Support Gems Gem /205
Attack Melee Strike Slam Warcry Spell Arcane Brand Channelling Physical Fire Cold Lightning Chaos Bow Projectile Chaining Prismatic Minion Mine Trap Totem Aura Movement Hex Mark Support Exceptional AoE Trigger Duration Blessing Critical Link
Chance to Bleed Support (1)
Attack, Physical, Support
Empower Support (1)
Exceptional, Support
Ruthless Support (1)
Slam, Support, Melee, Attack, Strike
Ancestral Call Support (4)
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike
Added Fire Damage Support (8)
Fire, Physical, Support
Ballista Totem Support (8)
Bow, Projectile, Support, Totem
Earthbreaker Support (8)
Attack, Melee, Slam, AoE, Support, Totem
Flamewood Support (8)
Support, Totem, Spell, AoE, Fire, Projectile, Trigger
Knockback Support (8)
Life Gain on Hit Support (8)
Attack, Support
Lifetap Support (8)
Support, Duration
Maim Support (8)
Attack, Physical, Support
Melee Splash Support (8)
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike, AoE
Spell Totem Support (8)
Support, Spell, Totem
Stun Support (8)
Bloodlust Support (18)
Attack, Physical, Support, Melee
Cold to Fire Support (18)
Cold, Fire, Support
Cruelty Support (18)
Support, Duration
Damage on Full Life Support (18)
Attack, Support
Elemental Damage with Attacks Support (18)
Attack, Support
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Support (18)
Support, Melee, Attack
Iron Grip Support (18)
Projectile, Physical, Support
Iron Will Support (18)
Spell, Support
Melee Physical Damage Support (18)
Melee, Physical, Support, Attack
Rage Support (18)
Support, Melee, Attack
Shockwave Support (18)
Support, Melee, Attack, AoE
Volatility Support (18)
Attack, Support
Arrogance Support (31)
Aura, Support
Bloodthirst Support (31)
Attack, Physical, Support
Burning Damage Support (31)
Fire, Support
Controlled Blaze Support (31)
Fire, Support, Melee, Attack
Corrupting Cry Support (31)
AoE, Physical, Support, Warcry, Duration
Divine Blessing Support (31)
Support, Aura, Duration, Blessing
Fire Penetration Support (31)
Fire, Support
Fortify Support (31)
Attack, Support, Melee
Generosity Support (31)
Support, Aura
Guardian's Blessing Support (31)
Support, Aura, Blessing, Minion
Inspiration Support (31)
Critical, Support
Less Duration Support (31)
Support, Duration
Life Leech Support (31)
Pulverise Support (31)
AoE, Support, Melee, Attack
Urgent Orders Support (31)
Warcry, Support
Behead Support (38)
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike
Brutality Support (38)
Physical, Support
Cast when Damage Taken Support (38)
Support, Spell, Trigger
Cast on Melee Kill Support (38)
Support, Melee, Attack, Spell, Trigger
Eternal Blessing Support (38)
Support, Aura, Blessing
Fist of War Support (38)
Slam, Attack, Melee, AoE, Support
Multiple Totems Support (38)
Totem, Support
Multistrike Support (38)
Attack, Melee, Support
Trauma Support (38)
Physical, Support, Melee, Attack, Strike, Duration
Awakened Added Fire Damage Support (72)
Fire, Physical, Support
Awakened Ancestral Call Support (72)
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike
Awakened Brutality Support (72)
Physical, Support
Awakened Burning Damage Support (72)
Fire, Support
Awakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support (72)
Attack, Support
Awakened Empower Support (72)
Exceptional, Support
Awakened Fire Penetration Support (72)
Fire, Support
Awakened Generosity Support (72)
Support, Aura
Awakened Melee Physical Damage Support (72)
Melee, Physical, Support, Attack
Awakened Melee Splash Support (72)
Support, Melee, Attack, Strike, AoE
Awakened Multistrike Support (72)
Attack, Melee, Support
Chance to Poison Support (1)
Chaos, Support
Enhance Support (1)
Exceptional, Support
Momentum Support (1)
Attack, Support, Duration
Mirage Archer Support (4)
Bow, Attack, Support, Duration
Pierce Support (4)
Support, Projectile
Swift Assembly Support (4)
Support, Trap, Mine
Volley Support (4)
Support, Projectile
Added Cold Damage Support (8)
Cold, Support
Additional Accuracy Support (8)
Attack, Support
Arrow Nova Support (8)
Bow, Attack, Support, Projectile
Blind Support (8)
Chance to Flee Support (8)
Faster Attacks Support (8)
Attack, Support
Lesser Multiple Projectiles Support (8)
Support, Projectile
Locus Mine Support (8)
Bow, Attack, Support, Projectile, Mine
Manaforged Arrows Support (8)
Bow, Support, Trigger
Multiple Traps Support (8)
Support, Trap
Trap Support (8)
Support, Trap
Void Manipulation Support (8)
Chaos, Support
Block Chance Reduction Support (18)
Support, Duration
Close Combat Support (18)
Support, Melee, Attack, Duration
Culling Strike Support (18)
Deadly Ailments Support (18)
Nightblade Support (18)
Attack, Critical, Support
Point Blank Support (18)
Projectile, Attack, Support
Sadism Support (18)
Trap and Mine Damage Support (18)
Support, Trap, Mine
Vicious Projectiles Support (18)
Projectile, Attack, Physical, Chaos, Support
Advanced Traps Support (31)
Trap, Support
Charged Traps Support (31)
Critical, Support, Trap
Cold Penetration Support (31)
Cold, Support
Critical Strike Affliction Support (31)
Critical, Support
Faster Projectiles Support (31)
Support, Projectile
Focused Ballista Support (31)
Projectile, Support, Totem
Fork Support (31)
Support, Projectile
Hypothermia Support (31)
Cold, Support
Ice Bite Support (31)
Cold, Support
Impale Support (31)
Attack, Physical, Support
Mana Leech Support (31)
Second Wind Support (31)
Slower Projectiles Support (31)
Support, Projectile
Swift Affliction Support (31)
Support, Duration
Barrage Support (38)
Bow, Attack, Support, Projectile
Cast On Critical Strike Support (38)
Critical, Support, Spell, Trigger
Cast on Death Support (38)
Support, Spell, Trigger
Chain Support (38)
Support, Chaining, Projectile
Cluster Traps Support (38)
Trap, Support
Greater Multiple Projectiles Support (38)
Support, Projectile
Greater Volley Support (38)
Support, Projectile
Mark On Hit Support (38)
Support, Mark, Trigger
Returning Projectiles Support (38)
Support, Projectile
Vile Toxins Support (38)
Withering Touch Support (38)
Chaos, Physical, Attack, Support, Duration
Awakened Added Cold Damage Support (72)
Cold, Support
Awakened Arrow Nova Support (72)
Bow, Attack, Support, Projectile
Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support (72)
Critical, Support, Spell, Trigger
Awakened Chain Support (72)
Support, Chaining, Projectile
Awakened Cold Penetration Support (72)
Cold, Support
Awakened Deadly Ailments Support (72)
Awakened Enhance Support (72)
Exceptional, Support
Awakened Fork Support (72)
Support, Projectile
Awakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support (72)
Support, Projectile
Awakened Swift Affliction Support (72)
Support, Duration
Awakened Vicious Projectiles Support (72)
Projectile, Attack, Physical, Chaos, Support
Awakened Void Manipulation Support (72)
Chaos, Support
Arcane Surge Support (1)
Arcane, Support, Spell, Duration
Elemental Proliferation Support (1)
Cold, Fire, Lightning, Support, AoE
Enlighten Support (1)
Exceptional, Support
Prismatic Burst Support (1)
Support, Spell, AoE, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Prismatic, Trigger
Infused Channelling Support (4)
Support, Channelling
Spell Cascade Support (4)
AoE, Spell, Support
Summon Phantasm Support (4)
Support, Minion
Added Lightning Damage Support (8)
Lightning, Support
Blastchain Mine Support (8)
Support, Mine
Combustion Support (8)
Fire, Support
Devour Support (8)
Efficacy Support (8)
Support, Duration
Increased Critical Strikes Support (8)
Critical, Support
Infernal Legion Support (8)
Fire, AoE, Support, Minion
Minion Damage Support (8)
Support, Minion
Unbound Ailments Support (8)
Concentrated Effect Support (18)
Support, AoE
Controlled Destruction Support (18)
Spell, Critical, Support
Elemental Focus Support (18)
Faster Casting Support (18)
Support, Spell
Fresh Meat Support (18)
Critical, Support, Minion
Increased Critical Damage Support (18)
Critical, Support
Minion Life Support (18)
Support, Minion
Minion Speed Support (18)
Movement, Support, Minion
Overcharge Support (18)
Lightning, Support
Physical to Lightning Support (18)
Lightning, Physical, Support
Power Charge On Critical Support (18)
Critical, Support
Predator Support (18)
Support, Minion, Spell, Duration
Sacred Wisps Support (18)
Attack, Support, Trigger, Duration, Spell
Trinity Support (18)
Added Chaos Damage Support (31)
Chaos, Support
Archmage Support (31)
Lightning, Arcane, Support, Spell
Blasphemy Support (31)
Support, Hex, Aura
Charged Mines Support (31)
Critical, Support, Mine
Cursed Ground Support (31)
AoE, Duration, Support, Hex
Elemental Army Support (31)
Support, Minion
Elemental Penetration Support (31)
Energy Leech Support (31)
Feeding Frenzy Support (31)
Support, Minion, Duration
High-Impact Mine Support (31)
Mine, Support, AoE, Aura
Impending Doom Support (31)
Support, Hex, Spell, AoE, Chaos, Trigger
Innervate Support (31)
Lightning, Support, Duration
Intensify Support (31)
AoE, Spell, Support
Item Rarity Support (31)
Lightning Penetration Support (31)
Lightning, Support
Meat Shield Support (31)
Support, Minion
Pinpoint Support (31)
Support, Projectile, Spell
Sacrifice Support (31)
Chaos, Support, Spell
Swiftbrand Support (31)
Brand, Support
Bonechill Support (38)
Cold, Support
Cast when Stunned Support (38)
Support, Spell, Trigger
Cast while Channelling Support (38)
Support, Channelling, Spell, Trigger
Decay Support (38)
Chaos, Support
Frigid Bond Support (38)
Cold, Support, Link, Duration
Hex Bloom Support (38)
Support, Hex
Hextouch Support (38)
Support, Hex, Trigger
Ignite Proliferation Support (38)
Fire, Support, AoE
Immolate Support (38)
Fire, Support
Increased Area of Effect Support (38)
Support, AoE
Minefield Support (38)
Support, Mine
Spell Echo Support (38)
Spell, Support
Spellblade Support (38)
Support, Spell
Unleash Support (38)
Spell, Support
Awakened Added Chaos Damage Support (72)
Chaos, Support
Awakened Added Lightning Damage Support (72)
Lightning, Support
Awakened Blasphemy Support (72)
Support, Hex, Aura
Awakened Cast While Channelling Support (72)
Support, Channelling, Spell, Trigger
Awakened Controlled Destruction Support (72)
Spell, Critical, Support
Awakened Elemental Focus Support (72)
Awakened Enlighten Support (72)
Exceptional, Support
Awakened Hextouch Support (72)
Support, Hex, Trigger
Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support (72)
Support, AoE
Awakened Lightning Penetration Support (72)
Lightning, Support
Awakened Minion Damage Support (72)
Support, Minion
Awakened Spell Cascade Support (72)
AoE, Spell, Support
Awakened Spell Echo Support (72)
Spell, Support
Awakened Unbound Ailments Support (72)
Awakened Unleash Support (72)
Spell, Support
Support Gems List /205 ⍟
IconSkillNameLevelCost & Reservation MultiplierAdded Tag
!Cast when Damage Taken Support38250%Triggered, Cooldown
!Cast on Death Support380%Triggered
!Cast when Stunned Support38100%Triggered, Cooldown
#Trauma Support38140%Duration
&Cast on Melee Kill Support38120%
&Cast On Critical Strike Support38120%
&Awakened Cast On Critical Strike Support72120%
&Hextouch Support38130%
&Awakened Hextouch Support72130%
*Locus Mine Support850%RemoteMined, HasReservation
*Hex Bloom Support38140%
*Devour Support8120%
+Empower Support1130%
+Awakened Empower Support72130%
+Enhance Support1120%
+Awakened Enhance Support72120%
+Enlighten Support1100%
+Awakened Enlighten Support72100%
-Charged Mines Support31120%
3Multistrike Support38150%NeverExertable
3Awakened Multistrike Support72150%NeverExertable
8Second Wind Support31200%
=Volley Support4130%
AAncestral Call Support4130%
AAwakened Ancestral Call Support72130%
aDivine Blessing Support31100%Duration, Blessing, ReservationBecomesCost
AFaster Attacks Support8110%
aAdditional Accuracy Support8110%
ABlasphemy Support31100%HasReservation, TotemCastsWhenNotDetached, TotemCastsAlone, Aura, AuraAffectsEnemies, CanHaveBlessing, Cooldown
aEfficacy Support8130%
AAwakened Blasphemy Support72100%HasReservation, TotemCastsWhenNotDetached, Aura, AuraAffectsEnemies, CanHaveBlessing, Cooldown
BArrogance Support31220%
bBurning Damage Support31130%
bAwakened Burning Damage Support72130%
bPoint Blank Support18110%
BBlock Chance Reduction Support18100%Duration
bInfused Channelling Support4130%
BBonechill Support38130%
CBloodthirst Support31140%
cEternal Blessing Support38100%Blessing
CCorrupting Cry Support311000%DamageOverTime, Duration
CAdded Cold Damage Support8120%
cChain Support38150%
CAwakened Added Cold Damage Support72120%
cAwakened Chain Support72150%
cIncreased Critical Damage Support18130%
CControlled Destruction Support18140%
CAwakened Controlled Destruction Support72140%
dLess Duration Support31130%
dVicious Projectiles Support18130%
DHypothermia Support31130%
dAwakened Vicious Projectiles Support72130%
dMinion Damage Support8140%
DDecay Support38120%
dAwakened Minion Damage Support72140%
eEndurance Charge on Melee Stun Support18120%
EChance to Bleed Support1120%
eVile Toxins Support38130%
EIncreased Area of Effect Support38130%
eMinion Speed Support18120%
EAwakened Increased Area of Effect Support72130%
FAdded Fire Damage Support8120%
fDamage on Full Life Support18130%
FAwakened Added Fire Damage Support72120%
fFlamewood Support8140%
FCharged Traps Support31120%
fFaster Casting Support18110%
FElemental Focus Support18130%
FAwakened Elemental Focus Support72130%
fFresh Meat Support18140%Buff
fFrigid Bond Support38140%DamageOverTime, DegenOnlySpellDamage, NonHitChill, Duration
GGenerosity Support31100%
gRage Support18130%
GAwakened Generosity Support72100%
gGuardian's Blessing Support31200%Blessing
GArrow Nova Support8150%Rain
GAwakened Arrow Nova Support72150%Rain
GSummon Phantasm Support4120%CreatesMinion, MinionsCanExplode
gEnergy Leech Support31130%
hLife Gain on Hit Support8130%
HBehead Support38130%
HAdded Chaos Damage Support31120%
hFeeding Frenzy Support31120%Duration
hPredator Support18130%
HAwakened Added Chaos Damage Support72120%
iIron Grip Support18110%
iDeadly Ailments Support18140%
IImpale Support31130%
iAwakened Deadly Ailments Support72140%
iCombustion Support8130%
IIgnite Proliferation Support38130%Area
jFaster Projectiles Support31120%
JSlower Projectiles Support31120%
JPrismatic Burst Support1130%
kKnockback Support8100%
KIce Bite Support31120%
kMark On Hit Support38200%Triggered, Cooldown
kSpell Echo Support38150%
KInnervate Support31120%Duration
kAwakened Spell Echo Support72150%
lLife Leech Support31110%
LBloodlust Support18140%
lLesser Multiple Projectiles Support8130%
LCluster Traps Support38140%
LAdded Lightning Damage Support8120%
lElemental Penetration Support31130%
LAwakened Added Lightning Damage Support72120%
MMelee Physical Damage Support18130%
mMaim Support8130%
MAwakened Melee Physical Damage Support72130%
mMana Leech Support31100%
MMirage Archer Support4130%Duration
MMinefield Support38140%
mImmolate Support38120%
MSacred Wisps Support18140%
nMomentum Support1110%Duration, Buff
NBarrage Support38150%
nMinion Life Support18120%
NArcane Surge Support1130%Duration
OFortify Support31130%
oUrgent Orders Support31200%
oCritical Strike Affliction Support31130%
OChance to Poison Support1120%
oConcentrated Effect Support18140%
OInfernal Legion Support8120%CausesBurning, DamageOverTime
PPulverise Support31130%
PGreater Multiple Projectiles Support38150%
pPierce Support4120%
PAwakened Greater Multiple Projectiles Support72150%
PPower Charge On Critical Support18120%
pSpell Cascade Support4130%
pAwakened Spell Cascade Support72130%
qUnleash Support38150%
qAwakened Unleash Support72150%
rInspiration Support31120%
RBallista Totem Support8120%Trappable, Mineable, SummonsTotem, ReservationBecomesCost, TotemsAreBallistae
RReturning Projectiles Support38150%
rSwift Affliction Support31140%
RAdvanced Traps Support31120%
rAwakened Swift Affliction Support72140%
RItem Rarity Support31100%
rElemental Army Support31120%
SMelee Splash Support8130%Area
sShockwave Support18140%
SAwakened Melee Splash Support72130%Area
sClose Combat Support18140%Duration, Buff
sIncreased Critical Strikes Support8120%
SElemental Proliferation Support1110%Area
tStun Support8100%
TSpell Totem Support8200%Trappable, Mineable, SummonsTotem, ReservationBecomesCost
TLifetap Support8300%Duration
TTrap Support8120%Trapped, ReservationBecomesCost
tMultiple Traps Support8140%
TIntensify Support31140%
tSwiftbrand Support31130%
UBrutality Support38140%
uRuthless Support1120%
UAwakened Brutality Support72140%
uNightblade Support18140%
UManaforged Arrows Support8200%Triggered, Cooldown
UUnbound Ailments Support8120%
UAwakened Unbound Ailments Support72120%
VFire Penetration Support31130%
vMultiple Totems Support38140%
VAwakened Fire Penetration Support72130%
vVolatility Support18130%
VCold Penetration Support31130%
vVoid Manipulation Support8130%
VAwakened Cold Penetration Support72130%
vAwakened Void Manipulation Support72130%
VLightning Penetration Support31130%
vMeat Shield Support31120%
VAwakened Lightning Penetration Support72130%
WElemental Damage with Attacks Support18130%
wIron Will Support18110%
WAwakened Elemental Damage with Attacks Support72130%
WTrap and Mine Damage Support18130%
wWithering Touch Support38130%Duration
WCast while Channelling Support38120%
WAwakened Cast While Channelling Support72120%
xCold to Fire Support18120%
XFist of War Support38140%
XCulling Strike Support18110%
xBlind Support8110%
XSadism Support18130%
xPhysical to Lightning Support18120%
XImpending Doom Support31130%
YCruelty Support18140%Duration
YFork Support31130%
YAwakened Fork Support72130%
YBlastchain Mine Support850%RemoteMined, HasReservation
YHigh-Impact Mine Support3150%RemoteMined, HasReservation, Area, Aura, AuraAffectsEnemies
yTrinity Support18140%
ZControlled Blaze Support31130%
zChance to Flee Support8100%
ZSwift Assembly Support4110%
ZOvercharge Support18120%
^Focused Ballista Support31140%
^Archmage Support31100%
^Sacrifice Support31100%
_Cursed Ground Support31140%PreventHexTransfer
|Earthbreaker Support8200%SummonsTotem
|Spellblade Support38130%
«Pinpoint Support31140%
Greater Volley Support38150%

Community Wiki


Support Skill Gems

Support Skill Gems, more commonly referred to as support gems or just supports are an item class used to augment Skill Gemss (or known as "skill gem").

They are socketed in the same way as Skill Gemss, with the difference that they do not give access to another active skill. Instead, they modify any active skill gems in sockets linked to the support gem, while also typically increasing the Mana cost of the skill. The modifications vary based on both the active skill being altered and the support gem, and certain skill gem - support gem combinations will leave the skill unmodified. For instance a Clarity gem linked with Added Fire Damage Support remains unchanged. Please note that gem tags do not determine the supportability.

Multiple skill gems may be linked to a support gem, in which case it will modify all of the skills, and multiple support gems may be linked to a skill gem, in which case it will be modified by all of them. However, if two copies of a support gem are linked to the same skill, only the higher level gem will be used. If a Body Armours contains two copies of a skill gem linked to different sets of support gems, two separate versions of the skill will be available, each with their own modifications. This may be desirable if for instance one version has been modified for single target damage, while another has been modified for area of effect damage. Support Gems add an icon in the form of a coloured letter or symbol to any supported skills' icons on the Skill Bar.

In terms of modifiers, support gems with # gem tag (e.g. fire/minion) DOES NOT benefit from mod such as +1 to Level of all # (e.g. Fire/Minion) Skill Gems, since support [skill] gems is not a [active] skill gem.

Lastly, the "base" Support Skill Gems and Awakened Support Gems are considered the same gem. If socketing Awakened and non-Awakened gems together, only the Awakened gem has effects. This also applies to supporting the active skill with two copies of the same Support Skill Gems. In that case, only the higher level Support Skill Gem has effects.

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