Act 12 Area /0
Act | Name | Level | Boss |
Act 12 Quest /8
- Siege of the Atlas
It's hard to believe it's been a full year since you slew Kitava. This place is almost starting to feel like home. I left behind a piece of my heart in Oriath, even though I know we can never return there. Too many terrible things took place on that island. I think I agree with the popular sentiment that it was somehow cursed.
- The Citizen Vanguard
Kirac's my name, Commander of the Citizen Vanguard. We're the front line, ensuring callous gods and bloodthirsty fiends never blindside us again. The Templars kept the true nature of the world hidden from the populace, but now the rhoa's out of the sack, and we'll keep both eyes open. Or the one eye open, in my case.
Families. These courageous men and women have families. That's the difference between them and a traditional military. No disrespect to my old comrades in arms, but this organisation is not comprised of solitary violent-minded young men. The Citizen Vanguard is a volunteer effort filled with the ranks of ordinary people who are tired of the endless parade of doom and nightmare we call Wraeclast. I said we'd all have to work together to face what's coming, and that's exactly what we're doing.
We are the people's response to the madness of Wraeclast. We've had enough of corruption, gods, and would-be dictators. The last year or so, the Citizen Vanguard has embarked upon a celestial war in secret in a realm called the Atlas, and we've lost many valiant men in battle. We need all the soldiers we can get, so it's time for you to put your strength and wits to good use.
They are probably better referred to as the Elderslayers now, but for a time, the Vanguard battled Baran, Veritania, Drox, and Al-Hezmin for control of the Atlas. The leader of the Elderslayers, Sirus, was far more powerful than the rest. Before they all went mad, he sacrificed himself to help seal The Elder, and they thought him dead... until he somehow returned, full of pain and ennui. He alone managed to escape the Atlas, and he took out his despair on Oriath, during our rebuilding efforts. As you can see, that triggered the evacuation, and we haven't returned.
I can't help but feel a sense of hope that the people we have gathered are part of something greater. We're all utterly different, but something has brought us together here and now. Alva, with her blood thaumaturgy. Tane, with his dark science. Einhar, with his natural wisdom. Niko, with his machinery skills. Jun, with her combat prowess. Kirac's leadership, and your strength, make me confident that we can handle whatever the future brings.
History, as I was taught it in Oriath, seems very skewed now. There were a great many events that were hidden from the public eye, and the use of map devices throughout the ages was one of those secrets. We know Maligaro experimented with one. There was also a map device in the possession of the Templars, though they did not know what they had. As far as we know, map devices can open portals to almost anywhere, even locations not of this world. We generally use it to enter the Atlas, although some of the exiles we worked with traveled to the domains of the Breach Lords. Those exiles were never heard from again, of course, but the portals worked.
- The Changing Atlas
The Atlas is a grave threat to mankind, a realm unlike any we've seen. It offers up your wildest desires, urging you ever onward into madness and danger... and yet, it may be our greatest defence as well. The Atlas draws the attention of eldritch creatures that would otherwise destroy us without a second thought. It's too dangerous to interact with, but too valuable to be left alone. You can see the position that leaves us in.
We used to have the Atlas fully mapped, but it changes. It grows. After recent major events, it completely changed form. We've started from scratch at a moment we can ill afford to be blinded. The more you explore the Atlas, the better our chances of survival. -
Quite a bit has happened in the Atlas already. Suffice it to say, we have it on ominous authority that some unknown 'they' are coming. Judging by the one who gave us that warning, all of Wraeclast would be in jeopardy should 'they' take notice of us. It's best for everyone if we draw a hard line in the sand across the Atlas and keep them busy there instead.
- Seeking the Maven's Help
You encountered The Envoy? This is exactly what I was hoping for. He's an enigmatic being, but he never strays far from his ward. He serves and guards a being called The Maven, and she is the true reason I've asked you to work with us. She is... a horrific abomination of a similar kind to the ones that are on their way. You might think I'm crazy for seeking her on purpose, but she may be the only one who can help us. You'll understand when - and if - you find her.
Something dark is coming, Godslayer. Time is short. Keep exploring the Atlas. Where The Envoy resides, The Maven cannot be far. -
You've found The Maven! Then perhaps we have a chance after all. Do your best to win her over. She's drawn to conflict — the bloodier, the better. Try working your way deeper into the Atlas. Entertain her with combat. She might just aid her 'favourite toy' when the time comes.
- The Maven's Toys
The Maven is a powerful entity with a penchant for forcing combatants to fight to the death. Then, she resurrects them to do it all again, over and over. She's tortured more than a few of my men and added them to her collection... my own brother included.
A previous exile worked with her on our behalf, catching her interest for a time. That didn't last. Don't let her make you part of her collection. -
My brother, Baran, was one of the Elderslayers. I'm immensely proud of him for that, but the toll of that victory was too high. It cost him his sanity. In my first campaign in the Atlas, I worked with an exile who was forced to slay him. It couldn't have ended any other way. I thought that would be the end of it... but The Maven 'collected' Baran and keeps resurrecting him for her sick games.
When all this is through, there will be a reckoning with that creature. Mark my words. -
Murky waters have cleared, giving light to the past. Silence befell this realm at the hands of the Nomad. Silence befell this realm at the hands of the six. As one, they achieved the impossible, but scattered and alone, they were vulnerable. She keeps them still, her four prized trophies, a source of unending amusement. Two remain elusive, much to her ire...
- The Arrive
After all this time, all this dread and waiting... they're finally here. This is it, Godslayer. A struggle for the fate of Wraeclast. From what I can gather, the Atlas is a tempting treasure that keeps these creatures occupied. So long as we wage war in the outer realms, Wraeclast is safe. Should we lose the Atlas to their control, it will only be a matter of time until they take notice of us... we are nothing to them, and that is our greatest opportunity. Aid The Maven. Pit these entities against each other. It may be our only chance.
They set foot upon this realm as a challenge to The Maven. Omnipotent and merciless, an eternity of suffering underlies and begets the annihilation they wreak.
Their power is an insurmountable summit. You will not give them cause to falter. The Maven stakes her claim here, and only her voice might give them pause. Cling to her, Nomad, and pour all your hopes into the Struggle. -
The veil of constancy drew all beneath its shadow into a steady sleep bereft of the petty squabbles that hemmed the time before time. Those who seek to seize The Maven's new realm are chained by that constancy, for they are as foreign to each other as they are to you. Were conflict even possible, it would rend the very cosmos asunder. Order requires that mortal champions are wagered and set against one another. The Maven's claim here depends upon victory, Nomad. Do not disappoint her.
The weavers of destiny do not share knowledge of the path. The murmurs of the lightkeeper are not for our understanding. He illuminates the way forward, but our eyes are ever locked downward on the steps we take, marking each moment in tireless sequence. Only the progenitor may cast its gaze forward, birthing new ambitions apace as the old turn to dust in the light. In this cold conflict, an Impulse emerges. The winter forest grows, and does not burn. Not a miracle, not a gift, not a thinking mind. Simply the way it must be, so that existence may be.
- The Cleansing Fire
An intellect of blazing suns and black stars scours the firmament in search of all that is and all that shall be. The Cleansing Fire desires omniscience, but it does not understand what it learns, nor does it care to. The minds etched into ashen captivity by the disintegrating light of clarity are nothing more than motes, droplets amidst the tempest, a fan to the flames of the inferno. This obsession leaves it blind to the path set before it by the lightkeeper.
The minds of those studied utterly by the Cleansing Fire
continue to think and dream and beg for silence...Uniques##Forbidden Flame
"We awoke to a sudden dawn cresting through the mountains.
Each peak rose into searing fire, a massive roiling tide.
A great eye gazed upon us, and we became known—utterly."Uniques##Dissolution of the Flesh
Where that searing dawn fell, silence reigned.
We sought the shadows, but none remained.Uniques##Sudden Dawn
Those that escaped the annihilating light
sank eternally into crushing darkness.Uniques##Polaric Devastation
The Cleansing Fire seems to be a colossal brain composed of 'blazing suns and black stars' that developed the ability to think, and has spent eternity voraciously seeking knowledge at the expense of disintegrating everything it studies. Somehow, it even keeps a library of minds, refusing to let those it has annihilated actually cease to exist.
- The Tangle
The wind speaks in silver whispers, barely perceptible to those lost in the mire. The sky is tinged with screams of pain. They cry out in agony from the depths of The Tangle, for they are ever-consuming and eternally consumed, their hunger forever insatiable. Their misshapen mass drags itself across the firmament in search of ecstasy, each limb grasping in a different direction, each mouth desperate for a different escape from pain. So overcome, it cannot fathom the will of its progenitor, nor any other.
A multitude of beings share a wretched existence
irrevocably bound together in perpetual torture.Uniques##Inextricable Fate
The bodies of those wholly subsumed by the Tangle
continue to merge and mutate and cry out for release...Uniques##Forbidden Flesh
Lost in a sea of limbs and screaming faces, they claw
for any fleeting pleasure which might dull the pain.Uniques##Ceaseless Feast
To eat, to feast, to forget the horror of endless agonising existence
if but for a moment... only to disgorge and do it all again...Uniques##The Gluttonous Tide
"We awoke to a sudden jungle rupturing the valleys of our home.
Grasping limbs coiled around us, into us. We sank into each other,
then rose into the living sky. My family screams alongside me still."Uniques##Melding of the Flesh
He reached for his home one last time, a shining jewel among the stars...
only to watch in horror as it ruptured and shattered under a tide of limbs.Uniques##Black Zenith
...the Tangle is some sort of horrific mass of organic beings melded together, and every one of those beings is pulling and clawing away eternally, trying to escape the pain and pursue even the smallest pleasure or consumption to distract themselves from the agony of their horrible existence. The more those trapped in the Tangle reach out, the more beings get absorbed, making the whole thing even more painful and cacophonous.
- The Battle for the Atlas
- The Cleansing Fire's Champions
- The Black Star
Once within the grasp of the Black Star,
there can be no escape. -
This key glows brighter in proximity to the Map Device, as if it's trying to tell us it wants to be used. It will take you beyond the Atlas itself, to some unknown place in the celestial realm. Rather than defending known lands, this will be an offensive mission into enemy territory. Wherever it leads, be ready for a skirmish.
- The Searing Exarch
The Searing Exarch spread the Word of
Enlightenment for countless eons without
ever understanding its master's message. -
From the corona of an ancient star,
the Searing Exarch seeks to master the Atlas. - The Tangle's Champions
- The Infinite Hunger
The Infinite Hunger awaits in a cosmic stomach where
whole civilisations are digested - but do not die. -
My engineers have looked at that key... it's some sort of purposeful invitation, almost ceremonial in design. If you put this in the Map Device, it will open the way to somewhere far beyond the Atlas. It's about time we went on the offensive. Prepare yourself for a bit of a tussle.
Our best researchers believe you've just won some sort of ritual for control of the Atlas against The Tangle. Defeating The Infinite Hunger is just one stage of the conflict, however. It can never be simple, can it? Keep up the pursuit, Godslayer. There's something much worse out there, readying itself.
- The Eater of Worlds
The Eater of Worlds consumed for countless
eons to satiate the desperation of masters
that could never be satisfied. -
From the heart of the Tangle, the Eater of Worlds
reaches out for control of the Atlas. - The Maven's Victory
Two claimants have arrived, desperate in their hunger. Two claimants have been turned away. The Maven and the Nomad stand bloodied and victorious, but time is fleeting, and time is eternal. The enemies outnumber the stars in the sky. The enemies are the stars in the sky. Mark this as the moment you finally understand the insurmountable weight of the approaching tide. This is not the end. This was merely the beginning.
By the gods, you actually did it! You did battle with those eldritch fiends and lived to tell the tale. You've bought us some time, Godslayer. For the moment, The Maven has full control of the Atlas, and she's content to play there and leave us alone. Keep doing what you're doing... very carefully.
Favoured Map /12
Favoured Map Slots can be unlocked by completing specific objectives or defeating specific encounters
Favoured Maps will have a higher chance of Dropping
Right click a slot to clear it}
Slot | Name |
1 | Complete a Tier 16+ Map |
2 | Defeat an Elder Guardian |
3 | Defeat a Shaper Guardian |
4 | Defeat a Conqueror of the Atlas |
5 | Defeat Sirus, Awakener of Worlds |
6 | Defeat Venarius in the Cortex |
7 | Defeat The Shaper |
8 | Defeat The Elder in The Shaper's Realm |
9 | Defeat The Maven |
10 | Defeat The Eater of Worlds |
11 | Defeat The Searing Exarch |
12 | Complete Maven's Invitation: The Feared |
Text Audio /4
Type | Name | Quantity |
Siege of the Atlas | The Searing Exarch | 40 |
Siege of the Atlas | The Eater of Worlds | 73 |
Siege of the Atlas | The Black Star | 26 |
Siege of the Atlas | The Infinite Hunger | 64 |
Community Wiki
Siege of the Atlas
- After defeating Kitava, you will meet Commander Kirac in the Karui Shores and join his militia to safeguard the Atlas of Worlds. The Envoy will inform you that two Eldritch Horrors, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds, are approaching and will consume everything.
- By completing maps affected by their influence, you can hunt down their sub-bosses, The Black Star and The Infinite Hunger, before finally facing The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds themselves. Defeating these formidable foes yields valuable rewards including exclusive new unique items.
- The Atlas of Worlds has been revised, and regions have been removed. The regional Atlas Passive Trees have been replaced with one gigantic Atlas-wide Passive Tree that affects all maps you run. You can earn points by completing bonus objectives of maps and finishing certain Atlas quests.
- The Watchstone system has also been removed, and replaced with Voidstones which are obtained by defeating The Uber Elder, The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds. These Voidstones raise the tiers of maps on your Atlas and can be augmented by Sextants.
A New Era Begins
Having assumed responsibility for the defense of the Atlas, Commander Kirac has established a base in the Karui Archipelago with several map devices. He has heard rumours of your prowess and invites you to join his militia in order to scout the Atlas to learn about threats to Wraeclast. You encounter the Maven and discover that two new Eldritch Horrors are here: The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds. They must be stopped before they consume everything.
Singular Scouting Report
Otherworldly Scouting Report
Vaal Scouting Report
Delirious Scouting Report
Operative's Scouting Report
Blighted Scouting Report
Influenced Scouting Report
Explorer's Scouting Report
Comprehensive Scouting Report
Two Eldritch Horrors
The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds are the most powerful beings that Wraeclast has ever seen. The path to defeating them involves exploring many influenced maps and slaying their formidable subordinates, The Black Star and The Infinite Hunger, yielding valuable rewards.
Reworked Atlas Mechanics
Most Atlas mechanics have been reworked with a goal of creating deeper systems that are easier to understand. Regions have been removed, so your Atlas specialisation affects every map you run. Where you'd previously collect 16 Watchstones, you must now earn four Voidstones which let you raise the tier of all maps on your Atlas until they are uniformly tier 16. Sextants can apply to Voidstones and be itemised and traded. Commander Kirac offers a large variety of Atlas objectives that add valuable content to your maps.
- Watchstone Replacements
- Dropped by Maven, Uber Elder, Eater, Exarch Fights upon killing for the first time
- Raise Level of all maps when socketed
- Only way to access sextants now
- They raise all map tiers by 4 up to tier 16
- All maps now cap at t16, no more T14-16
- Endgame Mapping requirements might be a little higher since average HP of Map Bosses will be fixed to T16 HP
- Presumably with a full socketed atlas, ONLY T16 maps can drop as Atlas Map Drops
Boss | Voidstone |
The Searing Exarch | Omniscient Voidstone |
The Eater of Worlds | Grasping Voidstone |
The Maven | Ceremonial Voidstone |
Uber The Elder | Decayed Voidstone |
Favorite Maps
12 Favoured map slots, grants 10x multiplier to drop weight.
- Complete a Tier 16 Map
- Defeat an Elder Guardian
Sirus is a fragment boss and A8 difficulty.
Atlas Passive Skill
Say goodbye to regional Atlas Passive Trees and hello to one gigantic Atlas-wide Passive Tree with over 600 skills to specialise in. Every map as well as various Atlas quests you complete will earn you an Atlas skill point. In addition to the best skills from the regional trees, we have created many completely new ones that let you choose your own level of risk and reward for Atlas content.
It's currently possible to obtain up to 132 points:
- 1 point per Map Bonus Objectives: 115 points
- white map: magic
- yellow map: rare
- red map: rare and corrupted
- 1 point per Maven's Invitation (3,4,5,6,10): 5 points
- 1 point per Maven's Special Invitation : 6 points
- 1 point per Voidstone: 4 points
Check command
chat command that details the sources of your Atlas Passive Points, and those you may still be missing from quests.
Orb of Unmaking are sold by Kirac for 2
Orb of Regret.
Eldritch Implicit Modifiers
The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds each have a powerful set of Eldritch Implicit Modifiers, which can be imbued onto items using Eldritch Embers and Eldritch Ichor, respectively. Although this process replaces existing implicit mods, it's possible to have both types of Eldritch Implicits on an item at the same time.
You can use an Orb of Conflict to manipulate the tiers of these modifiers on your item, within the six tiers of modifiers available. When applied, the Orb randomly increases the tier of one modifier and lowers the tier of the other. The new Eldritch Chaos Orb,
Eldritch Exalted Orb and
Eldritch Orb of Annulment can manipulate the prefixes or suffixes of an item depending on whether The Searing Exarch or The Eater of Worlds has a higher Eldritch modifier on it.
Tier | Name | Name |
6 | ![]() ![]() |
Drops in all maps. |
5 | ![]() ![]() |
Come from exploring maps influenced by The Eater of Worlds or The Searing Exarch. |
4 | ![]() ![]() |
Come from exploring maps influenced by The Eater of Worlds or The Searing Exarch. |
3 | ![]() ![]() |
Drop from The Eater of Worlds or The Searing Exarch. |
2 | ![]() |
Drop from The Maven and her encounters |
1 | ![]() |
Drop from The Maven and her encounters |
Tier | Normal | Unique | Pinnacle |
6 | 8% increased Attack Speed | ||
5 | 9% increased Attack Speed | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 13% increased Attack Speed | |
4 | 10% increased Attack Speed | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 14% increased Attack Speed | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 18% increased Attack Speed |
3 | 11% increased Attack Speed | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 15% increased Attack Speed | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 19% increased Attack Speed |
2 | 12% increased Attack Speed | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 16% increased Attack Speed | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 20% increased Attack Speed |
1 | 13% increased Attack Speed | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, 17% increased Attack Speed | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, 21% increased Attack Speed |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Siege of the Atlas