Meat Shield Support
Level: (1–20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level (31–70), (52–111) Int
Supports skills which create Minions.
Minions from Supported Skills have 20% chance to Taunt on Hit
Supported Skills have (10–29)% increased Minion Movement Speed
Minions from Supported Skills deal (20–30)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments to Enemies that are Near you
Minions from Supported Skills take (15–24)% less Damage
Minions from Supported Skills are Defensive
(Defensive minions have their targeting range lowered to a maximum value. They always target enemies around you)

Additional Effects From Quality:
Minions from Supported Skills take (0–5)% less Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Quest /2
Level Effect /40
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level
Base Damage
Minions from Supported Skills take 15% less Damage
Minions from Supported Skills deal 20% more Damage with Hits and Ailments to Enemies that are Near you
Supported Skills have 10% increased Minion Movement Speed
Minion Level
13152100%, 100%1520102285,815
23457100%, 100%1521114252,595
33660100%, 100%1621126314,394
43863100%, 100%1622138388,734
54066100%, 100%17221410477,437
64269100%, 100%17231512583,786
74472100%, 100%18231614710,359
84675100%, 100%182417161,355,511
94878100%, 100%192418181,138,877
105081100%, 100%192519201,368,233
115284100%, 100%202520221,638,338
125487100%, 100%202621241,956,648
135690100%, 100%212622263,655,184
145893100%, 100%212723283,017,327
156096100%, 100%222724307,720,126
166299100%, 100%2228253215,058,455
1764102100%, 100%2328263425,964,218
1866105100%, 100%2329273662,460,771
1968108100%, 100%24292838211,508,743
2070111100%, 100%24302940
2172100%, 100%25303042
2274100%, 100%25313144
2376100%, 100%26313246
2478100%, 100%26323348
2580100%, 100%27323450
2682100%, 100%27333552
2784100%, 100%28333654
2886100%, 100%28343756
2988100%, 100%29343858
3090100%, 100%29353960
3191100%, 100%30354062
3292100%, 100%30364164
3393100%, 100%31364266
3494100%, 100%31374368
3595100%, 100%32374470
3696100%, 100%32384572
3797100%, 100%33384674
3898100%, 100%33394776
3999100%, 100%34394878
40100100%, 100%34404980
Attribute /8

Meat Shield Support

CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1xOrb of Chance
AcronymHit, Minion, Taunt, Ailment
DropLevel 31
BaseType Meat Shield Support
Class Support Gems
ItemTypeMetadata/Items/Gems/SupportGemMeatShield, Community Wiki
Meat Shield Support
Level: (1–20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 120%
Requires Level (31–70), (52–111) Int
Supports skills which create Minions.
Minions from Supported Skills have 20% chance to Taunt on Hit
Supported Skills have (10–29)% increased Minion Movement Speed
Minions from Supported Skills deal (20–30)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments to Enemies that are Near you
Minions from Supported Skills take (15–24)% less Damage
Minions from Supported Skills are Defensive
(Defensive minions have their targeting range lowered to a maximum value. They always target enemies around you)

Additional Effects From Quality:
Minions from Supported Skills take (0–5)% less Damage
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Supported Gem /52
  • Allow Type: CreatesMinion
  • Raise Zombie
    Raises a zombie minion from a corpse, which will follow you and attack enemies with a melee strike.
    Raise Zombie of Slamming
    Raises a zombie minion from a corpse, which will follow you and attack enemies with a melee strike and an area of effect slam which cannot be evaded.
    Raise Zombie of Falling
    Raises necromantic energies into the sky above a targeted location, where they coalesce into a zombie minion. The minion then attacks by falling to the ground, causing an impact that deals damage in an area and kills the zombie.
    Raise Spectre
    Raises a spectral version of a defeated foe as a minion to fight for you in battle.
    Raise Spectre of Transience
    Raises a spectral version of a defeated foe as a temporary minion to fight for you in battle for a duration.
    Summon Skeletons
    Summon Skeleton Warrior minions at the targeted location. They use a melee attack and die after a duration. If made aggressive, Skeleton Warriors will also dash towards nearby enemies.
    Summon Skeletons of Archers
    Summon Skeleton Archer minions at the targeted location. They fire arrows and die after a duration.
    Summon Skeletons of Mages
    Summon Skeleton Mage minions of random elemental types at the targeted location. They cast projectile spells based on their element, and die after a duration.
    Vaal Summon Skeletons
    Summons an army of skeletal soldiers, archers and mages, led by a powerful general.
    Dominating Blow
    Attacks enemies with a melee strike, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the enemy's corpse will be consumed and a Sentinel of Dominance with the same rarity, prefix and suffix modifiers will be summoned for a longer secondary duration.
    Dominating Blow of Inspiring
    Attacks enemies with a melee strike, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the enemy's corpse will be consumed and a Sentinel of Dominance with the same rarity, prefix and suffix modifiers will be summoned for a longer secondary duration.
    Animate Guardian
    Animates a melee weapon or armour, attaching it to an invisible Guardian that fights by your side. Animating multiple items attaches them to the same Guardian. You cannot animate unidentified items. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.
    Animate Guardian of Smiting
    Animates a melee weapon or armour, attaching it to an invisible Guardian that fights by your side using Smite of Divine Judgement, ignoring weapon restrictions. Animating multiple items attaches them to the same Guardian. You cannot animate unidentified items. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.
    Animate Weapon
    Animates a Melee Weapon Item or Lingering Blade to fight by your side. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.
    Animate Weapon of Self Reflection
    Animates a copy of your main hand Melee Weapon to fight by your side. Cannot be used by Totems, Traps or Mines.
    Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms
    Animates a Ranged Weapon Item or Lingering Blade to fight by your side. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.
    Summon Raging Spirit
    Summons a short-lived flaming skull that rushes at nearby enemies and attacks them rapidly, converting all its physical damage to fire. Enemies will not directly engage these spirits, and can pass through them.
    Summon Raging Spirit of Enormity
    Summons a short-lived flaming skull that rushes at nearby enemies and attacks them rapidly, converting all its physical damage to fire. Enemies will not directly engage these spirits, and can pass through them.
    Herald of Agony
    Grants a buff giving more poison damage and a chance to inflict poison. When you poison an enemy while you have this buff, you gain Virulence, and summon an Agony Crawler minion that uses projectile and area attacks. You will lose Virulence over time, at a rate which increases the more Virulence you have. The minion will die when you have no Virulence.
    Herald of Purity
    Grants a buff which lets you deal more physical damage. When you kill an enemy while you have this buff, this skill will summon a Sentinel of Purity, or refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them. The Sentinels of Purity have a single-target melee attack and an area melee attack.
    Blink Arrow
    Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, you are teleported to it and a clone is summoned at your old location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver.
    Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones
    Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, you are teleported to it and a clone is summoned at your old location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire arrows into the air to land around a target.
    Blink Arrow of Prismatic Clones
    Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, you are teleported to it and a clone is summoned at your old location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire random elemental arrows which convert all physical damage to the chosen element and deal no damage of other damage types.
    Mirror Arrow
    Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, a clone is summoned. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver.
    Mirror Arrow of Bombarding Clones
    Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, a clone is summoned. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire arrows into the air to land around a target.
    Mirror Arrow of Prismatic Clones
    Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, a clone is summoned. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver to fire random elemental arrows which convert all physical damage to the chosen element and deal no damage of other damage types.
    Summon Chaos Golem
    Summons a Chaos Golem that grants you Physical Damage Reduction. The Chaos Golem can cast a damage over time Chaos aura and a cascade of Chaos spikes in addition to its melee attack.
    Summon Chaos Golem of Hordes
    Summons a Chaos Golem. The Chaos Golem can cast a damage over time Chaos aura and a cascade of Chaos spikes in addition to its melee attack.
    Summon Chaos Golem of the Maelström
    Summons a Chaos Golem. The Chaos Golem can cast a powerful damage over time Chaos aura that Withers enemies in addition to its melee attack.
    Summon Ice Golem
    Summons an Ice Golem that grants you increased Critical Strike Chance and Accuracy. The Ice Golem can use an icy barrage spell and a chilling spinning attack in addition to its melee attack.
    Summon Ice Golem of Hordes
    Summons an Ice Golem. The Ice Golem can use an icy barrage spell and a chilling spinning attack in addition to its melee attack.
    Summon Ice Golem of Shattering
    Summons an Ice Golem. The Ice Golem can use an icy barrage spell and a chilling spinning attack in addition to its melee attack. If reduced to low life it will trigger a spell that destroys itself to deal area damage and fire icy projectiles in a circle.
    Summon Flame Golem
    Summons a Flame Golem that grants you increased Damage. The Flame Golem can cast a fire spray, a wave of fire damage, and an explosive arcing projectile.
    Summon Flame Golem of Hordes
    Summons a Flame Golem. The Flame Golem can cast a fire spray, a wave of fire damage, and an explosive arcing projectile.
    Summon Flame Golem of the Meteor
    Summons a Flame Golem. When summoned, the Flame Golem attacks by falling from the sky, dealing fire damage in an area and leaving burning ground around the impact. After landing, it can cast a fire spray and a wave of fire damage.
    Summon Lightning Golem
    Summons a Lightning Golem that grants you increased Attack and Cast speed. The Lightning Golem fires a projectile spell, creates orbs of Lightning that zap nearby enemies, and casts a temporary aura that grants added Lightning Damage to spells and attacks used by the Golem and its nearby allies.
    Summon Lightning Golem of Hordes
    Summons a Lightning Golem. The Lightning Golem fires a projectile spell, creates orbs of Lightning that zap nearby enemies, and casts a temporary aura that grants added Lightning Damage to spells and attacks used by the Golem and its nearby allies.
    Summon Stone Golem
    Summons a Stone Golem that grants you life regeneration. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.
    Summon Stone Golem of Hordes
    Summons a Stone Golem. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.
    Summon Stone Golem of Safeguarding
    Summons a Stone Golem that takes a portion of the melee damage you recieve from enemy hits from its life before yours. In addition to its melee attack, the Stone Golem uses a rolling charge and a powerful slam that can taunt enemies.
    Summon Holy Relic
    Summon a Holy Relic that stays near you. When you hit an enemy with an attack, the Holy Relic triggers a nova spell with a short cooldown, that deals physical damage to enemies and grants life regeneration to allies in an area around it. This life regeneration is higher when applied to minions.
    Summon Holy Relic of Conviction
    Summon a Holy Relic that stays near you. When you hit an enemy with an attack, the Holy Relic triggers a spell with a short cooldown, that deals physical damage to enemies in an area around a nearby enemy.
    Summon Carrion Golem
    Summons a Carrion Golem that grants added physical damage for your non-golem minions. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, as well as a cascade of bone spikes, and deals more damage for each of your non-golem minions near it.
    Summon Carrion Golem of Hordes
    Summons a Carrion Golem. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, as well as a cascade of bone spikes.
    Summon Carrion Golem of Scavenging
    Summons a Carrion Golem. The Carrion Golem attacks with a series of slashes that increase in speed and damage, can consume corpses to heal itself and gain the ability to unleash a devastating cascade of bone spikes, and deals more damage for each of your non-golem minions near it.
    Summon Skitterbots
    Summon a Chilling Skitterbot and a Shocking Skitterbot, which will trigger your traps and detonate your mines. Mines detonated by Skitterbots will re-arm and can then be detonated again. The Skitterbots grant you more trap and mine damage, and cannot be targeted or damaged.
    Damages enemies in an area, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the corpse will be consumed to summon a Sentinel of Absolution for a secondary duration, or to refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them.
    Absolution of Inspiring
    Damages enemies in an area, applying a debuff for a short duration. If a non-unique enemy dies while affected by the debuff, the corpse will be consumed to summon a Sentinel of Absolution for a secondary duration, or to refresh the duration and life of an existing one instead if you have the maximum number of them.
    Summon Reaper
    Summons a powerful Reaper which uses a variety of slashing area attacks. The Reaper's presence weakens your other minions, and it will consume them to temporarily empower and heal itself. Using this skill while the Reaper is already summoned causes it to dash to the targeted location and perform a powerful attack.
    Summon Reaper of Revenants
    Summons a Reaper which uses a variety of slashing area attacks. The presence of any Reapers weakens your other non-Reaper minions, and Reapers will consume them to temporarily empower and heal themselves.
    Summon Reaper of Eviscerating
    Summons a powerful Reaper which passively follows you without attacking enemies. The Reaper's presence weakens your other minions, and it will consume them to temporarily empower and heal itself. Using this skill while the Reaper is already summoned causes it to dash to the targeted location and perform a powerful attack. Cannot be triggered, supported by Spell Echo or Unleash, or used by Totems, Traps, or Mines.
    Vaal Animate Weapon
    Animates multiple Melee Weapon Items and Lingering Blades to fight by your side, and transforms them into different, unique weapons. You cannot animate unidentified Weapons. Will not animate weapons with 6 sockets. Cannot be used by Traps or Mines.
    Meat Shield Support Unique /1
    Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 1 Meat Shield
    (100–140)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
    +(50–80) to maximum Life
    (5–8)% increased Damage per Raised Zombie
    1% less Elemental Damage taken per Raised Zombie

    Community Wiki


    Meat Shield Support

    Meat Shield Support is a Support gem for minion skills. It changes the minions' behaviour to be defensive, causing them to stay close to their owner and prioritise attacking enemies close to their owner. It also causes the supported minions to take less damage, grants increased movement speed, a chance to taunt on hit, and grants them more damage against enemies near you.

    Version history

  • Updated various descriptions of conditional modifiers, such as the increased Damage against Ignited Enemies modifier on Gang's Momentum, to clarify the kinds of damage they can apply to.
  • (Not in patch notes) Updated Minions from Supported Skills deal (20-30)% more Damage to Enemies that are Near you to Minions from Supported Skills deal (20-30)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments to Enemies that are Near you. Note: this is just a visual change.
  • 3.15.0d
  • Meat Shield Support now has a Cost and Reservation Multiplier of 120% (previously 130%).
  • 3.8.0
  • Meat Shield Support has been added to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.