Corrupted Area /55 ⍟
NameBossAreaEntrance Type
Strange SinkholeMother of the Hive
Arid Lake Map
The Coast
The Tidal Island
The Mud Flats
The Fetid Pool
The Flooded Depths
The Ship Graveyard Cave
The Cavern of Wrath
The Cavern of Anger
The Twilight Strand
The Coast
The Tidal Island
The Karui Fortress
The Cavern of Anger
Concealed CavityThe All-seeing Eye
Flooded Mine Map
The Coast
The Tidal Island
The Submerged Passage
The Coast
The Tidal Island
Sunken ShinglePerquil the Lucky
Beach Map
The Mud Flats
The Ship Graveyard
The Mud Flats
The Beacon
The Brine King's Reef
Clouded RidgeKonu, Maker of Wind
Lighthouse Map
The Ledge
Forgotten OublietteConiraya, Shadow of Malice
Dungeon Map
The Lower Prison
The Upper Prison
The Lower Prison
Shavronne's Tower
Remote GulchSheaq, Maker of Floods
Arid Lake Map
Strand Map
Canyon Map
The Coast
The Climb
Prisoner's Gate
The Ship Graveyard
The Coast
Prisoner's Gate
The Beacon
Narrow RavineKamaq, Soilmaker
The Western Forest
The Wetlands
The Western Forest
The Wetlands
Mystical ClearingSimi, the Nature Touched
The Riverways
Covered-up HollowCintiq, the Inescapable
Graveyard Map
Fungal Hollow Map
Grotto Map
The Den
The Fellshrine Ruins
The Fellshrine Ruins
The Den
The Sarn Ramparts
The Hidden Underbelly
Hidden PatchThornrunner
Peninsula Map
The Old Fields
The Crossroads
The Broken Bridge
The Broken Bridge
The Crossroads
The Ashen Fields
The Imperial Fields
Entombed AlcoveShrapnelbearer
Bramble Valley Map
The Crypt Level 1
The Crypt Level 2
Secret LaboratoryAtziri's Pride
The Chamber of Sins Level 1
The Chamber of Sins Level 2
The Chamber of Sins Level 1
The Chamber of Sins Level 2
Maligaro's Sanctum
Secluded CopseKutec, Vaal Fleshsmith
Spider Lair Map
Barrows Map
The Southern Forest
The Northern Forest
The Weaver's Chambers
The Dread Thicket
The Riverways
The Southern Forest
The Beacon
The Northern Forest
The Dread Thicket
Forbidden ChamberHaviri, Vaal Metalsmith
Burial Chambers Map
Maze Map
Ancient City Map
Bramble Valley Map
The Vaal Ruins
The Caverns
The Ancient Pyramid
The Vaal City
Quarantined QuartersThe Sunburst Queen
The Slums
Disused FurnaceCurator Miem
Cells Map
The Crematorium
Blind AlleyM'gaska, the Living Pyre
The Quay
The Grain Gate
Entombed ChamberOssecati, Boneshaper
The Catacombs
Sacred ChambersShadow of Vengeance
Ivory Temple Map
The Solaris Temple Level 1
The Solaris Temple Level 2
The Solaris Temple Level 1
The Solaris Temple Level 2
Stagnant CanalWiraqucha, Ancient Guardian
The Docks
The Harbour Bridge
Walled-off DuctsCava, Artist of Pain
Toxic Sewer Map
The Sewers
The Toxic Conduits
Doedre's Cesspool
Neglected CellarRima, Deep Temptress
Arcade Map
The City of Sarn
The Marketplace
The Battlefront
The Ebony Barracks
The Lunaris Concourse
The Grain Gate
The Imperial Fields
The Solaris Concourse
Arcane ChambersBeheader Ataguchu
The Lunaris Temple Level 1
The Lunaris Temple Level 2
Inner GroundsInti of the Blood Moon
Ivory Temple Map
The Imperial Gardens
Sealed CorridorsWiraq, the Impaler
The Sceptre of God
The Upper Sceptre of God
Restricted GalleryCh'aska, Maker of Rain
The Library
The Archives
The High Gardens
Forgotten ConduitTorrent of Fear
Dungeon Map
Channel Map
The Aqueduct
The Blood Aqueduct
The Refinery
Ancient CatacombCommander of Flesh
Desert Map
The Dried Lake
Haunted MineshaftCalxipher
Excavation Map
The Mines Level 1
The Mines Level 2
The Crystal Veins
The Tunnel
The Quarry
Abandoned DamQuetzerxi
Leyline Map
The Dried Lake
Desolate TrackQuetzerxi
Glacier Map
The Ascent
The Descent
Reclaimed BarracksHuitepa the Blind
Pen Map
Cage Map
The Control Blocks
The Control Blocks
Sealed BasementGuraq, Daylight's Blade
Haunted Mansion Map
Oriath Square
The Ruined Square
The Ravaged Square
The Canals
The Feeding Trough
Secluded CanalXuatl, Cutting Wind
Alleyways Map
City Square Map
Oriath Square
The Ruined Square
The Ravaged Square
The Canals
The Feeding Trough
Forbidden ArchivesExartze, the Woven Stone
Courthouse Map
Haunted Mansion Map
The Templar Courts
Cremated ArchivesExartze, the Woven Stone
The Torched Courts
The Torched Courts
Twisted InquisitoriumAnacuacotli, Death's Worship
The Chamber of Innocence
The Desecrated Chambers
Deathly ChambersHarbinger of Disorder
Mausoleum Map
The Ossuary
The Ossuary
Restricted CollectionIorphia, Dream Eater
Relic Chambers Map
The Reliquary
The Reliquary
Side ChapelDaluatti, Stoneraiser
Lookout Map
The Cathedral Rooftop
The Cathedral Rooftop
Radiant PoolsPerquil the Lucky
Stagnation Map
The Mud Flats
The Karui Fortress
Clouded LedgeSimi, the Nature Touched
The Ridge
Sealed RepositoryInti of the Blood Moon
The Crypt
Flooded ComplexM'gaska, the Living Pyre
The Causeway
Forbidden ShrineShrapnelbearer
The Temple of Decay Level 1
The Temple of Decay Level 2
Evacuated QuarterCurator Miem
Port Map
The Grand Promenade
Concealed CaldariumCava, Artist of Pain
Port Map
Chateau Map
Conservatory Map
The Bath House
Moonlit ChambersBeheader Ataguchu
The Lunaris Temple Level 1
The Lunaris Temple Level 2
Shifting SandsWiraq, the Impaler
The Vastiri Desert
The Oasis
Forgotten GulchCurator Miem
The Foothills
Desolate IsleWiraqucha, Ancient Guardian
Sulphur Vents Map
The Boiling Lake
Dusty BluffQuetzerxi
The Oasis
Isolated SoundTorrent of Fear
Iceberg Map
Frozen Cabins Map
Suffocating FissureM'gaska, the Living Pyre
Volcano Map
Crater Map
Frozen SpringsBeheader Ataguchu
Cold River Map
Forbidden Woods Map
Text Audio /3 ⍟
Vaal side areaResearch Journal4
Vaal side areaVaal Letter12
Vaal side areaAtziri, Queen of the Vaal

Community Wiki


Vaal side area

A Vaal side area or corrupted area is a randomly-generated side area indicated by a glowing, beating heart and swirling ribbons of blood. Every corrupted area contains a boss, guarding a Vaal Vessel that drops Vaal Skill Gems, Vaal Fragments, and corrupted equipment. One Vaal skill gem is guaranteed to drop. Near the vessel there is a Vaal Letter or Research Journal, which provides Vaal-related lore.

Corrupted areas have modifiers, similar to end-game Mapss, which substantially increase their difficulty. Since corrupted items cannot be modified, the modifiers cannot be rerolled. Corrupted areas found in act zones spawn have 1 to 2 affixes (magic), while corrupted areas found in maps spawn with 4 to 6 affixes (rare).

Due to the small size of corrupted areas, league mechanics are generally disabled from spawning in corrupted areas during challenge leagues. Masters, more corrupted areas and Trials of Ascendancy also cannot spawn in corrupted areas. Notable exceptions which CAN spawn in them include Silver Coins, Strongboxes, Shrines, Rogue exiles and Tormented Spirits. Many of the corrupted area bosses were also formerly Invasion bosses.

A Vaal fragment can be used in the Map Device to generate a random Vaal side area.

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