The Canals

The Canals
Id: 2_10_5
Act: 10
Area Level: 66
A man-made rupture from which both blood and water flow.
The Canals Attr /9
NameShow Full Descriptions
NotesA man-made rupture from which both blood and water flow.
ConnectedThe Ravaged Square, The Feeding Trough
Vaal AreaSealed Basement
Secluded Canal
Tagscity1, area_with_water, kitava_cultist_area
Card TagsThe Life Thief
The Blazing Fire
The Journalist
entrance canal_end open canal_end bridge block canal_end canal_end exit side feeding_trough 100
entrance canal_end open canal_end bridge side blocked bridge exit canal_end feeding_trough 100
entrance canal_end open_collapse canal_end block bridge exit side canal_end feeding_trough 100
entrance canal_end open canal_end bridge block side side canal_end exit feeding_trough 100
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
66Kitava's Herald129,0045380.97485436,48436,8492323230
66Desecrated Thrall9,7733381.9955,46130,7081010100
66Wicker Man14,6605061.75512,28749,1321010100
66Warped Regurgitator12,7054192.2057,80924,566015015
66Warped Regurgitator12,7054192.2057,80924,566015015
66Kitava Zealot9,7734391.2454,36930,70800200
66Kitava Zealot9,7734391.24,36930,70800200
66Kitava Zealot9,7734391.24,36930,70800200

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