Location /0 ⍟
Maps Unique /28 ⍟
Area contains many Totems
Curses have 50% reduced effect on Monsters
(40–60)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(120–160)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
map extra content weighting [1]
map rare monsters have nemesis mod [1]
(20–50)% increased Experience gain
Unique Boss is augmented by Player choices
Found Items have 10% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
(40–60)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(40–60)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Area has patches of Chilled Ground
% of Monster Damage is Converted to Lightning
Monsters deal 50% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters are Immune to randomly chosen Elemental Ailments or Stun
Monsters' Melee Attacks apply random Hexes on Hit
Monsters Reflect Hexes
(40–60)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(200–400)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped)
(You are Chilled while standing in Chilled Ground)
Unique Boss drops 3 additional Maps
Unique Boss gives 2000% increased Experience
0.5 Flask Charges recovered every 3 seconds
(-2–2) to Monster Level of Area
100% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
100% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Area has patches of desecrated ground
(40–50)% more Monster Life
(30–40)% increased Monster Damage
Area becomes fatal after some time
40% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [10]
(60–100)% increased Experience gain
Area contains unbridged gaps to cross
Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Ailments
(20–25)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(20–25)% increased Monster Attack Speed
% increased Monster Cast Speed
Players have Level 20 Dash Skill
Players have 200% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for Movement Skills
map item drop quantity +% [100,150]
map item drop rarity +% [200,300]
map pack size +% [0]
(Ailments are Bleeding, Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, Sapped, and Poisoned)
(60–100)% increased Experience gain
Area contains unbridged gaps to cross
Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Ailments
100% increased Monster Damage
(20–25)% increased Monster Movement Speed
(20–25)% increased Monster Attack Speed
% increased Monster Cast Speed
Players have Level 20 Dash Skill
Players have 200% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate for Movement Skills
map item drop quantity +% [200,250]
map item drop rarity +% [200,300]
map pack size +% [30]
(Ailments are Bleeding, Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, Sapped, and Poisoned)
(40–50)% more Monster Life
(30–40)% increased Monster Damage
Final Boss drops higher Level Items
(120–200)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
Unique Boss drops 4 additional Maps
(20–50)% increased number of Rare Monsters
(20–50)% increased Magic Monsters
25% more Monster Life
30% increased Monster Damage
150% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
150% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
Chests have (2500–3500)% increased Item Rarity
Area contains no monsters
Found Items have (20–40)% chance to drop Corrupted in Area
map disable chest drop scaling [1]
20% more Monster Life
Monsters are Unaffected by Shock
20% increased Monster Damage
+35% Monster Lightning Resistance
Monsters deal 35% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
(100–150)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(100–150)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
(30–50)% increased Pack size
(Debuffs you are Unaffected by can still be placed on you, but will not actually apply their effect)
(60–100)% increased Experience gain
% of Monster Damage is Converted to Lightning
Monsters deal (175–190)% extra Physical Damage as Lightning
Monsters gain an Endurance Charge on Hit
Monsters gain a Power Charge on Hit
(100–120)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
% increased Experience gain
Area has increased monster variety
Players are Cursed with Flammability
Players are Cursed with Frostbite
Area is inhabited by Lunaris fanatics
Area is inhabited by Solaris fanatics
(75–100)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(125–175)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
(25–50)% increased Pack size
(Flammability is a Hex which inflicts -17% to Fire Resistance and causes Hits to have +25% chance to Ignite the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
(Frostbite is a Hex which inflicts -17% to Cold Resistance and causes Hits to have +25% chance to Freeze the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
150% increased Experience gain
(140–160)% more Monster Life
(140–160)% increased Monster Damage
25% increased Monster Movement Speed
25% increased Monster Attack Speed
25% increased Monster Cast Speed
Area is a large Maze
Unique Boss drops (10–15) additional Rare (0–23)
100% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
250% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
200% increased Experience gain
(140–160)% more Monster Life
Monsters have (500–1000)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(60–100)% to Monster Critical Strike Multiplier
(140–160)% increased Monster Damage
25% increased Monster Movement Speed
25% increased Monster Attack Speed
25% increased Monster Cast Speed
Area is a large Maze
Unique Boss drops (10–15) additional Rare (0–23)
100% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
250% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
50% increased Pack size
Players are Cursed with Vulnerability
Players are Cursed with Flammability
Players are Cursed with Frostbite
Players are Cursed with Conductivity
Players are Cursed with Despair
Unique Boss drops divination cards
90% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
45% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
map drop stacked deck on death permyriad [50]
(Vulnerability is a Hex which increases Physical Damage taken by 15% and causes Hits to have +25% chance to inflict Bleeding on the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
(Despair is a Hex which inflicts -15% to Chaos Resistance. It lasts 8 seconds)
(Conductivity is a Hex which inflicts -17% to Lightning Resistance and causes Hits to have +25% chance to Shock the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
(Flammability is a Hex which inflicts -17% to Fire Resistance and causes Hits to have +25% chance to Ignite the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
(Frostbite is a Hex which inflicts -17% to Cold Resistance and causes Hits to have +25% chance to Freeze the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 83
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (4–6) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 81
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 81
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 81
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
100% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 81
Map has (3–5) additional random Modifiers
Map has (2–4) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
200% increased Experience gain
Monster Level: 84
Map has (6–8) additional random Modifiers
Map has (4–6) additional Synthesis Global Modifiers
map item drop quantity +% [100]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
map pack size +% [25]
Contains waves of Monsters
Contains additional waves of Undead Monsters
Area contains additional waves of Ghosts
Area contains additional waves of Oriathan Zombies
Area contains additional waves of Phantasms
Area contains additional waves of Raging Spirits
Area contains additional waves of Bone Rhoas
Area contains additional waves of Ravager Maws
Area contains additional waves of Zombies
Contains the Immortalised Grandmasters
PvP damage scaling in effect
Area has patches of Burning Ground
Area is inhabited by Skeletons
Restless Dead
Area is a large Maze
Area contains a Large Chest
(80–100)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(220–250)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
display map two bosses [1]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
map undead monsters get up after X seconds [10]
Unique Boss deals (30–35)% increased Damage
Unique Boss has (25–30)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
Unique Boss gives 20000% increased Experience
Unique Boss drops (12–20) additional Currency Items
150% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
map no exiles [1]
Area contains 6 additional Harbingers
(40–60)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(40–60)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
100% more Monster Life
100% increased Monster Damage
Unique Boss drops an additional Harbinger Scroll
Area contains 20 additional Harbingers
(80–120)% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
(80–120)% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area
map uber beachhead map [1]
Maps Item /162 ⍟
Lookout Map
Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: C
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Beach Map
Map Tier: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: X
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Graveyard Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: N
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Dungeon Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 3
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Foundry Map
Map Tier: 11, 14, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: à
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Alleyways Map
Map Tier: 15, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: a
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Desert Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: W
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Flooded Mine Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ?
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Marshes Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 2
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Cage Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: I
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Fungal Hollow Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: d
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Leyline Map
Map Tier: 10, 13, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: G
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Port Map
Map Tier: 11, 14, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: e
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Burial Chambers Map
Map Tier: 10, 13, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: E
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Cells Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ú
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Arcade Map
Map Tier: 13, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: +
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
City Square Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ö
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Relic Chambers Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 1
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Courthouse Map
Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: f
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Strand Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 8
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Chateau Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: O
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Grotto Map
Map Tier: 11, 14, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: h
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Glacier Map
Map Tier: 13, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: U
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Lighthouse Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: F
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Crimson Township Map
Map Tier: 11, 14, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: %
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Cold River Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ë
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Forbidden Woods Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: '
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Sulphur Vents Map
Map Tier: 10, 13, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: P
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Haunted Mansion Map
Map Tier: 9, 12, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: k
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Maze Map
Map Tier: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: l
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Channel Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Z
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Toxic Sewer Map
Map Tier: 9, 12, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ï
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Ancient City Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: R
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Spider Lair Map
Map Tier: 9, 12, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: M
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Mausoleum Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: [
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Fields Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ñ
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Jungle Valley Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 5
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Academy Map
Map Tier: 15, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Æ
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Ashen Wood Map
Map Tier: 13, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: K
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Atoll Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Í
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Cemetery Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: L
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Underground Sea Map
Map Tier: 10, 13, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: q
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Crater Map
Map Tier: 11, 14, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: D
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Coral Ruins Map
Map Tier: 9, 12, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Á
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Residence Map
Map Tier: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: T
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Ramparts Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ü
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Dunes Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: A
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Bone Crypt Map
Map Tier: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16
Guild Tag Editor: V
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Underground River Map
Map Tier: 15, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 9
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Gardens Map
Map Tier: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16
Guild Tag Editor: J
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Infested Valley Map
Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Œ
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Vaal Pyramid Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ~
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Geode Map
Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: "
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Armoury Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: r
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Courtyard Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: 4
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Shore Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: /
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Tropical Island Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Û
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Moon Temple Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: =
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Sepulchre Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ÿ
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Plateau Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: |
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Estuary Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: s
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Vault Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: )
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Temple Map
Map Tier: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: -
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Museum Map
Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: (
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Scriptorium Map
Map Tier: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16
Guild Tag Editor:
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Siege Map
Map Tier: 1, 4, 8, 12, 16
Guild Tag Editor: u
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Belfry Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: w
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Arachnid Tomb Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: !
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Bog Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: y
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Pier Map
Map Tier: 11, 14, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: z
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Cursed Crypt Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: }
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Orchard Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: <
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Promenade Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ;
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Lair Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ,
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Colonnade Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: .
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Spider Forest Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ã
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Coves Map
Map Tier: 14, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ê
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Mesa Map
Map Tier: 4, 7, 11, 15, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Ò
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Pit Map
Map Tier: 15, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ×
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Dry Sea Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: `
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Defiled Cathedral Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ú
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Summit Map
Map Tier: 5, 8, 12, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ù
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Overgrown Shrine Map
Map Tier: 3, 6, 10, 14, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ¾
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Castle Ruins Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ê
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Crystal Ore Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: å
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Necropolis Map
Map Tier: 12, 15, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: °
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Racecourse Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: «
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Caldera Map
Map Tier: 13, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ø
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Malformation Map
Map Tier: 10, 13, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ñ
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Terrace Map
Map Tier: 15, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ð
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Desert Spring Map
Map Tier: 13, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ç
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Colosseum Map
Map Tier: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ü
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Dark Forest Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ®
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Dig Map
Map Tier: 10, 13, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor:
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Palace Map
Map Tier: 9, 12, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: \
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Lava Lake Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: µ
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Basilica Map
Map Tier: 9, 12, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: »
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Carcass Map
Map Tier: 2, 5, 9, 13, 16
Guild Tag Editor: §
Bonus: Kill boss of magic or higher version of this map
Bramble Valley Map
Map Tier: 7, 10, 14, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor:
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Silo Map
Map Tier: 8, 11, 15, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor:
Bonus: Kill boss of rare version of this map
Pit of the Chimera Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: Â
Area is influenced by The Shaper
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Lair of the Hydra Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ¢
Area is influenced by The Shaper
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Maze of the Minotaur Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: £
Area is influenced by The Shaper
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Forge of the Phoenix Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: ¤
Area is influenced by The Shaper
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Vaal Temple Map
Map Tier: 16, 16, 16, 16, 16
Guild Tag Editor: >
Area contains 10 additional guarded Vaal Vessels
Bonus: Kill boss of corrupted rare version of this map
Sanctuary Map
Map Tier: 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
map is uber map [1]
Citadel Map
Map Tier: 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
map is uber map [1]
Fortress Map
Map Tier: 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
map is uber map [1]
Abomination Map
Map Tier: 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
map is uber map [1]
Ziggurat Map
Map Tier: 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
map is uber map [1]
Maps Atlas Tree Modifiers /10 ⍟
Mastery: Maps
Fortune Favours the Brave applies an additional random Option
100% more cost of the Fortune Favours the Brave Map Crafting Option
Mastery: Maps
League Map Crafting Options also choose 3 random Notable Atlas Passive Skills associated with that League to treat as allocated
100% more cost of Map Crafting Options
Mastery: Maps
Your Maps contain 10% more Monster Packs consisting of difficult and rewarding Monsters
map chance to spawn t17 pack % [100]
Mastery: Maps
2% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps per Explicit Modifier
Mastery: Maps
3% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps per 5% Map Quality
Mastery: Maps
Quantity: 27
3% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps
Mastery: Maps
Quantity: 9
Tier 1-15 Maps found have 5% chance to become 1 tier higher
Mastery: Maps
Final Map Boss in each Map has 5% chance to drop an additional connected Map
Tier 1-15 Maps found have 10% chance to become 1 tier higher
Mastery: Maps
3% chance on Completing your Maps to gain a free use of a special Map Crafting option
Tier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher
Mastery: Maps
10% chance on Completing your Maps to gain a free use of a random Map Crafting option
Tier 1-15 Maps found have 15% chance to become 1 tier higher
Anoint Blight Map /13 ⍟
Blight MapClear Oil12% reduced Monster Movement Speed
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapSepia OilTowers deal 25% more Damage
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapAmber Oil25% reduced Cost of Building and Upgrading Towers
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapVerdant Oil45% increased Experience gain
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapTeal OilBlight Monsters spawn 30% faster
Encounter duration is 50 seconds shorter
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapAzure OilVarieties of Items contained in 5 Blight Chests are Lucky
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapIndigo OilBlight Encounters contain up to 3 additional Blight Bosses
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapViolet OilLanes of Blight Encounters have 25% chance for an additional Reward Chest
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapCrimson OilVarieties of Items contained in 12 Blight Chests are Lucky
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapBlack Oil6% increased Pack size
7% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward
Blight MapOpalescent OilVarieties of Items contained in 18 Blight Chests are Lucky
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapSilver Oil80% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area
6% increased Pack size
Blight MapGolden Oil6% increased Pack size
30% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward
Map Crafting Bench /18 ⍟
Fortune Favours the Brave3x Chaos OrbLevel 5
Area contains 2 additional Abysses
Areas can contain Abysses
map extra content weighting [1]
4x Chaos OrbLevel 6
Area contains 4 additional Imprisoned Monsters
Areas can contain Imprisoned Monsters
map extra content weighting [1]
6x Chaos OrbLevel 12
Area is inhabited by 3 additional Rogue Exiles
map extra content weighting [1]
map ignore rogue exile rarity bias [1]
2x Chaos OrbLevel 2
Area contains 3 additional Shrines
map extra content weighting [1]
3x Chaos OrbLevel 4
Area contains 3 additional Strongboxes
map extra content weighting [1]
4x Chaos OrbLevel 6
Area can contain Breaches
Area contains 3 additional Breaches
map extra content weighting [1]
6x Chaos OrbLevel 12
Area is haunted by 3 additional Tormented Spirits
map extra content weighting [1]
2x Chaos OrbLevel 2
Slaying Enemies close together can attract monsters from Beyond this realm
map extra content weighting [1]
5x Chaos OrbLevel 9
Area contains a Blight Encounter
map blight league [1]
map extra content weighting [1]
4x Chaos OrbLevel 6
Area contains 2 additional Harbingers
map extra content weighting [1]
4x Chaos OrbLevel 6
Area contains 2 additional Smuggler's Caches
map extra content weighting [1]
map heist league [1]
5x Chaos OrbLevel 9
Area contains an additional Legion Encounter
map extra content weighting [1]
map legion league [1]
5x Chaos OrbLevel 9
Area contains an Expedition Encounter6x Chaos OrbLevel 12
Areas contain a Mirror of Delirium
map affliction league [1]
7x Chaos OrbLevel 15
Areas contain Ritual Altars
map extra content weighting [1]
4x Chaos OrbLevel 6
Areas contain an Ultimatum Encounter
map ultimatum league [1]
5x Chaos OrbLevel 9
Area contains The Sacred Grove
map extra content weighting [1]
map harvest league [1]
6x Chaos OrbLevel 12
Map Device Recipes /83 ⍟
The Apex of Sacrifice70
The Alluring Abyss80
The Shaper's Realm84
Absence of Value and Meaning83
The Shaper's Realm84
Xoph's Domain81
Tul's Domain81
Esh's Domain81
Uul-Netol's Domain82
Chayula's Domain83
Ancient Reliquary75
Maligaro's Sanctum52
Timeworn Reliquary75
Forgotten Reliquary87
Visceral Reliquary87
Shiny Reliquary87
Archive Reliquary87
Oubliette Reliquary87
Cosmic Reliquary87
Decaying Reliquary87
Voidborn Reliquary75
Voidborn Reliquary75
Xoph's Domain74
Tul's Domain74
Esh's Domain74
Uul-Netol's Domain78
Chayula's Domain81
Xoph's Domain79
Tul's Domain79
Esh's Domain79
Uul-Netol's Domain81
Chayula's Domain82
Xoph's Domain81
Tul's Domain81
Esh's Domain81
Uul-Netol's Domain82
Chayula's Domain83
Xoph's Domain84
Tul's Domain84
Esh's Domain84
Uul-Netol's Domain84
Chayula's Domain84
Domain of Timeless Conflict80
Domain of Timeless Conflict80
Domain of Timeless Conflict80
Domain of Timeless Conflict80
The Maven's Crucible68
Absence of Mercy and Empathy84
Vaal Reliquary75
The Temple of Atzoatl1
The Utzaal Arena1
The Sacred Grove83
Eye of the Storm84
Seething Chyme79
Seething Chyme83
Absence of Symmetry and Harmony83
Absence of Symmetry and Harmony84
Polaric Void79
Polaric Void83
Absence of Patience and Wisdom83
Absence of Patience and Wisdom84
The Lake of Kalandra1
Forge of the Titans80
Forge of the Titans84
The Shaper's Realm85
The Shaper's Realm85
Eye of the Storm85
Absence of Mercy and Empathy85
Absence of Symmetry and Harmony85
Absence of Patience and Wisdom85
Crux of Nothingness83
Map Corruption /13 ⍟
1+(10–20)% Item Quantitydefault 75
1+(8–12)% Item Raritydefault 75
1+(5–10)% Pack Sizedefault 55
1(10–20)% increased Explicit Modifier magnitudesdefault 10
1Contains a Vaal Side Areainfected_map 0
default 40
78Area contains an additional guarded Exquisite Vaal Vesselinfected_map 0
default 10
1Unique Monsters drop Corrupted Itemsinfected_map 0
default 40
1Players' Vaal Skills do not apply Soul Gain Preventiondefault 20
1Map Crafting options for this Map have no costinfected_map 0
default 40
1Atlas Passives have (10–15)% increased Effect on Areainfected_map 0
default 10
1Quality applies to Pack Size instead of Item Quantitydefault 20
1Area has an additional random Scarab effectinfected_map 0
default 15
1Area is affected by (5–15) additional random Unallocated Notable Atlas Passivesinfected_map 0
default 15
Map Costs /16 ⍟
1Normal: 1xOrb of Chance
Magic: 2xOrb of Chance
Rare: 3xOrb of Chance
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
2Normal: 1xOrb of Chance
Magic: 2xOrb of Chance
Rare: 3xOrb of Chance
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
3Normal: 2xOrb of Chance
Magic: 3xOrb of Chance
Rare: 4xOrb of Chance
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
4Normal: 2xOrb of Chance
Magic: 3xOrb of Chance
Rare: 4xOrb of Chance
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
5Normal: 3xOrb of Chance
Magic: 4xOrb of Chance
Rare: 5xOrb of Chance
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
6Normal: 4xOrb of Chance
Magic: 5xOrb of Chance
Rare: 6xOrb of Chance
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
7Normal: 1xOrb of Alchemy
Magic: 1xOrb of Alchemy, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 2xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
8Normal: 2xOrb of Alchemy
Magic: 2xOrb of Alchemy, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 3xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
9Normal: 3xOrb of Alchemy
Magic: 3xOrb of Alchemy, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 4xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
10Normal: 4xOrb of Alchemy
Magic: 4xOrb of Alchemy, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 5xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
11Normal: 5xOrb of Alchemy
Magic: 5xOrb of Alchemy, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 6xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
12Normal: 4xChaos Orb
Magic: 4xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 4xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
13Normal: 5xChaos Orb
Magic: 5xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 5xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
14Normal: 7xChaos Orb
Magic: 7xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 7xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
15Normal: 11xChaos Orb
Magic: 11xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 11xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb
16Normal: 25xChaos Orb
Magic: 25xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Chance
Rare: 25xChaos Orb, 1xOrb of Alchemy
Unique: 10xChaos Orb

Community Wiki



Maps are the main type of endgame content in Path of Exile. By placing them in a map device, maps can be consumed to create a randomized instance in which monsters can be fought. Like equipment, they come in Normal, Magic, Rare, and Unique rarities, and can have their own special affixes which may make them more difficult, but also increases their potential rewards. Maps can also have quality, which can be improved with Cartographer's Chisel. Map drops are not affected by party size.

Players cannot use maps until the Epilogue after completing Act 10. After completing [[Picking Up the Pieces]], a map device will be added to the player's hideout.

Atlas of Worlds

Main page: Atlas of Worlds

In the Epilogue, Officer Kirac will give you a short series of quests that lead to the construction of a new map device for your hideout. He will also give you an unidentified Tier 1 magic map to start.

After completing your first map, Kirac will show the player the Atlas of Worlds. The Atlas of Worlds visualizes how maps are connected to each other and form pathways between each map on the Atlas. There are four starting points, starting from the center of the Atlas. Maps are also grouped within 8 regions.

After some exploration, players will encounter Zana, Master Cartographer and a portal that leads to a Citadel, where Watchstones can be placed. Watchstones are dropped by the Conquerors that rule the Atlas, who can be challenged by running maps within their influence region enough times. Once a Watchstone is socketed to a Citadel, it will empower all maps in that region, increasing their map level and adding new maps to the region.

Only connected maps and maps previously completed can drop from a map area. In addition to these rules, this map drop pool only consists of maps that are currently visible on the atlas meaning maps that are removed from changing Watchstones are also removed from the map drop pool. There are exceptions that do not take your Atlas progression into account: During Zana's Atlas Missions which gives you a choice of maps to open, unique maps that may also drop their base type, and various league content that may drop maps.

When four Watchstones are socketed to one region, it increases the Awakening Level of the Atlas. Awakening Levels increase map and influenced item drop chances and difficulty for every map on the Atlas, as well as enabling Awakened Atlas completion marks for maps at a certain level. Running maps in an awakened zone will also draw out the Awakener, the leader of the Conquerors.

Regarding map drops, there is a 2x weighting for incomplete maps, and 4x weighting for adjacent maps, multiplicative.


Each (non-unique) map can have up to 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes, just like other items. Currency related to rarity also works the same, for example, an Orb of Alchemy will turn a basic map into a rare. Modifiers for maps change the properties of the map when one is in that map, thereby making it more difficult and (usually) resulting in increased item quantity for all drops on that map. High increased quantity also affects the drop rates of maps while in a particular map, so high modifiers will increase your chances at continuing to get map drops and finding higher level maps to use. Cartographer's Sextants can affect neighbouring maps. Maps can be made considerably more difficult by using a Watchstone that increases the tier of the item.


There are 16 tiers of maps, each tier corresponding to an area level. The lowest tier drops during progression through the game and once inside the map, higher tier maps start dropping. Magic and rare monsters can drop maps that are +1 tier above and map bosses can drop +2 tiers above the map area the character is in, respectively.

Moving from one group of map tiers to the next often imposes a challenge as the higher tier maps become harder to sustain. Furthermore, mid-tier and top-tier maps introduce higher values for the mods they can roll, new mods that are more challenging, and combinations of mods that aren't allowed to coexist on low-tier maps.

Map tier Tier range Map level range
Low tier maps 1 - 5 68 - 72
Mid tier maps 6 - 10 73 - 77
Top tier maps 11 - 17 78 - 84


If a player has three maps of the same type, these maps may be sold to a vendor to receive one map in exchange. This newly acquired map is of a map base one tier higher in the same region. Which map you get seems to be seeded by map, and different combinations of the same map can result in a different resulting map.

Unidentified Maps

It is possible to put unidentified maps into the map device. There is a +30% quantity bonus when running these maps, but even when you enter the map the specific modifiers to the map are not revealed to you, even though the overall quantity, rarity and pack size is. Some are easy to observe, burning or chilled ground are very obvious for example, but others are harder to know immediately (if there are enough obvious modifiers, together with the quantity, rarity and pack size you might be able to determine what the mods are, though). As such, it's recommended that you have a strong character before tackling such maps; otherwise the map could have many dangerous affixes to put your character in danger. Unidentified maps can be obtained as map drops, by corrupting an identified map or by vendoring 3x magic or rare maps of the same base type.

This bonus does not apply to unidentified unique maps.

Corrupted maps

Like most other items, maps can be corrupted using a Vaal Orb. One of the following effects will occur:

  • No effect (other than adding the corrupted property).
  • Increase by one map tier, changing the base type to one appropriate for the new tier, and randomizing the affixes. This is the only way to create a Vaal Temple Map.
  • Reroll into a rare map with up to eight random affixes.
  • Unidentify the item, retaining its affixes and quantity bonus. Unidentified magic or rare maps receive a 30% bonus quantity.

In addition to these effects, all bosses of corrupted maps have a chance to drop Sacrifice Vaal Fragments or Vaal Skill Gems.

A corrupted map can't be modified with Currency in any way, but effects from Zana's map device can still be crafted on it.

Other maps

Maps can drop as a Shaper or Elder influenced map. These maps contain additional Shaper or Elder enemies and can drop Shaper or Elder influenced items. They may also have the boss replaced with one of the Guardians of the Void or Elder Guardians, which drop Shaper and Elder map fragments when defeated.

Blighted Maps can drop from blights. They contain battles and items unique to the blight league.

Zana missions have a chance to pick Maps from the Synthesis league. They contain battles and items unique to the league.

Map fragments

Map fragments are items that can be used in a map device to open portals to various high level areas with the full set in the proper alignment. Doubles or triples of the same piece will not work. Fragments can also be placed with a regular map to increase map item quantity. Vaal Fragments can be used alone to open Vaal Side Areas.

Scarabs can also be used to add additional modifiers to the map, and Divine Vessels are used to capture certain boss souls to upgrade a Pantheon power.

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