner quest.
  • Return to The Ship Graveyard in Act One
  • 7Find the Decanter Spiritus and Chitus' Plum
    Thanks to the Allflame, Captain Fairgraves survived your initial encounter, but now he wants to die once and for all. To achieve this, he needs you to find Chitus' Plum on a tree in the Imperial Gardens, and the Decanter Spiritus in the Marketplace.
  • Find the Decanter Spiritus
  • Find Chitus' Plum

  • Area: The Marketplace, The Imperial Gardens
    8Find the Decanter Spiritus
    Thanks to the Allflame, Captain Fairgraves survived your initial encounter, but now he wants to die once and for all. To achieve this, he needs you to find the Decanter Spiritus in the Marketplace.
  • Find the Decanter Spiritus

  • Area: The Marketplace
    9Find the Decanter Spiritus
    Thanks to the Allflame, Captain Fairgraves survived your initial encounter, but now he wants to die once and for all. To achieve this, he needs you to find the Decanter Spiritus in the Marketplace.
  • Find the Decanter Spiritus

  • Area: The Marketplace
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: Wondrous! Nothing bonds two souls more soundly than murder. For that reason alone, I knew you could be relied upon.

    Now, for a little amateur vintnering. A quick squeeze of the plum like so into the decanter... oh my, look how it transmutes the juice so swiftly. From material to spectral. Effortless. And what an aroma! Imminent death never smelled so sweet. I believe I shall call this fine concoction 'the Imperial Nightcap'.

    Now, before I get too carried away, there's the small matter of your recompense.
  • 10Find Chitus' Plum
    Thanks to the Allflame, Captain Fairgraves survived your initial encounter, but now he wants to die once and for all. To achieve this, he needs you to find Chitus' Plum on a tree in the Imperial Gardens.
  • Find Chitus' Plum

  • Area: The Imperial Gardens
    11Find Chitus' Plum
    Thanks to the Allflame, Captain Fairgraves survived your initial encounter, but now he wants to die once and for all. To achieve this, he needs you to find Chitus' Plum on a tree in the Imperial Gardens.
  • Find Chitus' Plum

  • Area: The Imperial Gardens
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: Wondrous! Nothing bonds two souls more soundly than murder. For that reason alone, I knew you could be relied upon.

    Now, for a little amateur vintnering. A quick squeeze of the plum like so into the decanter... oh my, look how it transmutes the juice so swiftly. From material to spectral. Effortless. And what an aroma! Imminent death never smelled so sweet. I believe I shall call this fine concoction 'the Imperial Nightcap'.

    Now, before I get too carried away, there's the small matter of your recompense.
  • 12Bring the items to Fairgraves
    Deliver the Decanter Spiritus and Chitus' Plum to Captain Fairgraves in the Docks, to help him find eternal rest.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Docks
    13Bring Chitus' Plum to Fairgraves
    Deliver Chitus' Plum to Captain Fairgraves in the Docks, to help him find eternal rest.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Docks
    14Bring the Decanter Spiritus to Fairgraves
    Deliver the Decanter Spiritus to Captain Fairgraves in the Docks, to help him find eternal rest.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Docks
    Quest Complete - You have delivered the Decanter Spiritus and Chitus' Plum to Captain Fairgraves. Talk to him for a reward, so that he will be free to finally find eternal rest.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Docks
    Deliver Chitus' Plum to Captain Fairgraves in the Docks, to help him find eternal rest.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Docks
    Deliver the Decanter Spiritus to Captain Fairgraves in the Docks, to help him find eternal rest.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Docks
    18Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have delivered the Decanter Spiritus and Chitus' Plum to Captain Fairgraves and received a reward. Fairgraves' fate, however, remains a mystery.
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: A toast, to swift endings and promising new beginnings. Oh, and you might want to avert your gaze once I have quaffed this diabolical brew. I doubt that my return to solidarity will be a pretty one.

    Right! As I used to say in the love dens of Trarthus... bottoms up, girls!
  • Normal
    Coral Ring(iL30)
    Paua Ring(iL30)
    Gold Ring(iL30)
    Coral Ring(iL30)
    Paua Ring(iL30)
    Bone Ring(iL30)

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